Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 1238: compassion

This city is very big and can be said to be a super city.

The vastness does not seem to be the same. According to Lu Chuan's estimation, it should be able to accommodate tens of millions of levels. Buildings made of transparent materials, many towering into the clouds, just like human skyscrapers.

What attracted Lu Chuan's attention most was a huge floating building floating in the air, like a small condensed city, belonging to a city within a city.

Looking at it from a distance, you can see that there is a sky garden on it, and a large number of intertwined pavilions. It is magnificent and unique in every way. With a lot of golden elements, it looks like a palace.

Lu Chuan smiled lightly, he didn't need to guess, he could know what nature it belongs to.

Either a palace or the residence of the master of this city.

To understand a civilization, the first step is naturally to learn their language, and the second step is to understand their history. With these two steps, you can basically get an idea of ​​this civilization.

Lu Chuan only took a look at this palace, and didn't visit this palace for the first time, but learned the language here.

It may be difficult for others, but in Lu Chuan's eyes, it is not difficult. He has the ability to remember once. As long as the other person has said it once, he can write it down. There is no need for a second time.

Lu Chuan's way of learning their language is very simple. He walked to a place like a restaurant, where there were many ethnic people. Lu Chuan wanted to observe the connection between what they said and what they did, and forcibly wrote them down.

Since they are not a technological civilization, many aspects of them still remain at the level of the ancient Tang and Song dynasties on the earth. Like the restaurants that Lu Chuan saw, they are very lively. Many diners eat and drink here very vigorously, talking loudly.

Lu Chuan walked in, and then he found a corner, stared at them, memorized their body movements and language, and after his own analysis, he found out what this sentence meant.

The unforgettable ability made Lu Chuan absorb their words like a sponge.

Lu Chuan did this for three consecutive days.

With his terrifying learning ability, Lu Chuan almost mastered the other party's language in three days. Of course, they certainly can't have the same vocabulary as their natives, but communication is not a problem.

In order to correct some of his mistakes, Lu Chuan wiped his hand, and he has become what they are.

"how much is this?"

Lu Chuan walked to a stall, and a civilized society would not be the same as technological civilization. It would still be like modern humans, with stalls and shops. If it is a technological civilization, after level 3, artificial intelligence will be flying all over the sky long ago. A booth like this is almost invisible, because everything that can be done will become a robot to complete.

Having mastered their words, Lu Chuan named this race the Jellyfish race.

They don't live in the ocean, but their translucency is very similar to jellyfish. Lu Chuan knew that they weren't like this before, but as substantial, as their strength continued to increase, they would gradually evolve toward a pure energy body.

Now they can still see the internal organs, and when they even refine the internal organs, they will be upgraded to level 4 cultivation civilization.

The Jellyfish tribe is rated as a Level 3 civilization, not because of their social development, but their level of cultivation and the use of energy.

Like human beings on Earth, they only need to control the controllable nuclear fission to upgrade to level 1 civilization.

Lu Chuan is now testing his own language, and then making adjustments to his shortcomings. Therefore, it is inevitable to communicate with them, which is also a process of experience.

"Three crystals."

The stall owner is an ordinary Jellyfish tribe, and when placed in the race, it is just a farmer. This is not surprising, if it is not for ordinary people, how can such a low-end business run? It gave a smile and said the currency of this race.

Jing is the currency of this race, it is an energy body, which is helpful to their cultivation.

Lu Chuan stretched his hand into his pocket, and three small crystals appeared. Of course, this was not what Lu Chuan originally had, but Lu Chuan changed it. As the rule-breaker of this world, Lu Chuan was originally free from the laws of this world, and it was naturally not a problem to change something like this.

Handing the crystal to the opponent, Lu Chuan received a kind of food belonging to the jellyfish tribe, similar to human pie, but did not eat it, but was close to the stall owner. It is not to extract information about this race, but to strengthen one's own language learning.

However, Lu Chuan did not communicate for long, so he left.

Not far away, I was communicating with another vendor. Of course, the other party is willing to answer some questions for Lu Chuan if it is still based on buying things.

Along the way, Lu Chuan bought a lot of things, and his language was rapidly improving.

After half a day, Lu Chuan's language was no longer different from that of his race. No one would single out Lu Chuan's faults in language, plus what Lu Chuan was changing now was the other side's appearance, no one would doubt it.

"This should be regarded as the second alien language I have mastered?" Lu Chuan smiled lightly. The language of the Jellyfish tribe is more complicated and difficult to understand than the language of the Protoss.

Mastering the language is just the first step, Lu Chuan can say it, but doesn't recognize it.

In the second step, Lu Chuan went to the school in this city. With Lu Chuan's ability, he wiped his hand and the person disappeared. Then he swaggered in, looked for a lower grade, and squatted directly into the corner.

It’s not wrong, it’s the lower grade, and when you put it on humans, it’s grade one.

This is also helpless, Lu Chuan can only learn their words from scratch. Many people say why not just do this step directly? In fact, Lu Chuan thinks that he would say first, he would listen to the class only after he knew what the other party said, so that he could really learn something.

