Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 1239: Mysterious code

For the residents of Lake City, today, they are absolutely terrified.

The reason is simple. The water in the holy lake where they are lazy to survive is missing.

Yes, it is missing.

The residents who received this news first instinctively did not believe it. You must know that in the holy lake, an enchantment was placed by the city lord. The strength of the city lord can be ranked in the ten, and he is one of the top ten strong.

In this world, no one could crack the barrier of the city lord silently.

How big is the holy lake?

It is more than seven hundred kilometers in length and breadth, and is a huge and somewhat irregular circle. No one knows how deep the holy lake is and how much water there is.

There are countless powerhouses in this world, one by one flying to the sky and omnipotent.

Some can even be transformed into real objects, and some can even break through the sky and enter a vast world like a sea. It is not impossible to move mountains and seas.

Of course, moving mountains and seas is a bit exaggerated, but it also highlights the abilities of the strong.

But in any case, if you want to have an enchantment and a huge number of soldiers garrisoned overnight, the power that will make this water disappear has not yet appeared in this world.

There is no upper limit to practice, but you must be able to suddenly move up. Talent restrictions, sometimes limited by lifespan, etc., are all true talents that can break through.

Each level is constantly broken by these talented individuals, and then they name each level and gain experience from it, making it easier for latecomers to break through to this level.

This is the inheritance of civilization and a way for them to become stronger.

However, this matter cannot tolerate the residents' disbelief, because many people have witnessed it with their own eyes. Those who didn't believe it even went out of the city and saw a holy lake without a drop of water.

With the disappearance of the water, this holy lake became a huge deep pit.

This pit is really deep, at least a thousand meters deep.

What makes people feel strange is that everything has really disappeared here. Not only the lake water, but even the fish in the water, etc., have also disappeared.

Many residents were stunned, and then shrouded in endless horror. What kind of sky is it now? The temperature reached 37, 38 degrees, they need a lot of water. But now, the lake has disappeared?

Major events related to the life and death of tens of millions of people, let alone panic.

For the first time, the city lord who received the news appeared with hundreds of powerful men. They flew from the sky and stood in the sky one by one. Before leaving the city, they saw this huge dark gray huge pit, which was the holy lake before.

The city lord is really strong, and the breath it exudes makes every tribe tremble.

"what is the problem?"

Compared with ordinary people, the city lord understands better what will happen to the entire city if there is no water in the holy lake. Tens of millions of people will have no water to use, and tens of millions of people may be thirst.

In the current weather, the earth is full of smoke, just one day's lack of water will cause chaos.

Even the city lord could not understand how the mysterious disappeared lake did it. This is a lake with a diameter of 700 kilometers, not a small lake.

With its power, it can't be done.

And its strength is already ranked within the top ten in this world.

No matter what, it still needs to be faced, so the city lord still took hundreds of powerful people to the empty holy lake. First, it asked the soldiers stationed here.

"Back to the city lord, we did not relax for a moment, but the water disappeared with a'swish'." The soldier who witnessed it in person replied very positively.

Hundreds of thousands of them are stationed here, and there are as many as tens of thousands of races who have seen this scene, and it is impossible to fake it.

The city lord who received this information frowned. It didn't feel any energy fluctuations in the city, which was really mysterious. With its strength, any strong person here can detect it, not to mention the things that the opponent needs to use magical powers to do.

But very secretive, all this happened.

"Look and see if there are any clues." The city lord gave the order at the first time. Not to mention the strong guards it brought to guard the imperial army, ordinary soldiers also bounced from the ground, scattered, covering the entire holy lake. .

The level 3 training civilization is so awesome, even ordinary soldiers have the ability to fly.

Hundreds of thousands of soldiers were dispatched, like a locust, overwhelming the sky.

This kind of search still has results.

Not long after, a guard from the Forbidden Army found a huge crystal in the center of the holy lake. It is as big as a mountain.

With this discovery, and then reported, the city lord showed up here with the powerful.

This is a huge crystal, it contains amazing energy, and it is emitting waves of energy.

"This crystal can train a super strong."

When they saw this crystal, all the tribesmen exclaimed, because this crystal was so big that they had never seen it before. It just stands so tall, like a mountain, even it is higher than the surface of the lake.

In other words, it has never appeared before, it only appeared overnight.

If it has been there before, it is higher than the height of the lake, it is impossible not to be discovered.

At this time, a few powerful men appeared not far away, they flew extremely fast, with an urgent look on their faces, rushing through the room, and shouting: "One hundred thousand in a hurry, we want to see the city lord."

When they rushed in front of them, they knelt down in the volley for the first time, and said hurriedly: "City Lord, it’s not good, we received the news that the other cities were all overnight, and the water disappeared. No drop was left."

