Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 1135: The last one

Lisbon is dozens of kilometers away.

In the vast area, people’s heads are surging, millions of combat robots appear here, thousands of giant intelligent weapon platforms stand on the ground, and the sky is densely covered with millions of flying zombies, from crocodile dragon corpses. With porpoise dragon, corpse dragon, bloodthirsty claw...

A little further behind, hundreds of thousands of spore shooters and poisonous camels formed an invisible phalanx.

An aircraft with the appearance of a water drop passed in this area covered by flying zombies. All flying zombies dodged in advance, giving up a passage to let this aircraft pass.

In the last days, everyone knows that this is the boss’s flying machine.

In the headquarters below, Yi Zhanfei and a series of generals were all listed.

Among these generals, there are not only Chinese, but also Europeans, Russians, and Middle Easterners. They are all outstanding among the new humans in this world, and they are extremely powerful.

After three years of advancement by China, it finally forced it to the last section of Europe, Lisbon, Portugal.

As long as Lisbon is taken, the whole of Europe will be regained.

European generals all have smiles on their faces, because they have participated in the restoration of Europe this time, and they must have left a heavy mark in the history of mankind. In other words, they are the heroes who end the end times.

As soon as the Chinese army arrived, the European settlements fully cooperated and joined Lu Chuan's system.

No one dared to touch other thoughts. The strength that Lu Chuan showed made people unable to give birth to a trace of resistance. What's more, Lu Chuan had arbitrarily crossed Europe earlier, leaving behind a fierce reputation and conquering.

European survivors who are fed up with the last days naturally long for the end of this chaotic and dark era.

From the west via Russia, the expeditionary forces from Turkey and the Middle East merged into Europe, and then they were subdivided into dozens of different troops, sweeping across Europe. It took three years and finally assembled here in Lisbon to carry out the European land. The last battle.

This moment is sacred, everyone is full of smiles.

The same is true for Yi Zhanfei, he has already broken through to the eighth level of new humans, possessing terrifying strength. It's just that I've been away from home for three years, saying that I don't want to end the fight, and it is fake to return to China to take a good look.

Of course, this is not the time to relax. Of course, we must strive to make a perfect end to the final battle.

Here in Lisbon, almost the top elite of mankind is brought together.

Lisbon is full of calculations. By calculation, its satellite city has a population of just over three million. To deal with this bit of zombies, in fact, one-tenth of it can be easily swept away.

But this battle has a special meaning. In the last battle, everyone wants to show up.

God knows how many people, envious of them, can participate in this battle.

"The boss is here!"

I don't know who shouted, everyone looked towards the sky.

The Voyager iii model is already the boss’s iconic aircraft, and its appearance means the boss’s arrival.

The performance of the Voyager III makes it easy to land in front of the command post.

Lu Chuan got off the aircraft, surrounded by soldiers and generals saluting him. Lu Chuan just smiled back and then flew them into the headquarters with Yi Zhan.

In Ruoda's headquarters, the stars are completely gathered, and hundreds of new human powers who have reached the rank of general stand here.

When Lu Chuan came to the top, Yi Zhanfei shouted, "Salute."

All the generals present paid a military salute to Lu Chuan, staring at Lu Chuan with enthusiasm in their eyes. They are in high positions and strong, but compared to Lu Chuan, they are nothing.

Lu Chuan brought light to this world, and he was an incarnation of a god.

Lu Chuan nodded, then pressed his hand, and said, "Sit down. Although it is before the war, everyone can relax, because Lisbon is not enough for our teeth."

Everyone sat down with smiles on their faces.

After sitting down, Yi Zhanfei ejected the map of Morocco from the light projector in the conference hall, and then appeared on a city by the sea. This is Safi, Morocco, the last city in the African strategy.

The troops marching westward will end here.

In fact, the troops moving westward were a bit faster, but they stopped advancing in order to cooperate with Lisbon, besieging Safi and not attacking, in order to end the zombies on this day and end the apocalypse just like Lisbon.

North America and South America were swept away half a year ago, and Europe and West Africa were the final sweeps.

"Boss, we will complete the final battle with Safi's troops in an hour." When saying this, Yi Zhanfei was smiling.

They, after three years, accomplished this feat.

The last days, ended in their hands.

After this war, the zombies in the world were almost wiped out. Although I dare not say 100%, the remaining zombies are no longer enough to affect mankind.

Of course, the virus still exists in this world, but the vaccine developed by the boss is enough to ensure that the arrival of the newborn will not be affected, and it also has immunity to the virus.

Now that the last days are ended, there is no problem.

Lu Chuan nodded. In the past three years, he was almost dominated by the end of the world. He has experienced thousands of battles. Naturally, he knows how he came over the past three years. It is not easy to go through hardships.

"You have worked hard, the next battle will still be under your command and the honor of completing this final battle." Lu Chuan came here as a testimony and will not participate in it.

