The future era is information-based. Now, the domestic information construction has been at the leading level in the whole world. The Internet started from our own side, and the software industry has begun. Many technologies start from our own side. Why not take advantage of this opportunity to build here into a modern city?

With this idea, Qin Guan began his idea: "the whole city, all police cars, should be equipped with a positioning system, and then, in our city's management system, we will find the location of each police car, so that once there is a police situation, we can quickly dispatch the nearest vehicle."

Now all calls are made by radio, not to mention the low efficiency. Their police radio stations have no confidentiality at all. Some criminal groups can know their situation clearly by buying the same equipment.

Therefore, it is necessary to use updated terminals, which can determine the position through satellite positioning, transmit commands through advanced mobile communication system, and quickly command police officers to be on duty.

Those flying car gangs can use this way to stop them. Once they find them, they will immediately block all the possible roads of the other party. They will attack with heavy fists and arrest them. As long as they have been implemented for a period of time, they can make the other party feel frightened and dare not come here again.

Of course, this is only the simplest application of smart city. The police can better monitor everything through ubiquitous cameras and stop any criminal behavior through advanced police dispatching system. Smart city has more systems in addition to police system.

For example, all kinds of administrative businesses in the city, such as water supply, power supply, communication, etc., are carried out through the network, so that people can do anything they want without leaving home. Needless to say, taking the payment of electricity charges as an example, it is a very complex process. They need to queue up and pay for electricity cards, electricity purchase certificates, etc. before they can handle it, Now, under the concept of smart city, it can be easily solved through a network terminal.

Another thing that needs to be developed is cloud computing. In the era of big data, what you like will soon provide you. The smart city has become such a people-oriented urban model to realize the comprehensive and sustainable development of economy, society and environment.

But now, it's not easy for these people in front of them to understand this, because many people are conservative, and it's not easy for them to accept new things. In their eyes, it's absolutely unimaginable to be able to pay through mobile phones, or there may be many loopholes, for fear that their money will disappear all at once.

"President Qin, what you said is right. Otherwise, please be our honorary mayor?" the leader said, "we listen very advanced, but we don't seem to understand it."

After talking for a long time, many people didn't understand!

"Well, others, we'll talk about it later. Now, first establish the police system and completely cut off the retreat of the flying car party. The prison system is ready. In the future, there will be overcrowding and lock them up!"

After Qin Guan said this, the people present continued to look embarrassed: "however, President Qin, these people will be released again after a short time. They will still become a bad factor endangering the society. After going out, they know that it is just the same. I'm afraid they will become more and more serious."

Hearing this, Qin Guan was speechless. We are local parents. Now we still have such concerns. No wonder these things can't be done well.

"Do you remember the situation in previous years?" Qin Guan said: "it was 1983. At that time, the spiritual outlook of the society was so good! In recent years, this similar situation has occurred again, only focusing on economic development. I see that some people have to crack down once every few years. This time, we must be ruthless to stop this evil trend of crime."

"Yes, just waiting for this opportunity." at this time, the following man couldn't help clapping his hands: "as long as the upper authorities give us this power, we can certainly stabilize social order again."

Every few years, many people will come out. Therefore, every few years, they come here once to let those people know that robbery doesn't come out soon, but to eat peanuts.

Only in this way can we ensure that the economic construction achievements of Pengcheng will not be eroded by these pests.

Others were also shocked.

"The old leader has long said that we should not only pay attention to material civilization, but also pay attention to spiritual civilization." Qin Guan said: "on the one hand, we should fight criminals hard, on the other hand, we should also build the spiritual civilization of the city. For example, we can carry out civilized city creation activities."

It is of great significance to create a spiritual civilization city and make Pengcheng a benchmark for the whole country and even the whole world. With the improvement of people's material level, spiritual civilization should also keep up. Now Qin Guan, of course, has no such power. He just suggests.

"Civilization creates a city?" everyone was chewing Qin Guan's words: "what does this mean?"

"This needs to take on a new look in many aspects, from the perspective of the city. Public buildings, sculptures, billboards and garbage cans should be beautiful and practical, the streets should be clean and hygienic, and there should be no random posting. Behaviors like this must be cracked down on."

With that, Qin Guan stretched out his hand and took out a small card from below. Now that he lives in a hotel, someone has come to fill this small card. This is simply a psoriasis in the city.

"For our citizens, do not litter, spit, damage flowers and trees, quarrel, fight, etc. in public places, especially those who smoke, must be prohibited in public places, and those who litter cigarette butts must be resolutely punished! Keep quiet and civilized in cinemas, libraries, memorials, museums, venues and other places, and do not make loud noise and slander Foul language. "

Qin Guan's requirements are not low. You know, urbanization is under way now. Many people come from below. It is very difficult for them to get rid of this bad habit.

However, only by getting rid of these bad habits can we become a new international metropolis!

"If Pengcheng can do this, it will become the most famous city in the country and even surpass the capital. We will also respond to our superiors and give awards to Pengcheng to make Pengcheng famous. At that time, all cities in the country will come here to learn from the classics, and your names will be recorded in history."

Qin Guan said so, and the people in front of him showed their vision again. They dare not think that they can surpass the capital. In order to achieve this goal, it is also worth fighting!

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