Stealth? Qin Guan couldn't help laughing in his heart. You think it's easy to change stealth!

In fact, changing to stealth aircraft is almost the same as RE development. The aerodynamic layout of the whole body has changed! It's like changing the J-10 into a stealth model. Although there are many fantasy pictures on the parallel space-time network, they are actually just YY. There is no real fighter at all.

There are many reasons. For example, if you want to change it into a stealth aircraft, you have to modify the nose and fuselage. The tall single vertical tail has to become double. In this way, the change is too big and it is absolutely new.

Of course, there is another thing, the belly air inlet. This way of belly air inlet is naturally unable to change the stealth, because from this big mouth, you can directly see the turbine fan blades of the engine. This blade will seriously produce a large number of radar wave reflections, leaving the aircraft nowhere to hide.

Even if the DSI inlet is used, it can only be partially modified and can not be completely blocked. If it has to be done, the internal inlet can only be made into S shape. This is also the reason why Sukhoi Design Bureau has been unable to really succeed in making stealth aircraft. This kind of stealth aircraft is almost congenital and defective.

The j-14 can be changed in this way because the j-14 easily blocks the engine blades in the two rib inlet. It is almost impossible for the lion fighter of the David people to change in this way.

Qin Guan thought secretly in his heart that David's idea is really long-term. They actually want to change the stealth aircraft. Do you agree or not?

"If you want to improve stealth, you need to invest a lot of money." Qin Guan said, "do you have such a budget? Moreover, if you want to develop stealth aircraft, will the eagle people agree?"

This is the difficulty of the kingdom of David. Although they are an independent country, they are checked and balanced by the eagle country everywhere.

If the eagle people don't agree, they can't do it. They don't know how many similar things they have experienced over the years. Moreover, they can't compete with the eagle people, because most of their military spending is supported by the eagle.

"We, with this belief, we must have a stealth plane!" lafar said.

Stealth planes are weapons that change the times. Since the eagle people are unwilling to export stealth planes to them, they can only develop them by themselves. After all, even the date country has such planes, and the happy desert country may also have such planes. Therefore, they will soon be surrounded by stealth planes. David has always liked to suppress opponents technically, How can you watch yourself suppressed? This is absolutely impossible!

They want to develop stealth aircraft!

No matter what the price!

"So, how are you going to develop? Are you there? If I guess right, your R & D must be supervised by Eagle country?" Qin Guan continued.

Since they have money and no place to spend, they can just help them spend it. Now, it depends on how they plan to spend the money. In their own country? Probably enough?

"Yes, we are not suitable in our own country. We hope to study together in your country," lafar said.

They think it's worth it to study in China and learn more technology at the same time.

Qin Guan frowned and asked them to come in. It's not good. After all, our aircraft R & D units have secret projects. The J-15 and j-20 are our trumps. They haven't been made public yet. How can we accept these people? After a long time, it will always leak.

Each research institute has its own top secret projects, and so on. It seems that another research institute is empty!

Of course, the 6601 Institute, once the largest military aircraft R & D unit in China, as the eldest brother of military aircraft R & D in China, is now in the weakest time. They only have one vertical takeoff and landing fighter project, which is obviously not enough. Since Davidson wants to jointly develop it, let Davidson join in and develop it with its own side.

After all, now 6601 Institute is also developing continuously, just like in that parallel time and space. Seeing that it has no project, it has set up a new stove and created a j-31. No matter how the project comes from, in short, this spirit of pursuing progress is also worthy of affirmation.

Now, they are indeed constantly changing. The production of VTOL fighters is bound not to be particularly high. Therefore, since someone pays them to practice, they can definitely give it to them. Thinking of this, Qin Guan nodded.

"Well, in that case, if you insist, we can try. However, we also hope you can cherish this opportunity. It's best not to happen in the past."

Ten years ago, the relationship between Han and Dawei was good. Han even helped rainbow to develop their sculptors. As a result, Han found that there were many chicken people in the R & D team. Chicken people were competitors and were stealing teachers and learning skills. Therefore, Qin Guan was quite angry and terminated all projects at that time.

Now, when Qin Guan mentioned these, lafar quickly nodded: "of course, we must send our own people, and there will be no other situation."

This is not going to a third country. The research unit is in the country of Han. How can someone else sneak in? Besides, they don't have a good relationship with Dassault now. There's no need to bring a lot of Dassault people to China to make trouble, right?

"Well, let's talk about the details of the contract as soon as possible. I think if we want to develop the stealth modification, we have to pay at least 3 billion Eagle yuan. You take 500 million first, and we'll start blowing holes."

500 million! After hearing Qin Guan's request, lafar still felt that he was black and did business with Qin Guan. This guy was really black. He didn't blink if he wanted to raise money. However, as long as Soros went well, they could still get a lot of money. It was enough to develop fighter planes.

"You don't have a wind tunnel in China, so you don't have the real ability to develop fighters at all. This time, you came to us and learned the research and development of fighters by the way." Qin Guan continued: "especially stealth aircraft, it's difficult to compromise. It's more important to test our design ability. Wind tunnel is very important."

In this way, of course, let the other party feel that the money is worth it. Moreover, what Qin Guan said is absolutely correct. What David lacks most is this wind tunnel.

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