Upon receiving this news, the city lord's eyes widened, revealing an expression of disbelief.

If you say that the lake in your own city has disappeared, you can still find the reason, but overnight, the entire world's water has disappeared. This is not something that any strong man can do.

All this is beyond their understanding.

The water in the world has disappeared. In this hot weather, it is definitely a disaster.

The whole body of the city lord was trembling. They claimed to be gods and were the masters of this world. But now, they find that they are not, and there are existences beyond their knowledge.

The water in the entire world disappeared overnight, how shocked?

At this moment, the huge crystal in the center of the holy lake made a "click" sound. After attracting countless eyes, a little girl's head appeared.

This head is almost like a real person.

All this in front of him is really too mysterious. The city lord knows that the crystal in front of him is the key to this mysterious thing, and what it presents now may be the answer.

"Tell me to name it, look for it in the whole city, and be sure to find this little girl." The city lord yelled.

Whether it is in this city or not, it needs to do its best.

If there is no city, just look for it in another city.

The disappearing water is fatal to them. They lasted only three days, and during these three days, a large number of people would fall.

In other words, within three days, they could not find the little girl in this clue, and waiting for them would be a desperate disaster.


How fast can you find a little girl with the power of the whole city?


In just three hours, the city lord showed up in a small courtyard in the city with hundreds of powerful people, and surrounded the small courtyard.

With his subordinates, the city owner walked in.

This is an ordinary family, in the city, this kind of small courtyard is really too ordinary.

In the courtyard, the city lord saw this little girl, who was indeed exactly the same as what Jing Shang presented.

But this little girl, it was in the underground of this yard, constantly writing piles of numbers, without a trace of expression on her face, as if she could not see the city lord coming, she just kept writing on her own.

Its hands didn't stop, groups of numbers jumped into it, connecting them into one piece.

"My Lord City Lord, before I discovered it, I found it had been writing and writing constantly. And this inside story, we don't know what it is meant to express. Even if we yell, it seems like we can't hear it." Reported under the name.

The city lord nodded, and it looked at these numbers.

I don't know why, the city lord realized that the little girl now seems to be not simple, and what it writes is not simple, just like a revelation. Groups of numbers are confusing.

The little girl kept writing, as if there was no soul, more like a puppet.

"Protect this place."

The city lord issued the order, and several strong men immediately stood up, energizing them, and planting an enchantment here to completely protect this small courtyard. Next, no matter whether it is windy or rainy, it will not affect the small courtyard.

In this way, the interior written by the little girl will not be knocked out because of wind and rain.

The city lord stared at these numbers and kept thinking about it. It felt that the secret of the lake's disappearance was in these numbers. As long as it cracks these numbers, it can know where the lake is going.

"Come on..."

With an order, the most outstanding mathematics experts in the entire city were gathered here, they were allowed to come in, and then they saw tens of thousands of numbers here.

At this moment, the little girl finally stopped writing, but it fell straight down and fell asleep completely. No matter how people called, it showed no trace of waking up.

Mathematics experts, the first step is to copy these numbers down without fail, and the second step is to continuously discuss and analyze these numbers.

At the beginning, there was naturally no direction, but gradually, some of them discovered a certain pattern: "Quickly, count the number of deaths in different disasters recently, and then compare them."

This piece of data is nothing at all for Level 3 civilization. After a few hours, this piece of data was delivered.

In the sky at this time, the sun and stars had already fallen, and the side they were on turned into shadow. After a day of exposure, they can finally feel cool.

Ordinary people can rest, but for the mathematics experts who are deciphering the meaning of these numbers, there is no way to rest. Under the bright light source, they are all devoted to it.

Soon, combined with the number of disaster deaths they got in their hands, one group after another, they found an extremely accurate answer in these mysterious code-like numbers. It turned out to be extremely accurate. No set of numbers was wrong.

Everyone felt incredible because this little girl couldn't have access to these things, and when she wrote these numbers, she wrote them unconsciously, just like a puppet being manipulated.

No, this should be more like the will of God.

If it were not for the guidance of God, how could the little girl remember such a huge number, and it was so precise that there was almost no error.

The above list is the date and the number of deaths. After verification, nothing is wrong at all.

These figures include the statistics that can be counted in the past ten years. Of course, it is impossible to all be correct and accurate. But these numbers, there are a group of groups, look at its date, it has exceeded today, the important thing is that it is exactly the same as in the record.

Especially the last set of numbers, let them show the horror, because there is only a simple 0.

Not that there is no death, but it means the end of everything.

As long as one sees this 0 people, they all produce this kind of strong intuition. This is the end, the end of the world.

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