Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 1136: Choice

He didn't stay in Australia much, Lu Chuan just stared, and after he figured it out, he headed north.

When Lu Chuan arrived in China, he received news that Lisbon and Safi had successfully won, and the final battle ended perfectly.

"Very well, when I return to Zhongzhou City, I will celebrate for you." Lu Chuan replied, and the reporting Yi Zhanfei nodded, suppressing his ecstatic feeling.

It is foreseeable that once he returns to Zhongzhou City, he will be a hero.

Even if it is shrouded in the shadow of the boss's halo, Yi Zhanfei is still the most shining star besides the boss, because he is the commander of this global campaign.

The Traveller III travels along the coast and then via Dongfang City, turning to Nakasu City.

In the sky above Dongfang City, you can see fireworks set off everywhere, even if you are in the sky, you can still hear the cheers of people. Don’t even think about it, they are celebrating this great moment.

Without disturbing them, Lu Chuan passed over Dongfang City and landed in Zhongzhou City after half an hour.

It was already evening at this time, and Zhongzhou City was deadly silent, and you could see the tall and cold wall from a distance, still enclosing Zhongzhou City, like two worlds inside and outside.

In Zhongzhou City, there are still millions of zombies active, but they are manufactured by biochemical factories, and naturally they will not be included in the list of extinction.

The Voyager III landed in front of the biochemical plant. Now there is no need to camouflage or embellish it. Therefore, the previous construction site was cleared by Lu Chuan and turned into a huge concrete floor.

No longer are ordinary zombies wandering around here, but protected by ghost guards.

Don't see that there is nothing special here, only Lu Chuan knows that he has deployed more than 10,000 eighth-level ghost guards here.

What is the concept of ten thousand eight-level ghost guards?

It is not an exaggeration to say that a million new human forces, in front of 10,000 eighth-level ghost guards, may not be able to hold it for an hour, and they will be slaughtered. Even the loss of the Ghost Guard can be ignored.

The ghost guards with invisibility capabilities are currently unsolvable zombies for the survivors.

The survivors knew very little about the ghost guards. They knew the existence of this kind of zombies, but they rarely had contact with them, and they couldn't know how many zombies there were in the hands of the boss. After all, this was a hole card that Lu Chuan had hidden, possessing unmatched deterrence.

From the Voyager III, Lu Chuan walked into the biochemical factory in silence.

In the boss's office, Lu Chuan sat in this extremely comfortable boss chair and thought quietly.

The outside world is celebrating the whole world, but Lu Chuan is not in the mood to participate.

The conflict between humans and zombies was placed in front of Lu Chuan, and Lu Chuan needed to choose.

After staying quietly for more than an hour, Lu Chuan stood up, then walked out of the biochemical factory, boarded the Voyager III again, but flew outside Zhongzhou City.

It is a forbidden area with a radius of more than a hundred kilometers, and survivors are not allowed to approach it. There is absolutely no one left in this area.

The sky now has completely dimmed, and in this kind of time and place, there is a creepy feeling. However, Lu Chuan was used to it a long time ago and would not care about it at all.

After receiving the Voyager III into the storage space, Lu Chuan had another idea, and the Moon appeared.

The Moon Lu Chuan has always been carried with him in order to deal with it freely, and he can use it whenever he wants.

It has been expanded to a jaw-dropping storage space. The Moon is inside, which is nothing.

After boarding the Moon, Lu Chuan narrowed his eyes and said, "Go to Mercury."

In modern times, Lu Chuan will choose Mars, mainly because it is one of the most suitable planets for humans to live in. The sun will keep expanding. In the future, its heat will eventually make the earth go to extinction, and humans can only migrate to new planets. .

There is no doubt that Mars is the most suitable for humans.

Mercury and Mars are actually the same, but Venus is closer to the sun, and it will be affected by the sun more quickly in the future. It is impossible for humans to transform Mercury.

In this way, the choice between modern and apocalyptic will be the opposite.

The modern age is Mars, and the last days is Mercury that humans will not pay attention to.

The Moon was fully controlled by artificial intelligence, and under Lu Chuan's instructions, it rose into the air. At the moment when the earth was celebrating the end of the end of the world, Lu Chuan entered the cold and dead space and flew towards Mercury at full speed.

Lu Chuan has considered it. Although Australia can be listed as a human restricted zone, it is not a long-term solution. Lu Chuan needs to consider it for the future.

The best way is to keep zombies away from humans.

Transfer the zombies to Mercury and turn the entire Mercury into a place where you can store zombies. Only in this way can you avoid the contradictions and conflicts between humans and zombies. Choosing Mercury will not conflict with the future choices of mankind. It will kill two birds with one stone.

What will happen to Mercury in the future, Lu Chuan does not think about it, because this is something that is not known for hundreds of millions of years.

In fact, Lu Chuan could also choose Venus, but considering that Venus is the closest planet to mankind, which is equivalent to being around, it is still somewhat inappropriate. Maybe human beings will transform Venus at that time, so it is better to choose Mercury in one step.

The temperature difference on Mercury, etc., human beings certainly cannot withstand this kind of high temperature, but for zombies, these problems do not exist.