This battle will be dominated by human soldiers and new humans, while combat robots and zombies are just auxiliary.

It is even said that they can't even be called auxiliary, they will reach Dari, because this is a gathering place, they are here only to complete the last part of the journey, not for the last battle.

Lu Chuan gave this kind of glory to the human soldiers.

Lu Chuan gestured to Yi Zhanfei, but he stood up and left the headquarters.

Handing over rights will not affect Lu Chuan in the slightest. As long as Lu Chuan is still a day, this world will belong to Lu Chuan, because Lu Chuan is a god-like existence in the hearts of the survivors, irreplaceable.

At any time, as long as Lu Chuan waved his arm, any enemy would fall apart.

Lu Chuan is so confident, not only because of his contribution to this world, but also because of the strength that Lu Chuan possesses, and he is not afraid of all this.

Aside from the zombies, it is the robot army, which is directly under the management of Lu Chuan.

Leaving the headquarters, Lu Chuan boarded the Voyager III and left Lisbon.

And everything here will be broadcast live to various settlements around the world, so that all mankind can witness this moment and witness the civilization of mankind regaining this world.

The survivors have all put down their work at this time, all surrounded by virtual screens, waiting for this moment to come.

How many people cry with joy, they think of more, or their past.

Even if human beings really returned to the previous civilized era, many things no longer exist, such as their former home, their relatives, etc...

But in any case, at this moment, they are all happy and excited, one by one yelling, to vent their hearts at this moment, mankind is about to end this damned end time.

For this day, it is almost twenty years of waiting.

Half an hour after Lu Chuan left, Yi Zhanfei gave the order to attack. Millions of soldiers and new humans roared and advanced towards Lisbon, one by one, like a rainbow.

The same is true outside the city of Safi in Morocco. The new humans are like violent beasts, striding forward amidst roars, holding cold weapons, carrying shields, and looking hideous.

This battle will determine the world.


Lu Chuan did not watch the final battle in the sky, but crossed Spain, crossed the Mediterranean, and entered Central Africa from Algeria.

There is nothing good, mainly because of this battle, there will be no problems.

Gathering the most elite forces of mankind, sweeping Lisbon is as simple as drinking water. Besides, Lu Chuan has experienced too much, and there is nothing new.

After crossing Africa, it passed over Somalia and appeared in the Indian Ocean.

Lu Chuan did not stop, but continued to fly until he reached Australia...

When seeing the coast, the Voyager III stopped and just suspended in the sky. Lu Chuan held his arms and looked at Australia through the glass, with thoughts on his face.

Mankind has regained all this world, what will happen next?

Of course, it is to live and work in peace and contentment and develop a new civilization based on the end times.

And between people and zombies, there is always an insoluble topic. Maybe they can tolerate the existence of zombies now, but they have been hurt, but they cannot always tolerate the existence of zombies.

At that time, there will be conflicts between people and zombies, or conflicts with themselves.

Human nature is strange and will change over time, and they will forget what you brought to them. To live a stable life, they don’t want to have virus outbreaks and infections like before. The zombies in Lu Chuan's hands are their thorns.

Even though Lu Chuan was a god-like existence, it was still difficult to suppress this thought.

Like a volcano, the more you suppress, the more pressure it will have, the more it will erupt.

Lu Chuan doesn't need to be afraid of them, but does he really treat them as nothing and erase human beings from the earth? Obviously, this is impossible, and Lu Chuan can't do it yet.

Taking advantage of this last battle, Lu Chuan needs to take care of all this.

What is the positioning of zombies, zombies under their control?

In the past, this problem was not a problem, because the end of the world exists, but now the end of the world is about to come to an end. This problem is a problem, and it is still a very acute problem that Lu Chuan has to pay attention to.

When Lu Chuan arrived here, he was actually thinking about a solution. For example, Australia, this area once used as a place of exile, is large enough and sparsely populated, so it is very suitable for him.

To relocate Australia's poorest survivors, and then use the entire Australia as a restricted area to house zombies that have reached ten million levels. This is Lu Chuan's current plan.

At that time, the zombies are far away from humans, and here is a restricted area, no one is allowed to approach, and it becomes an isolated place. Use this method to deal with the relationship between people and zombies.

Even if the survivors know that the zombies are in Australia, as long as the zombies do not leave Australia, they will not react strongly. It is a solution.

Lu Chuan smiled bitterly. Although the zombies under his hand had no thoughts, they also made great achievements for human beings. The current practice has a feeling of slaying the grievances and killing donkeys. But Lu Chuan can only do this, because people are human after all, and Lu Chuan can only stand on the side of humans.

In fact, Lu Chuan can also figure out that turning Australia into a resettlement site is only a temporary solution.

Zombies exist here, and they will stay like a thorn in the hearts of humans. It is not a long-term solution, because human nature will drive them to pull out this thorn.

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