Makaron then turned to Qin Guan and bowed down to pay tribute to Qin Guan: "President Qin, your main business is arms export. I'm afraid you're not good at civil construction. It's not as good as our lion city. We have a lot of experience in construction over the years, so let's do it."

Two billion yuan turned into four billion yuan in an instant. These funds are quite huge. It is clear that Qin Guan came to make trouble with him. Facing the challenges of the other party, Qin Guan did not have much dissatisfaction. He said to makaron, "well, since you want to invest four billion yuan to build this canal, we also agree with you, but we don't know how you plan to do it?"

Do you need to tell you how to do it? It seems that you don't intend to invest more money, so the power to build the canal will certainly belong to us.

"We have our own plans and need to report to his majesty alone," makaron said.

Qin Guan nodded: "So, your majesty, the 2 billion we said is the initial investment. The 2 billion will be entered into the account of your central bank at any time to prove our sincerity. When we do business in China, we always do what we say. We are definitely not like some people who promise to invest 4 billion. As a result, we have 100 million on hand, and then deliberately delay the construction period 。”

Qin Guan's words immediately changed makaron's face. Yes, they planned to invest more than 100 million first, and then the construction period began to delay. In this way, the canal must not be built. They had to sign a long-term agreement. They thought it would be very smooth. As a result, Qin Guan saw through it at a glance.

You want to do this, no way!

"Your Majesty, you probably don't understand. I need to explain to you the methods of some unscrupulous businessmen." Qin Guan said: "They will quote a very high price, and then sign a long-term agreement. Under this agreement, the other party can occupy the pit without shit and delay the project. With little investment, the canal can be delayed for ten or twenty years. In this case, his majesty should know who is in favor."

"President Qin, please don't insult our sincerity like this." makaron was worried: "of course we came with the good wish of common development. How can we do such a thing?"

"In that case, why don't you show your sincerity like us? Don't you intend to invest four billion? How about putting these four billion into the account of the Central Bank of Romania?"

Even for lion city, four billion is definitely not a small figure. If they put these four billion into the account of Romania, it will be really difficult to ride a tiger.

"Mr. Qin, you are deliberately embarrassed. Our funds are allocated by stages. We can't come up with so much at once. When the project starts, we will allocate gradually, and there will never be any delay in the construction period." although makaron spoke to Qin Guan, he looked at the king of Romania.

Who do you believe? At this time, the king of Romania began to doubt. It would be a pie in the sky to say that lion city helped them build the canal. What if it was taken advantage of by lion city? President Qin said, it is indeed possible. If they signed an agreement and didn't repair it, it would be most beneficial to lion city.

"Since it is allocated by stages, how can we ensure that the funds in the later stage can be in place in time and not be defaulted?" Qin Guan said: "you obviously have no sincerity when you say so."

Qin Guan continued to urge the other party: "I'm afraid you have prepared 100 million and come here to cheat? Or are you afraid that the corruption here is too serious, and your 4 billion will be embezzled in the end?"

In fact, the latter is really possible. If you give Romania $4 billion at once, and then the project funds are allocated by the Central Bank of Romania, you will pick them down layer by layer, tut tut.

Lion city is expected to be hard.

Besides, they have no plan at all.

Although we all know that the efficiency of government agencies in these countries is very low, and the atmosphere in that regard is not good, who dares to say it? Qin Guan's remark made the king's face even worse.

"Well, I can go back and discuss with our president. If you have to ask, we can agree," makaron said.

In order to win the trust of the other party, you can promise first, sign the contract and drive away the Han people. Besides, as for money, it's not to be given at once.

"OK." Qin Guan said, "Your Majesty, I have another suggestion. When signing the contract, we should add one. Once the other party fails to allocate the funds in place within the specified time, the agreement will be automatically invalidated. The contract can be handed over to the other party, a new contractor can be selected, and all the previously invested funds will be confiscated."

What? Makaron became even more depressed. Qin Guan's words blocked their way. They couldn't deny it. People would drive them away and change a contractor. The previous investment would be wasted. President Qin is a devil. How could he know all these tricks?

Makaron has an impulse to spit blood. Now, they are in a dilemma. If they don't take the money, the Han people will dig the canal. Once the excavation is successful, the lion city will decline completely. If they take the money, they can't cheat. They can only carry out it according to the contract. Once delayed, the project of the canal will fall into the hands of the Han people again, and their previous money will be wasted.

"We have a detailed plan for canal excavation here." Qin Guan took out the document: "We plan to complete the excavation in five years. Each year, there are corresponding projects. This plan can be handed over to the Romanian government. No matter who wins the contract, we can follow this progress. We can't delay it, but can only advance it. Anyway, at least we can guarantee to complete the excavation in five years."

The Han side is absolutely sincere, because they have made a good plan for digging and set a time limit of five years. That is to say, no matter how tricky the lion city side is, it can't be delayed for five years.

Do they want to follow this contract?

"Great, take it here and let me see!" the king of Romania is very happy. He has never started before. Large investment and long cycle are very important reasons. Now, he can finally see the dawn and catch up with their domestic financial crisis. It can be said that everything is on the line and must be determined to do it!

Makaron felt his heart was blocked. Should he give up like this?

No, absolutely not. If you give up like this, the future decline of lion city is inevitable, and he will also become a sinner of lion city!

"We can do what the Chinese say!" makaron said.

Even if it is really dug, it can also make lion city profit. They have the right to manage the canal.

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