"Strange, what's going on?" when the day came to the end, Soros, who was sure to win, finally felt something wrong.

Normally, the foreign exchange reserves of the Pearl government should have been completely used up. After all, now not only they, but also those private banks and even ordinary citizens have joined the army of exchange. For fear that the currency here will become waste paper, they quickly exchange Eagle yuan to stop the loss.

But now, what they have found is that the government has taken out enough foreign exchange to exchange for them, which can very stabilize the situation. Now, Soros is a little puzzled. Where did the government money come from?

"Found, found!" just then, someone hurried in and said to Soros, "one of our staff in the government told us that the bonds issued by the government today have been bought by the mysterious buyer. The mysterious buyer will buy as much as the government sends out. Now, it is equivalent that the mysterious buyer is paying for the government."

Mystery buyer? How did this happen? Soros was immediately puzzled. In the previous shocks, he had never seen anyone who didn't have eyes to fight against international speculators like them. Besides, no one has such great strength. Aren't they afraid of losing their money?

This is no longer a matter of a person or a company. At least it needs a large multinational consortium to have such ability, or a monopoly super giant. Even if you look at the world, there are not many consortia that can take out so much money. Besides, they don't have this need.

Unless it is? What did Soros think of? He shook his head again. It shouldn't be. Now they haven't taken over the management of the Pearl. They don't belong to them. How can they come here to stir up the situation? Some time ago, they had a good time in lion city. What they care about is profits. If they hit the Pearl government, it should be no harm to them?

"Tomorrow, we will concentrate all our strength to win or lose." Soros said that if we can't win tomorrow, they will lose everything. After all, they have been plundered from other countries, Romania, lion city and so on. Now they have invested here. They must succeed and not fail, no matter what the other party is, Must defeat them!

Soros has blood red in his eyes. Now quantum fund is the most famous investment group in the world. Nothing can happen. Soros can only succeed, not fail!

The next day, Soros stood in front of the computer screen and watched his people operate. If he wanted to carry out such a huge organizational activity, hundreds of traders must work together. Now he is looking at the terminal.

That curve is rising and falling, and Soros's face is becoming more and more ugly. No matter how much he puts in, it seems to be a pool of stagnant water, and there is no response!

How strong financial strength should the other party have, and actually put all its own funds into the pit?

"Take out all our money at once." at noon, Soros couldn't help it any more.

He is a speculator, not having a deep hatred with the other party. In the eyes of businessmen, making money is the first. Now that he can't make money, he should stop the loss in time and leave with the money. At least he doesn't lose too much. If he continues, he may lose, and even the quantum fund will go bankrupt.

As for other international speculators who follow behind, since they make money with themselves, they must be prepared to lose money. Whoever withdraws funds first will have the least loss, and those who withdraw later will have a huge loss.

Soros was cunning. At this time, he didn't stick to it and decided to evacuate.

With the withdrawal of his funds, the foreign exchange market, which was still calm, stirred up a bloody storm again. The Pearl's currency had been suppressed and began to depreciate. Now, it began to rise all the way, appreciated and appreciated continuously. The Pearl's currency defense war ended with the victory of the government.

With huge funds, the government finally defeated its opponents, all international players, its citizens and private banks.

However, the victorious government did not immediately cheer up.

"We have issued a total of 30 billion Eagle yuan of foreign exchange bonds for this Sniper War," the economic official told the governor.

30 billion! This is the early 90s, the entire Oriental Pearl River's foreign exchange reserves are less than twenty billion, and now, has issued thirty billion Eagle Dollar foreign exchange bonds, in order to defend their currency, they actually borrowed so much money.

"In other words, if the mysterious buyer behind us shows up now, our whole government will not compensate others." the governor's face is also very ugly: "now, has the mysterious buyer shown up?"

If it were not for such huge foreign exchange support, they would have fallen down, their wealth would be looted by others, and their financial order would be completely chaotic. Therefore, no matter what the other party's intentions are, in short, it still makes them feel satisfied and must be grateful to others.

"No, we have carefully investigated that the funds of the mysterious buyer come from all over the world. It seems that the other party is a huge organization. If we don't want us to trace it, we can't find it. Now, we can only wait for the other party to take the initiative to contact us, and then we can coordinate the solution. However, the first problem we face now is us Most of the tax will be used to repay the interest on these bonds. Ladies and gentlemen, we will have a hard time in the future. "

"Yes, we must abide by the agreement. However, many of our internal banks actually want to profit from it and empty our foreign exchange reserves in this currency defense war. Now, we must carry out internal investigation, and all banks involved must be punished." the governor ordered.

This is a democratic world, but we can't do whatever we want. Their means are serious acts of interfering with society and will be punished.

"Yes, we have checked. The biggest bank that plans to make a profit this time is Huifeng bank!"

"Then fully investigate their banks, especially to see if they have Xi money behavior," said the governor.

As a financial center, the banking industry here is very important. Moreover, almost every bank has black scenes. For example, Xi money is a normal thing here. As long as it is checked, there will be. As long as there is, the government has the power to issue high fines, which can just make up for the deficit. In the past, it didn't do it to them, That's because everyone is safe in their mutual agreement. Now that they dare to blackmail the government, let them pay the price.

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