Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 1264: A new batch of inspectors

The city of athletics.

When Lu Chuan appeared here, his mentality completely adjusted, so when Hughes greeted him, Lu Chuan smiled and responded.

"Hughes, the records of the inspectors entering and leaving here." Lu Chuan still grabbed it in the air. A cup of hot tea that Hughes had transformed was already in his hand, and he sipped it lightly.

A record appeared in front of Lu Chuan.

Lu Chuan made a stroke on this record, and the recorded quantity entered the light projector.

Finding a place to sit down, Lu Chuan turned on the light projector and read the data in a few glances.

During this period of time, Lu Chuan self-regulated, and they did the same.

It can be seen that many people's big hearts are indeed strong, because many of them have adjusted it a long time ago and returned to the city of competition early, just like usual. A group of people often get together, or they mess with women.

Of course, there are also some that have not appeared in the city of competition.

Lu Chuan doesn't need to worry too much, because he believes that people who can become inspectors are not simple roles. They can figure it out soon and complete self-regulation.

Take Victoria as an example. As a mother, she adjusts the fastest, taking care of Lu Hao on the floating island very early. She still couldn't worry about it. After all, Lu Hao shouldn't look down on him, but his ability was terrifying. The robot could hardly take care of him. If Hughes were not there, she would not dare to relax for a day.

Lu Chuan took a look and turned off the light projector.

"Hughes, how many people have broken through the ninth level of space in this period of time?" This is a question that Lu Chuan is most concerned about. The Emperor Botu and the others are only number 102. This is too much to throw into the multiverse. Small, almost negligible.

Lu Chuan needs a lot of manpower, otherwise the task of destroying the five civilizations is really not easy to complete.

The universe is so huge that you do not know how much time it will take to search for galaxies and clusters one by one. What's more, this is only one of the billions of trillions of overlapping universes. Thinking of this, it is really terrifying.

Hughes' voice rang: "Sir, there are a total of 571 people."

"So many?" Lu Chuan was also slightly taken aback, this amount exceeded Lu Chuan's expectations.

Before the Emperor Botu and the others, it was difficult for Lu Chuan to come over, but now, it seems that it has become less challenging to break through the ninth level.

But thinking about it carefully, there is no big surprise for this number.

Among the 1,000 rankings, the difference in strength between everyone is not very huge. With the now transparent nine-level space strategy, they can succeed, it is nothing.

In this process, someone really died, but it was only a very small number. Compared with the success, it was completely ignored. Anything is in danger. Even when people walk on the ground, some people fall to their deaths, and they can drown in the deep water. What can you say?

In fact, under madness, there will be more and more people breaking through the ninth level.

The more people there are, the greater the benefit to Lu Chuan. Not to mention helping himself or not, the collision value generated is also pushing the beads to produce stronger energy. In the world of beads, the stronger the beads, the safer they are.

Hughes said, "Congratulations, Mr."

After Lu Chuan was surprised, he let out a faint smile and said, "Very well, the power has increased again."

After thinking about it, Lu Chuan said, "Hughes, inform these people and let them come to the floating island."

Hughes said, "Yes, sir."

The entire planet is the body of Hughes, it is the will of this planet, and who it wants to notify, as long as he is on this planet, it can be notified for the first time.

Regardless of the **** of beads, Hughes is actually a near god.

Sometimes Lu Chuan wondered whether the earth is a consciousness, but humans cannot communicate with it, or the consciousness of the earth is in a state of awakening?


Floating island.

Lu Chuan kissed Victoria, then hugged Xiao Luhao, teased him for a while, and then returned it to Victoria. As far as Lu Chuan is concerned, this kind of time is really not much.

As an inspector, it's not a secret in the city of competition, too many people know it.

Everyone knows that as long as they can break through the ninth level of space, it is possible to become an inspector, possessing stronger magical powers than they are now. It's not called ability, it's called supernatural power, a kind of ability like god.

The movement of the exposed ideas challenged everyone's imagination, and no one could resist this kind of attraction.

After receiving Hughes' notice, they knew that it was Lu Chuan's meaning, and immediately flew up and came towards the floating island. They have the ability to fly, but entering and leaving the floating island will be restricted.

Now that they are invited, they are naturally free to enter and exit the floating island.

They have long heard that this place is a paradise island. They have been yearning for a long time. Now that they have entered the island, it is really as rumored, it is indeed beautiful. Of course, this is not the reason for their excitement, but they are about to meet Lu Chuan.

In the city of competition, Lu Chuan's status has long been like a god.

Five hundred and seventy-one people, they have always stayed in the city of competition, have been waiting. So under Lu Chuan's call, they all came without fail.

Not only them, but Emperor Botu and others in the city of competition were also called to the floating island by Lu Chuan. They are seniors, and Lu Chuan will take this group of people to them.

