The ground war is about to begin!

The army of yezao country is already ready, and even in the process of waiting, it has become impatient.

In previous wars, the army was the most important, and the army was even the only. As a result, the Navy came out, and then the aviation troops were separated from the army. The Army played a lower and lower role in the sequence of the three services.

Even in the Han Dynasty, the army has begun to reduce its troops. It is strengthening the strength of the air force and Navy, not to mention the eagle army of this offensive nature. The eagle country is deployed all over the world, and only the Navy and air force can enter the battle at the first time. The heavy equipment of the army is not easy to deploy quickly, They had to come in a slow freighter.

Moreover, any commander prefers to use the Navy and air force. When the air raid has defeated the enemy's forces, the army will go out. It can be said that the current mission of the army has become to clean the battlefield for others.

Day after day, the soldiers of the eagle country sighed when they watched the planes flying overhead.

Now, leaning on his M1 tank, Brian, a tank hand of the 64th regiment of the 24th infantry division, is smoking a cigarette and watching the planes flying in the sky.

"Now it seems that their losses are getting smaller and smaller. All the planes that went out to bomb have returned," Blair said.

He is a black man with dark skin and tall stature. There are many soldiers like him in the establishment of M1 tank. Their most important task is to move shells.

That's right. When Xiong Kingdom began to use the automatic loader long ago, the soldiers of Eagle Kingdom still used the human flesh loader such as black uncle. Of course, there are many reasons for this difference.

Xiong's tanks are relatively low, small in size and small in internal space. Therefore, almost all the tank hands of Xiong are small people of one meter and five meters. Such talents can operate flexibly in the tank. No matter how tall they are, they are inconvenient in the tank.

With the continuous development of tank guns, the caliber is becoming larger and larger, and the shells are becoming heavier and heavier, which means that it takes more and more effort to carry shells. The small tank hands of Xiong Guo begin to gradually increase the difficulty. Therefore, Xiong Guo simply removes the loading hands, so that there are only two people left in the turret, which is convenient to operate, expand space and kill more with one stone. In this way, Automatic loader is inevitable.

They have been using autoloaders since the t-64 tanks.

But the eagle country is different. The eagle country's tanks are very tall and have a large internal volume. Just when the bear country's tanks are still hovering over 30 or 40 tons, the eagle country's tanks are already 60 or 70 tons. The load-bearing wheels are also seven pairs of load-bearing wheels. The interior is very wide, and the turret is even wider. The internal space is more than enough for three people. Besides, the automatic loader is not reliable, It often breaks down. At the critical time, it has to rely on people. Therefore, the eagle tank has always been owned by four people. Anyway, there are so many black uncles in China, which is absolutely enough.

The failure rate of the automatic loader is very high. Even technologies such as Eagle country are reluctant to use. The reliability of bear country is even lower, especially the T-72. Shells are placed around the turret. It is common to die for explosion. As long as die for explosion, the turret will fly out.

On Blair's side was artillery commander Albert, who also had a cigarette in his mouth. He looked up at the sky, watched the plane fly by and said, "yes, now the air power of the date palm country has been almost hit. I think it's time for our tanks to go out. It's really expected."

The huge army hasn't started yet. Their M1 tanks haven't officially competed with the tanks of the date palm country.

"It's said that the elite tank troops of yezao country are equipped with 79 tanks imported from Han country. Our tanks don't know whether we can defeat their tanks."

"That's all right?" commander Kevin immediately retorted, "of course, our tanks have the most advanced performance. Although we still use 105mm tank guns, our shells are specially developed by ourselves. If we encounter 79 tanks, we'll wait for us to explode its main armor!"

M1 tanks are the pride of Eagle army. This kind of tank is inter temporal. For example, in terms of engine, it uses gas turbine. The advanced nature of this power is incomparable. How to operate it will not be turned off. The torque will be strong and speed up. Besides burning oil more, there will be no other shortcomings.

Its armor was initially chobamu armor imported from NiuGuo. After their own depleted uranium armor was developed, they immediately replaced this self-developed armor, which is quite strong.

As for tank guns, most M1 tanks are not equipped with 120mm guns. Compared with leopard 2, they seem to be a lot lower. However, looking at the performance of tank guns, we should not only look at the caliber, but also look at the shells. The lethality of the same tank guns using different shells is absolutely different. Take their current tank shells for example, their performance is absolutely the most advanced, None of the 105mm shells can match them, because they use the latest depleted uranium armor piercing shells! With depleted uranium armor and depleted uranium armor piercing shells to attack the enemy, they are the most powerful combination.

While they were chatting, a whistle sounded in the base: "attention, all vehicle commanders, gather at the headquarters immediately!"

The commander is the lowest battle commander. He called them all for only one reason, that is, the battle is about to begin! Albert felt a flame burning in his chest. He remembered his gallop in the butterfly country. Now they have to experience that feeling again.

Ground war is about to begin!

What they don't know is that the disaster is slowly approaching.

Just opposite them, in the desert, a convoy is moving forward slowly. These vehicles are completely painted with desert camouflage. It is difficult to observe them visually from the sky. Now, the convoy has crossed the sand dunes and stopped on a flat ground.

"Attention, enter the combat state immediately!"

In the convoy, the huge monster spread out.

Look at the tires on one side, there are more than a dozen, just like a centipede. The long round cylinder in the middle is like an intercontinental missile. However, when the camouflage is pulled off, you can see that it is a long thick gun barrel. If the eagle people are here, you can see clearly that this cannon is the ship gun of their Iowa battleship!

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