There are more and more KTVs, Internet cafes and pubs in the streets. This is the closest place to the western world, which inevitably brings the atmosphere of the western world. Looking at everything around Qin Guan, he doesn't feel as beautiful as he just saw. Now it's day. The front bathing center, which looks very tall, is closed. It's conceivable that after night, What will it look like there.

The economy is developing. No matter what the surname is, to develop the economy is not to think that motorcycles replace bicycles. After all, they are a kind of motor vehicles. They should follow the motor vehicle scheme. Motorcycles cannot be directly prohibited, but they must be standardized. Motorcycles without license plates, driven by people without driving qualification, are one of the biggest hidden dangers.

There's really a traffic accident. Expect him to stay? Of course, it's impossible. It must be running. If you run away, there's nothing.

"Improve the city's monitoring system. Motorcycles should be managed like motor vehicles if they run red lights and don't obey traffic rules," Qin continued.

This is no longer the problem of controlling a flying car party, but to solve the traffic problems of the whole city. We can't do whatever we want because we are not controlled. There are no rules and no boundaries.

Wait, when it comes to the city's monitoring system, Qin Guan has a lot of ideas in his mind. Why not take this opportunity to build here into a modern and advanced city?

Green city, environmental protection city, smart city, civilized city, etc. only such a city can become a truly qualified window city!

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