To reach Mercury from the earth, the journey will not be short.

Quite simply, Lu Chuan let the artificial intelligence control the Moon to fly to Mercury, and entered the virtual game himself.


Mercury, the planet closest to the sun, is one of the four terrestrial stars and the smallest planet in the solar system. It is even smaller than some huge natural satellites.

When arriving here, the artificial intelligence notified Lu Chuan.

Mature cosmic technology, Mercury, a planet with a somewhat harsh climate, does not actually affect Lu Chuan.

It is indeed very hot here, too close to the sun, and the sun’s rays make it look like daylight.

Putting on a spacesuit, Lu Chuan became the first human being to set foot on Mercury.

This time, Lu Chuan came for construction.

The first step is actually to set up a quantum communication transmission tower, through which Xiaoshi can take over everything on Mercury. Since Lu Chuan's storage space has grown larger, everything will be stuffed into it.

The launch tower of Quantum Communication was completely collected by Lu Chuan into the storage space. Here, it only takes a thought to take it out, and then activate the launch tower.

After a while, the projection of the little poem appeared on Mercury.


Xiao Shi’s voice is very clear, which means that the signal here is successfully established.

The huge quantum communication transmission tower, towering like a cloud, stands here.

Next, what Lu Chuan took out were all kinds of robots, which filled this area. Under Lu Chuan's instructions, they began to work. The first step was to fix the quantum communication tower.

Lu Chuan started his own operation, first of all, he shuttled back to the modern age from Mercury in the last days. Through Yiran, Lu Chuan collected ten million tons of cement into the storage space, as well as countless steel and so on.

Taking into account the initial water use, Lu Chuan was in a certain section of the Yangtze River and absorbed the terrifying tonnage of river water.

Lu Chuan divided everything needed for the basics several times and carried it to the end-time Mercury.

The first step is to establish a solar power base.

With this inexhaustible energy, everything needed here will be guaranteed.

A huge number of robots began to get busy, first excavating the prototype of an underground base on Mercury, and then starting to expand with this one as the center. According to Lu Chuan's vision, a real underground kingdom will be built here.

In just one week, the underground base was completed.

Lu Chuan stared at the construction of robot factories, and then used them as the center to build factories with all the parts needed by the robots to ensure the self-sufficiency of the robot factories here.

It seems simple, but Lu Chuan knows that it will be very difficult to implement.

Fortunately, Lu Chuan is no longer the Lu Chuan he used to be. He can mobilize too many materials, such as storing electronic components needed by millions of robots for a robot factory.

Lu Chuan does not need to build a complete industrial system on Mercury, just to make robots.

There are no combat robots, but engineering robots. Lu Chuan needs them to dig out a huge underground city beyond imagination to house the zombies. In the underground city, Lu Chuan doesn't need too many building materials, only reinforcement materials.

There is no need to consider issues such as ventilation and water supply, which saves time and effort.

Lu Chuan will deploy millions of engineering robots here to serve this underground city project.

After all this was set up, Lu Chuan left the earth in the last days for almost three months.

During these three months, Lu Chuan would communicate with Sun Jiangong and the others every half month. After the end of the apocalypse happily, there is only one agenda next, which is about the establishment of the Earth Federation.

Lu Chuan had a keynote before, so Sun Jiangong naturally knew how to do it.

In three months, most of the regulations have been finalized.

Now, as long as Lu Chuan comes back, all of this can be confirmed, and after Lu Chuan signs it, it will take effect. The Earth Federation established in this cruel era of the last days will realize the first unity of all mankind.

The federation established in the last days makes people feel more belonging and realize that it was hard-won.

The distinction between countries and nations has long since disappeared from each other through battles.

It was the last days that eliminated all these uneasy factors.

"I expect to return to Zhongzhou City in a month." Lu Chuan did not explain where he was, and no one dared to ask, but Lu Chuan still gave them an exact time.

After receiving the time given by Lu Chuan, Sun Jiangong naturally knew what to do.

The return of the boss is the day when the Earth Federation was established.

After hanging up the phone, Lu Chuan exhaled.

Right now, he is absolutely so busy that he has no free time, but in his heart, Lu Chuan is still relaxed, because modern and apocalyptic are completely under his control.

After solving the modern and apocalyptic times, Lu Chuan can put all his energy into the nine-level space.

Lu Chuan has been qualified to enter the ninth level space for almost five years, but for a long time, Lu Chuan has never entered.

Lu Chuan understood that the past five years was nothing at all. How many people prepared for it for a hundred years. The most typical one is Zhao Qingtan. Only after a hundred years of forbearance, he has the current scenery.

It's only five years now, so it's nothing.

At this point, Lu Chuan can basically let go of matters on Mercury. With Xiaoshi commanding this place at all times, Lu Chuan can control all the progress at any time, there is no need to stay here.

Staying here all the time, if it is not possible to return to modern times, and occasionally meet with his wife and children, Lu Chuan knew that on this deadly star, it would be strange not to go crazy if he stayed any longer.

After granting the rights to Xiao Shi, Lu Chuan boarded the Moon and returned to Earth.

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