Huifeng bank is a luxury business office building in the Pearl City. It is also the city center. Every inch of land and money can set up a bank here, which is a kind of strength.

The employees of the bank are wearing sexy and charming work clothes, with charming smiles and eyes that eat people and don't spit bones. Among all businessmen, the bank is the most snobbish. As long as you have money, you are the God here. If you can't pay your debts, they will send you to hell.

A fashionable woman with several bodyguards walked into the bank. Just looking at this style, she knew that the other party was a high-level person. The other party was wearing a famous brand and the bag in her hand was worth hundreds of thousands. Moreover, she was still a western face.

"Miss, who are you looking for? I'm glad to serve you." the receptionist hurried over with a smile. Such a person is definitely a big customer of the bank.

"I'm looking for your president," Lisa said.

"Well, do you have an appointment?" asked the receptionist.

"Don't make an appointment. Let him come out to see me," Lisa said and sat down in a chair in the VIP room.

The reception was stunned. Yes, you seem to have a lot of status, but our president also manages everything every day. If you installed it, wouldn't it kill us?

I'm just a little person. Don't embarrass me.

"Why, not yet?" Lisa looked at her watch. "I'll give you a minute. In a minute, before the president came out, I went to the next one."

This is very clear. Big customers come to save money. If the president doesn't come out, they will go to another bank. After a little hesitation, the waiter decided to run upstairs. Whatever he is, ask first.

"President, President, a lady asked you to go down." before the waiter went in, he was stopped by the Secretary outside the president's office: "do you want to do it because you don't know the rules?"

The Secretary said, glancing at the picture of the monitoring screen on the wall. When he saw the woman, he immediately felt that her eyelids were jumping wildly. Others didn't know her. She knew her. Isn't this the strong woman who is famous in the whole business world?

"President, President, it's Ms. Lisa. Come on, let's go downstairs to meet her!"

Ms. Lisa? The name is so familiar. By the way, in a certain issue of the magazine, she was specially used as the cover, but later I heard that the other party was angry. Later, the magazine quickly recycled and destroyed it. Those who became the cover of the magazine were stars and others were low-key.

The president is a middle-aged man in his fifties. He is very dignified in suits and shoes. Now, he hurried down from upstairs and said from a distance: "Ms. Lisa, I didn't know you were here. It really brightened us."

This is a rich man. If your bank cooperates with the other party, it can quickly become a world-famous bank.

The president is looking forward to it.

"I don't know what advice you have for coming to us?"

"I'm here to buy you," Lisa said.

The president turned pale in an instant. Our bank is doing well. Do you still need you to buy it? Are you sure you're not kidding?

"If I don't buy it, the bank will close down within a month, so I'm here to save you." Lisa said, "of course, I'm very busy. I can only stay here for half an hour. Let's make a long story short. You've recently tried to cooperate with those international speculators to destroy the finance here and make profits. Are these facts?"

The Secretary of the president quickly closed the door of the VIP room, and the president was pale: "we, how could we do that?"

"It's no use denying this kind of thing. What about the flow of your bank? Do you want to check and see if your funds have been lent to those international capital? Now, those capital have been lost, so you have no funds to return. These are bad debts. Am I right?"

The money is lent out, but it can't be collected. That's bad debt. They didn't think this would happen, but it happened like this!

I thought it would be the same as other places. They would make a lot of money. Who would have thought that they have lost it now!

"If you only have these bad debts, you can get through the crisis. However, your behavior has aroused the dissatisfaction of the government. Now is the time to settle accounts in the autumn. They will check the accounts and impose a high fine on your behavior. I think at least a fine of hundreds of millions is enough to make up for your fault?"

Sweat came out of the president's forehead, and the other party was right. If this is true, the government's fine is certain, and the government should make up for the deficit. Those niuguolao are also quite bad.

"Unfortunately, you have also done other activities. When the government checks the accounts, you can certainly find out, such as Xi money. These will be fined, at least 100 million. Do you think you can afford to pay these fines? If you don't, will there be a second way in addition to bankruptcy? Do you want to inquire and see See if the government is preparing to investigate you? You should have a lot of contacts with the government to achieve your current scale? "

The president winked. Then the Secretary hurried to check. He came back in a few minutes with a pale face and nodded to the president. Everything has been confirmed. They return to the wind bank and will soon become history!

"However, if we were acquired by you, what way would we get back from the dead?" the president asked. After all, although the other party is a strong commercial man, it seems that he has not been engaged in the banking industry, and he doesn't know all kinds of operations here.

You pay us these compensation? If so, what do you want? These compensations will make us out of breath for at least ten years.

"We will buy it with government bonds," Lisa said. "In this way, you are the creditors of the government. If the government wants to fine you, it should consider it."

Thirty billion of the bonds issued by the government are in Lisa's hands. Those bonds can be traded in circulation. Now, of course, Lisa must use these bonds to buy and buy the whole oriental pearl.

This is just the beginning. If you buy all the private banks here and control the banks, you will control the finance here. Then, some companies forced to fail in this storm will also be bought. In this way, it will naturally become a land under your own control.

The money was actually used where it should be. If there are enough forces here, they will naturally have enough influence, and even interfere with their legislative power and so on.

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