How should I say, it can be regarded as an old man bringing a newcomer.

For this group of future subordinates, Lu Chuan did not pretend to be indifferent, and stood in front of the castle early, waiting for their arrival.

"welcome everybody."

Lu Chuan smiled faintly, very peaceful, but everyone who arrived could not calm down, with a trace of excitement on their faces. Each of them is quite good, but it also depends on who they are. Facing Lu Chuan, they are nothing at all.

What's more, this is not just a question of money situation, but a question of getting them close to God.

No matter how elite they are, there will always be some spirits in everyone's heart. Believe it or not, there will be.

Next to Lu Chuan, everyone stood there, all of them were once famous bosses, and each of them was a person who stirred the situation. Like Emperor Botu, the top circle he established with one hand has ruled the city of competition for six to seven hundred years.

There is also Victoria, a woman, who overwhelms men in the world, the queen in the eyes of women.

Put aside these, like Albert and so on, which one is not famous?

Everyone looked at these big men with a look of awe. They used to be the existence they looked up to. But now, as long as they think that they can become ombudsmen and be at the same level as the bosses, how can they not be excited?

Of course, they are seniors after all, and they can't be said to be the same level, they can be lighthearted.

Everyone stood still, and Lu Chuan nodded and said, "I believe you already know what's going on when you are here. Now, I just want to ask you if you are willing to become an inspector?"

Needless to say, everyone present nodded their heads, they had been looking forward to it.

Lu Chuan stretched out his hand and wiped the void in front of them, and this kind of authorization was completed.

At the next moment, everyone present felt that there was a kind of ability in their body, and they even knew how to use these abilities of their own. It was really amazing.

"Emperor Botu, they will hand it over to you. One person will bring five to six people to familiarize them with the abilities of the inspectors and their jobs." Lu Chuan gave an order and left.

The rest of the time was given to Emperor Botu and the others.

Emperor Botu nodded. After Lu Chuan left, he showed a faint smile and looked at the excited guys in front of him. I'm afraid they don't know yet, what will their next test be?

The inspectors are beautiful, but they only experienced a trip to the prison not long ago and they almost left a shadow in their hearts.

Emperor Botu clapped his palms and said, "Everyone, don't be excited for now. I'll assign it to you. From now on, you will follow your team leader and he will teach you how to be a qualified inspector."


The third stop of Lu Chuan is the end-of-day earth he struggled for.

In fact, the last-day earth is now stable. It doesn't need Lu Chuan to function. The government agencies of the Federal Empire can be said to combine the essence of the global political body, ensuring the Federal Empire's global control.

In the last days, there is no more zombie in sight. It is the zombie in Lu Chuan's hands. Except for some in Australia, all the rest have been transferred to Mercury.

Mercury, a place where the environment is so bad that it is impossible for humans to survive, or even a place where there is no room for transformation, put zombies here, even if humans explore space, they will not pay attention to Mercury.

I got here, naturally because I have my own family here.

Aphrora is doing well now. With her two sons, the Russians have integrated into the Federal Empire and become a family. She often visits her former subordinates, or friends, and occasionally meets with the Pope.

All of this made Aphrola feel happy.

Lu Chuan appeared on the last-day earth and immediately connected with Xiao Shi: "Report it."

Xiao Shi is the super artificial intelligence in the entire apocalypse. It transmits huge data to Lu Chuan for the first time. It contains everything in the apocalypse, everything that happened in Lu Chuan from leaving to returning.

It took Lu Chuan an hour to read the data.

There must be a problem. After all, it is the federal empire, and all races and countries are integrated, and the ethnic problem is prominent. In many cases, they are grouped together between nation-states. Although no major incidents have occurred, fights and the like still occur from time to time.

How to say is just a trivial matter.

At the beginning of the founding of the Federal Empire, these problems were already expected.

Lu Chuan didn't pay attention to it anymore, just leave these matters to the current government. If this little thing is not handled well, their ability will be too weak. The government that just came from the end of the world is definitely the most iron-blooded and cold-blooded. Their wrists are like iron, but they are not affectionate.

This is just a transition. The issue of ethnicity will merge over time and will eventually become one.

Time is indeed a good thing, it can make the impossible possible.

Throughout the apocalypse, Lu Chuan's control is still so powerful that it makes people desperate. In the apocalypse armed with science and technology, Lu Chuan also controls the entire intelligent world, and no one can beat Lu Chuan's status.

"Go, take you out for a stroll." Lu Chuan threw down some of the data, took Aphrora and left.

The two boys, with the nanny watching, don't care about them for now. At the current time, Lu Chuan only gave Aphrola one person, which was considered compensation for this period of time.

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