Unexpectedly, the people of Shicheng fell into the trap so easily. The trap set by Qin Guan made them fall down plop plop.

In fact, these plans of Qin Guan also have great disadvantages. If the people of Shicheng are not set up, Qin Guan is not easy to make trouble. There are too many things delaying the construction period. For example, there are separatist forces in the south of Romania. What if those people come to destroy it? Once the damage is done, it is easy to delay the construction period.

The two sides reversed. It would be very difficult for Qin Guan to build by the Han people and destroy by the people of Shicheng. However, the people of Shicheng did not do so. After careful study, they still decided to sign the contract. Qin Guan was moved by their sincerity, and some subsequent shady moves were useless. For example, continue to raise prices for fear that the other party would be scared away.

Of course, Qin Guan knew that the people of Shicheng were helpless. They had to do so for a very important reason, that is, to restore their international reputation. Now, the financial crisis has affected Shicheng. Originally, Shicheng didn't need to be afraid of relying on its rich foreign exchange reserves. However, after the news of digging the canal came out, Shicheng was very passive, Because the outside world is not optimistic about lion city. Once the outside world loses confidence, their status as a financial center will be seriously hit, and their economy may suffer heavy losses, and even attract those terrible international capital speculation. They will be quite passive.

They must let the outside world know that even if the canal is really dug, the lion city is still the lion city. The canal has the shares of the lion city, and the lion city will still be the same as before.

So they finally signed the contract. After signing the contract, sure enough, within a few days, their crisis seemed to be lifted, and no capital flowed into their market.

"It seems that although we spent a lot of money and were forced to change our original intention, our economy is stable." the president said: "the huge amount of money we invested this time will be recovered in the future. In short, we will never do business at a loss."

"Yes, President Qin has brought rhythm to us this time, and we will certainly return it. In the future, if the canal is completed, we have the power to set prices, and we should charge high prices in order to recover investment." the economic minister said.

Even if it's really dug, so what? They have made a plan and explained the rights and obligations of both parties when signing the contract. Lion city has the power to set a price. At that time, it will set a very high price through the canal, which is even more expensive than walking six waistcoats. At that time, who else will be lucky? In this way, lion city will continue to prosper. As for the protests from Romania, there is no way. Our contracts have been negotiated.

In order to maintain the prosperity of Lion City, they were forced to invest $4 billion. They are smart businessmen and have made plans.

"No, No." just then, the Secretary suddenly came in and said, "today, our money market is a little strange."

Money market, a little strange? Are those people here?

The data was quickly accessed. They looked at the fluctuation of the curve, which was the same as that of Romania.

"Someone is frantically throwing our currency, resulting in a decline in the exchange rate in the exchange rate market!" the economic minister said: "we must buy all these currencies back!"

The original currency of Romania was defeated in this way. Their currency has depreciated, but the official exchange ratio remains unchanged. In order to maintain this ratio, they have to take out foreign exchange reserves and recover these currencies. If they have enough foreign exchange reserves, they can end the crisis. If they have insufficient foreign exchange reserves, they will be defeated and can only open the exchange rate. At this time, Money will fall thousands of miles.

"Want to fight us? We have already prepared 10 billion reserves to deal with this frenzy. Now, let them know the strength of our financial center in lion city!"

What are you afraid of? We have sufficient foreign exchange reserves. The exchange rate can be stabilized by how much they throw and how much we take!

All financial institutions in lion city have taken action. The Central Bank continues to allocate foreign exchange reserves. No matter how much the other party throws out, they will receive as much.

The battle lasted until noon. Although there was no smoke of gunpowder, it was quite fierce.

"No." looking at the data and returning to the original position, everyone was very satisfied. It was impossible for those people to attack their own currency. In front of sufficient foreign exchange reserves, everything was slag!

"Eh, what's the matter?" just before they left the meeting room, suddenly, a bigger fluctuation appeared.

"Damn it, it's those international speculators. Why did they all come up? That man eating Soros who doesn't vomit bones, that damn quantum fund!"

Those shocks in the morning were only a prelude. Now, they are the general attack!

A large number of funds are surging into the network system through invisible current. Their foreign exchange reserves are constantly invested and exchanged. However, there seems to be no end.

At the end of the evening, everyone is in a cold sweat. What's going on today?

"We've found it." the security department came in with an ugly face: "Many people have no confidence in our currency. After all, several countries have fallen down. Therefore, among the people, many people are trading on the black market. Our citizens also begin to exchange their currency into foreign exchange. They would rather exchange a lower proportion than foreign exchange."

Hearing this, everyone's face changed.

The private sector has also started, and the opportunities for those international capital are even greater. They exchange from the private sector with low exchange rate to their own side, and then exchange through the official high exchange rate. Only this difference can make a large amount of wealth flow into the pockets of these international capital!

Moreover, people have more wealth. Under such exchange, they simply can't bear the blow!

Today is definitely not the end, but just the beginning. Obviously, those people are interested in the huge financial reserves of lion city. They actually want to empty lion city!

What a big appetite! They want to take away all their wealth!

Hum, come on, let you know that the foreign exchange reserves of Lion City absolutely exceed your imagination. Unless you have the support of the eagle government, how can you resist the government of lion city with some private capital!

"President, no good, no good!" just then, suddenly, another flustered voice came from outside.

"What's the fuss?" the president was dissatisfied.

"The port, the port is on fire!"

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