Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 1265: See and not see

The new inspectors, under the leadership of the old inspectors, adapt to their abilities and at the same time allow them to appreciate this endless universe.

Whatever, is looking for the sixth level of civilization.

Of the five tasks, only one has been completed now, and one-fifth of the completed amount can only be said to be a start.

When Lu Chuan returned from the last days, he also embarked on a path of searching.

It's not that Lu Chuan can relax with so many inspectors. In the vast universe, there are some unknown things that cannot be handled by inspectors.

In Lu Chuan's eyes, the universe is like a big maze, filled with excitement everywhere, attracting Lu Chuan.

The billion trillion civilization is even more enjoyable. Exploring this kind of unknown is more like a mysterious attraction, which makes you full of motivation.

Of course, Lu Chuan's joy lies not in his own bead, but in another bead.

This identity as a rule-breaker is the real stimulus.

It's like a contest, a contest between yourself and the other party's supervisor. I don't know why, as long as he thinks of destroying the other party's universe, Lu Chuan will have an inexplicable excitement. Maybe this is the destructive factor that exists in human nature.

Lu Chuan's first stop was the heavy universe he had visited before.

The beads in the hands of another **** have the same structure, and they are all multi-universe. This gives the rule-breakers enough room to operate. It is not easy to find the rule-breakers.

The place where it appeared was the race that attracted Lu Chuan's heart of compassion before, and was called the galaxy of the jellyfish race by Lu Chuan.

The third-level training civilizations are actually very small in the universe. They dominate dozens of planets, but compared with the ten million-level planets of the sixth-level civilization, they are really not worth mentioning.

In addition, they do not have the ability to cross the galaxy, and will only stay here.

As a rule-breaker, his identity was originally hidden in the dark, and the appearance of Lu Chuan was unaware of this civilized tribe. Since God's prompt appeared, the entire civilization has paid attention to it.

Countless wars have ceased, and all the strong have gathered together to discuss how to avoid this catastrophe.

Compared to before, in the past few months, they felt that the temperature had risen a lot and became more blazing, which further verified the revelation of God's prompt.

Yes, they regard Lu Chuan's prompt as a warning from God.

In the cultivation of civilization, the origin of their civilization is often accompanied by this kind of theism. Through the cultivation, gods are always in their hearts, making them stronger.

In fact, retrospectively, these gods are just their ancestors.

Every civilization creates gods by itself, and then allows their civilization to have a core. This is their belief. This is a need, but also a necessity.

The largest city of the Jellyfish clan, they named it in the Spar City. Lu Chuan appeared here, wandering in this city, feeling it gave him an unprecedented feeling.

There are all kinds of people here, they have been affected by the apocalypse to some extent, they have lost their vigor and vitality. If this world is really going to perish, what if they are vigorous and confident?

Not everyone is a hero, always thinking about saving this world.

Of course, not everyone will choose to wait for death to come, but is looking for the possibility of survival. In cultivation civilization, the worship of gods is naturally a solution they seek. Only gods can solve their current problems.

The spar city is shining everywhere, and it is constructed from spar, hence its name.

At this time, in this spar city, more than one million people are flocking to the center of the city. They occupy every street and alley, every building, and then the sky is full of flying capable people. Tribe.

Needless to say, the impact of a million-level gathering is naturally not much. This kind of phenomenon that the eyes see are all Jellyfish tribesmen, and a visual impact alone is enough.

There are many clansmen gathered here, but their order is in order. Every clansman has a pious look and has questions in his mouth.

Lu Chuan has learned their languages, so he knows what they are reading.

Walking on the streets here, you can indeed feel a tense atmosphere. Every Jellyfish tribe has seriousness on his face. This is not surprising. If they don't have much time, no one can be happy.

Of course, not all tribesmen have their faces tense, and some face them with smiles.

This process will be very difficult, because disasters come little by little, and they will die in endless torture. I don't know how much torment they will have to endure before leaving this world.

As we approached the gathering place, bursts of unison shouts came from my ears: "Ask the gods to help our race get out of trouble, and our race will always follow you."

The gods are the highest existence in their consciousness.

In the center of the central square, there is a matrix formed by the accumulation of countless spars. The spars on the top are activated, and then a huge and incomparable energy transmits the shouts of these people.

Lu Chuan frowned. This method of transmission is actually similar to the transmission of information. It can indeed spread in the universe and drift to far away areas.

