The development of an aircraft costs a lot. Qin Guan now says that the three billion yuan is actually a small amount. In fact, it has to be doubled several times.

As long as you put it on, it's difficult to come down in the future.

All the projects were negotiated, which satisfied the guests of the kingdom of David. They talked about the friendship between the two sides here before they finally left.

"President Qin, do we really want to build stealth planes for the Davidians? After all, they belong to the Western camp." the scholar asked Qin Guan immediately after the other party left.

Qin will never make mistakes. President Qin must have his own reason for doing anything, but now, scholars still don't understand.

"Yes, why not? That's 200 million. The 6601 vertical takeoff and landing fighter must also invest a lot of money," Qin Guan said.

"Do you mean to let 6601 institute take over the project?" the scholar immediately brightened his eyes and secretly lamented that President Qin was smart. As expected, it was not comparable to ordinary people.

Now in China, 6601 have been marginalized. There are no 6601 new fighters, bombers and various advanced plans, so that they can only engage in vertical takeoff and landing fighters. Now, it's natural for them to help the Davidians with this project.

President Qin is so clever that he has thought of everything.

I admire the scholar very much.

"President Qin, do you want to inform 6601?" the scholar continued to ask.

This notice contains many aspects. For example, does president Qin want to get some technology for 6601?

Qin Guan shook his head: "let them do it by themselves."

Qin Guan can't do anything about this project, because the stealth modification of J-10 is all made by netizens YY. There is no such modification for the real J-10. The stealth aircraft of 6611 is j-20. Even if it is to change the Xiaolong, it won't change the J-10.

Therefore, Qin Guan has nothing on hand. This is just right. It can cultivate the positive R & D ability of 6601 Institute. Anyway, they have plenty of time and money.

"How's the war going over there?" Qin Guan asked.

More than a month has passed since the war broke out. Considering that the war could have ended in half a month, it has been more than a month now. The pressure on the eagle people is really unprecedented. They want an overwhelming advantage. It's just a delusion.

"Now, the air power of the jujube country has suffered a great loss." the scholar said: "the balance of war is beginning to tilt towards the eagle country."

At this time, the disadvantages of the date palm country have finally been shown. After being blocked for more than a month, many of their missile stocks have been in urgent need!

A modern war is a war of comprehensive national strength. If you buy it, you can't buy a modern army. This is the case in the date country.

At the beginning of the war, they could fight several beautiful counterattacks, but now, it is no longer possible. A large number of their advanced missiles are constantly consumed, and they can't supplement them if they want to. Up to now, many fighters can't take off, and many are waiting for the source of parts.

Although the Sabbath country was also oppressed, at least it could smuggle, but the date country could not. It was blocked all over the world. Even the bear country dared not smuggle. No one dared to make this money after Boris, the arms dealer, was attacked last time.

Therefore, the date country has been passively beaten. After more than a month of continuous bombing, many domestic facilities in the date country have also been damaged. For example, the domestic power plant has been almost bombed. If the generator is not prepared in advance, it may have collapsed.

"It's good for the date country to persist for such a long time. In particular, the casualties of the eagle people must be large."

The casualties of Eagle people are mainly caused by Scud missiles in the early stage and the bombing of date country at the beginning. Now, their casualties are decreasing, but the number has been shocking.

This war also taught many things to the Han people. For example, without modern weapons production capacity and a large amount of funds as backing, it is impossible to win a modern high-tech war. It is money!

The eagle Kingdom spent a lot of money and sacrificed a lot of soldiers. Finally, it took advantage.

"With the progress of the war, the party with strong comprehensive national strength can certainly persist." Qin Guan said, "this also gives us enlightenment, that is, it is urgent to continue to develop the country's economy. One or two advanced weapons can change the process of the war, but can not change the final fate of the war."

The scholar nodded. President Qin was right.

"Now, the eagle people's land equipment is going up. We can just see what level our equipment is in the land war."

The trump card equipment used by the yezao country is the 79 tanks of the Han country. When this kind of tank was exported, it did not shrink at all, and the armor used was the latest. When it fought with the Sabbath country, there were few battles between this kind of armor forces. Now, it is finally going to carry out the most exciting land armor battle.

In particular, the Han state also gave them its own tank operation teaching materials. The chubby armored Ali was actually a genius in the use of tanks. Therefore, Qin Guan looked forward to it.

If they encounter an air attack, they should be able to cope with it. The tank troops are accompanied by fierce self-defense firepower. They should not disgrace the equipment of the Han state.

There are few bright spots left, mainly the tank troops on the ground and the super artillery sold to them by our side!

Qin Guan will never forget his own creativity. He loaded the naval gun on the ballistic missile launcher and shuttled back and forth in the desert. It is difficult for the eagle people to find it. If he fired, it has an advantage over Scud, because it can't be intercepted at all!

The performance of this kind of artillery in this actual battle will also determine the final fate of the artillery. If it is a blockbuster, it may also set off a revolution in ground artillery and heavy-duty!

At that time, it also rushed to transport it to China at the first time, and even used ground effect aircraft to see the performance of this big guy in actual combat. The power of heavy artillery is quite terrible. Once it is fired, it is a big pit in a football field.

What will the eagle people say then? If they dare to criticize the Han state, they will not sell them the follow-up ammunition of the Kaishan missile!

It's a pity that he couldn't see such a battle scene with his own eyes. However, Qin Guan knew that he couldn't make trouble for the people around him. It's better not to mention this requirement.

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