This school has a lot of practitioners, and their strength is good. After all, the schools of this race have training courses, and their training courses are compulsory.

However, their powerhouses are really not worth mentioning in Lu Chuan's eyes. If they can find Lu Chuan, Lu Chuan doesn't need to be mixed up at all. He pats his **** and goes home and enjoys it at ease until his later life ends.

After a few days, Lu Chuan basically controlled the writing of this race.

The third step, Lu Chuan completed in this school, is to go to their library, and then continue to read the history books in it, to understand the origin of this race, to the leap forward again and again.

A training civilization that has developed to level 3 is definitely worthy of respect. The birth of the Jellyfish tribe is only more than two million years old. This is the earliest origin that they can trace back.

From the beginning of their birth, it took them about one million years to master the use of energy.

Knowing how to use energy is the opening of civilization.

From zero to three, they spent more than one million years, a jaw-dropping number. But in some races, like the level 5 pinnacle civilization discovered by Lu Chuan, they spent hundreds of millions of years.

This also means that the leaping of each level is extremely difficult.

Looking at humans, through archaeology, the earliest origin of humans was discovered, which should be more than three million years old. The human civilization traces back to more than 5,000 years. It can be seen from this that the initial evolution and development of mankind was really slow and outrageous.

Three million years, it was finally because of knowing how to use stone tools, and finally knocking on the door of civilization.

If it weren't for the rapid technological advancement of human beings in the last 100 years, they would still stay at the level of 0.25 instead of the current level of 0.75 civilization.

"Cultivation of civilization is indeed abnormal. With a history of more than two million years, it has reached level 3 civilization. It took humans three million years to qualify for civilization. The gap is indeed too far."

Lu Chuan shook his head, no wonder that practicing civilization can break the law, it is indeed beyond the law.

After understanding this civilization, Lu Chuan also knew its social structure.

Level 3 civilizations, their strongest bodies, can already use their physical bodies for space flight. It's just that there is no planet suitable for them to survive in this area, so they are still trapped here.

No matter how strong the individual is, it cannot conduct super long-distance space flight.

The current jellyfish clan was a time when the sand was scattered. It was once ruled by a powerful and unified royal family, but as the strong continued to rise, the desire for power split the royal family that had ruled for hundreds of thousands of years, and then they fought separately.

It can be said that now is the darkest and chaotic time on this planet.

Of course, if there is no accident, the chaos will not last too long. As long as there is a real strong rise, the scattered sand will be reunited into a unified situation.

"They still have ten years to go..." Lu Chuan shook his head, the other time really running out for them, ten years later, it will be a purgatory-like apocalyptic scene.

They can't escape, this is their fate.

If he changes himself, Lu Chuan will take advantage of these ten years, everyone will live happily, no war, no need to practice, no need to bother to be busy, reunite with his family more, travel around the world, let himself No regrets.

It's a pity that this race will not know that they have only been ten years old, and the current heat, they think it is only a short-term weather problem.

For some reason, Lu Chuan suddenly felt a sense of compassion.

The destruction of a race is unimaginable for Lu Chuan. This is a tens of billions of Jellyfish tribesmen, and died in the most tragic and tragic way.

To be honest, Lu Chuan couldn't bear it.

"Maybe I can't let them escape, but I can let them die in happiness and no regrets." Lu Chuan's heart moved, the first thing he thought of was the science fiction movies he had seen before, written by Nicholas Kay. The disaster movie "Mystery Code" starring Qi.

In this movie, it is about the imminent destruction of the earth, but human beings have no idea.

Thus, aliens with compassionate hearts began to send out mysterious codes to humans. And the person who received this mysterious code among humans is the little girl Lucinda Amberly. During the school celebration, she put the number of human destruction in the metal time capsule and buried it underground.

At the end of the story, of course, the protagonist of the movie discovered these mysterious codes and cracked them, and then came up with this shocking news.

But this is an unchangeable ending, and the time left for mankind is too limited. From discovery to the final destruction, it is almost connected, leaving no time for them to spend.

The only thing the protagonist can do is to send his children to the location designated by the aliens, so that human civilization can start again on a new planet under the arrangement of the aliens.

In the movie, the aliens have taken thousands of human children, so that humanity will not be extinct.

Disasters of this level cannot even be changed by aliens, but can only be saved.

Lu Chuan is not a Virgin, he did not want to save this race in the past. In fact, if Lu Chuan is willing and risking exposure, he can still eliminate this disaster. It is still possible for Lu Chuan to replace this sun star and convert it.

Needless to say, the ability of the inspector is beyond imagination.

But Lu Chuan's exposure meant that he might die.

The safety of changing one race by oneself seemed very cost-effective, but in Lu Chuan's eyes, it was really not cost-effective. The universe is so big that the races are more than billions of trillions. If you deal with every race Lu Chuan like this, Lu Chuan is not suitable for the position of supervisor.

"Giving you ten years of happiness is my greatest kindness." Lu Chuan smiled bitterly, this is his bottom line.

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