The third-level cultivation civilization, there is another point belonging to their civilization power. The third-level they can use this method to complete the same way as humans launch positioning ripples into the universe. The principle is similar.

They believe that the gods must be in this vast universe, and as long as they are pious enough, they can definitely touch the gods and save them from suffering.


Lu Chuan knew that this kind of probability was too remote, almost impossible.

What a **** is, it may be himself, or it may be a monitor in this universe. Apart from these two, Lu Chuan really didn't know who could be worthy of the gods and who could save them.

The ceremony here is very grand, in fact, it is almost the same everywhere in every city.

Lu Chuan just took a look, then shook his head and left.

Lu Chuan was actually indifferent to the destruction of a civilization, because he had just destroyed a sixth-level civilization. In other words, every civilization has its own destiny for life and death, and when the destiny is reached, it is destruction.

To use an analogy, even if you save them yourself, after they reach the sixth level of civilization, can they escape the massacre by the inspectors?

In his mind, Lu Chuan wanted to leave, but thought of how he had given them enlightenment, so he hesitated. Lu Chuan didn't know why, and finally decided to stay and take a look.

Turned to a street, the area here is not a rich area, it is a middle and lower area.

Among the tribesmen, Lu Chuan noticed a little girl among them, who was running to help a small trailer push hard, so that the small trailer climbed this little bit of **** smoothly.

Another member of the Jellyfish tribe who took the small trailer turned around and thanked him.

"You don't need to be polite, it's only as much as you can, even if you don't see it, if you see it, you can help." The little girl grinned and left happily.

A small thing, but at this moment, Lu Chuan didn't know why, but it was like an electric shock.

Countless things that I couldn't figure out before, at this moment, seemed to be opened up.

Lu Chuan laughed dumbly, staring at the little girl of the Jellyfish clan who had left. He was not as transparent as the other party thought. It was in vain to have so many experiences, or to say, to live with a dog.

"Yeah, if you don't meet it, then you can't see it. But if you see it, if you encounter it, why can't you help? What's more, it's completely within his ability." Lu Chuan smiled.

Previously, it was because of a supervisor who took into account this world, but now that I want to come, it is just an excuse for myself, I really want to do it, be careful, it is impossible for the other party to find it.

This supernatural power may not be able to alarm the opponent.

If it is really alarmed, Lu Chuan doesn't matter, it's nothing more than running away, waiting for the limelight to pass before coming back. For this civilization, even if the other party finds it, it can't be destroyed, right? Less than six levels, I'm afraid there is no reason to do it.

Lu Chuan understood the truth. The Supervisory Envoy is actually a contradiction. This is killing and saving.

In his own beads, he held the butcher knife high, but in the other beads, he needed to be saved or helped. Because his every move will affect the other's bead world.

Killing and saving are not contradictory, it is a kind of self-salvation.

The first thought Lu Chuan thought of was "The Day the Earth Stopped" released in 2008. The intelligent life of aliens arrived on the earth with its super robots. Its mission is to assess the degree of danger to humans on earth. , Once it thinks that humans are dangerous, it will initiate the destruction process and wipe out humans completely.

In the movie, it is the greatness of human nature that makes the extraterrestrial intelligent life re-recognize human beings, thereby preventing the robot from erasing human beings.

It's like now, if it weren't for the glorious humanity of this little girl, Lu Chuan might have left, regardless of their life or death.

How similar is this plot to this movie?

"Forget They meet themselves, but they should not be dead." Lu Chuan smiled and helped them. In fact, Lu Chuan also completed the move of planting a thorn in this universe. .

This civilization will grow. After going through this crisis, it will definitely be able to grow steadily, constantly breaking through itself, and raising the level of civilization. At level 6, even if it is finally destroyed, at least the goal of affecting this universe has been achieved.

At levels three to six, they can also have a history of tens of millions to hundreds of millions of years. Compared with their destruction ten years later, they have earned too much, and they should be satisfied.

It is only now that Lu Chuan understands that rule-breakers are not necessarily destroyers, they can also build.

The support of individual civilizations is actually an act of destruction.

In fact, it seemed to Lu Chuan that this name should be for the supervisory envoy, and the two beads changed their status. One is destruction, and the other is to support civilization to grow. Those who destroy it are called supervisors, and those who support civilization are called rule-breakers, which is really ironic.

"Saving a life is better than building a seventh-level float. What's more, what is better than building a billion trillion level?" Lu Chuan smiled lightly, and his mood suddenly became more relaxed.

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