Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 1479: The army arrives

With this great gathering of spirits, the residents of North and South City felt that the air had become much better.

   In North and South City, the crystal ball can also provide civilians to learn, as long as you want, you can learn the knowledge inside at each set point. According to your own different conditions, choose whether to become a magician, a swordsman, or a knight.

   What Lu Chuan wants is the cultivation of the whole people. Naturally, he vigorously promotes the learning of more than seven million people in the northern and southern cities.

   I heard that it was the cultivation method of the Fashen, and countless people were excited. How many people have imagined that one day they can be as powerful as the Fashen.

   So, I don’t need to mobilize Lu Chuan. I heard that after the opening, the position of the crystal ball every day, there is always a long line of sight. Even if thousands of points are set up, it is still difficult to satisfy.

   For a long time, magicians, etc., are almost monopolized by the nobles, and it is not easy for civilians to become magicians.

   The current North and South City are open, anyone can learn.

  The meditation method provided by Lu Chuan is definitely a shortcut. Even a commoner who has no basic knowledge can quickly enter an efficient meditation state and become a magic apprentice after being familiar with this method.

   Ten of the people, in just one week, became magical apprentices.

   People are all surprised, how many people need a few years to become a magician, it is difficult to become a first-level magician without ten years of work. But now, within a week, Shi Zhi can become a magic apprentice, why not make people crazy?

   There are some basic ones, and within a week, he broke through and became a first-level magician.

   Such a terrifying conversion rate shocked everyone.

I always thought that the number of magicians was large, but it did not reach this point, but in the North and South City, out of ten people, seven were magicians, the remaining one was a swordsman, one was a knight, and one was a commoner. .

   This kind of visible progress made everyone crazy, and his admiration for Lu Chuan was even greater.

   Now they have tasted the sweetness. At the current rate, they may only need one year to become a third-level magician. Very few of them have amazing talents and may be promoted to the fourth-level magician.

   They are just beginners, and people who have basics, or were originally magicians, their progress is jaw-dropping.

  The first-level magician broke through to the second-level magician in just two and a half weeks. This speed is unheard of.

   All these benefit from two points.

   One is that Lu Chuan's method is indeed abnormal, almost directly using the energy of the universe.

   The second is the Great Spirit Gathering Array built by Lu Chuan here, so that people here can enjoy this kind of acceleration in practice, condensing the things of a year into one or two weeks.

   The two are combined into one, and everyone can feel the benefits.

The soldiers on the two fortresses in the north and south have become first-class swordsmen, first-class magicians and first-class knights in almost half a month. They are no longer ordinary soldiers, but have stronger strength. warrior.

   Magicians are of course incorporated into the magician army, swordsmen enter the swordsman army, and the knights are also assigned to the knight army.

   The three occupations were reorganized.

   Nearly one million troops have the lowest level of strength, which is also rare on the entire continent.

   Lu Chuan believes that if he gives himself a little more time, he can build an army of the lowest level three magicians, swordsmen, and knights, a million-level army.

   Now the entire northern and southern cities all regard them as disciples of the Fashen.

   Indeed, it was Lu Chuan who asked them to re-recognize magic and the energy composition of this world, and it was here that they arranged an energy array. This kindness is no less than that of a teacher.

   Just like this, Lu Chuan's status in the north and south cities is getting higher and higher. Every word of Lu Chuan is imperial.

  According to the current development, maybe a year later, the North and South City will be able to have tens of millions of magicians, swordsmen and knights, and they are powerful enough to sweep everything.

   It's a pity, forget the time, plus the news from the scouts, this calm will be broken.


   Near the North and South City, there will be some scouts from time to time, and occasionally some radical scouts riding flying beasts want to rush in to see the North and South City clearly.

   The behavior of the United Kingdom is one of ten speculated by Lu Chuan.

   It took them a week to receive news of the Portland Mountains. When they were surprised, they discussed how to recover the Portland Mountains. It took more than a week from consultation to unification of opinions.

   By the time the mobilization order was issued, it was already more than two weeks after the Portland Mountains accident.

   Mobilization is not just a piece of order, it involves logistics.

   Mobilizing millions of soldiers is not such a simple matter. Simply supplementing weapons and armors forced the United Kingdom to approve a huge amount of gold to replace better weapons and armors.

   Weapon is one, like food is the most important thing.

   It took a month and a half before finally forming a force of 1.1 million and marching toward the Portland Mountains.

   The movement of millions of troops is actually very slow.

   It took another month to finally arrive at a place more than two hundred kilometers away from the Portland Mountains.

   When they arrived here, a news that left them stunned or even shocked, the Portland Mountains had disappeared. If it wasn't for the scouts to confirm it again and again, they would all think it was a joke.

   Several reports from the scouts confirmed this.

   The more outrageous thing is that in the original Portland city, the huge Portland city has disappeared. Together with the fortress and countless residents, they are not on the map at all.

   I checked the map again and again, the location was correct, but Portland was gone.

   The highest commander of this army is Prince Sally Derrick, the ninth-level great magician. He is the top magician cultivated by the royal family and the younger brother of His Majesty the King. After all, it is an army of millions, and the king is not relieved when it is handed over to others.

   As for whether his own brother will betray or not, don't worry about this, he has a way to contain it.

"His Royal Highness, we visited the nearby residents, and compared the map. Portland did disappear. But we know some clues, such as Portland will move, and it has been compared with the Principality of Lerwick. Patrick City is all two." A general of the reconnaissance unit personally went to Prince Sally Derrick and made a report.

   Prince Sally Derrick frowned, and his face solemnly said: "You are a three-year-old prince? Portland has three or four million inhabitants. How can such a huge city move?"

The reconnaissance general also smiled bitterly, and said: "His Royal Highness, even if his subordinates have a hundred guts, they will not dare to deceive you. From the information obtained, it is true. Through reconnaissance, we are tens of kilometers away from It’s Portland and Patrick City that have merged next to each other."

   "It is absolutely impossible. How can there be power in this world to make the two cities merge together?" Prince Sally Derrick didn't believe it.

   Helpless, the reconnaissance general can only withdraw.

   There is still a little news now, and in his heart, he doesn't believe it, after all, this is too outrageous. But several scouts all answered this way, how could it be wrong?

   The Million Army, just rested for three days, and moved again.

   The mighty army, wherever it passes by, is almost covered with any place where the eyes can reach. The soldiers in armor, their crowds, are advancing along different paths.

   If you look down from the sky, within a radius of tens of kilometers, it will almost become a sea of ​​people.

   Two hundred kilometers, it took a week to reach the place where the Portland Mountains used to be.

   In this week, Prince Sally Derrick has realized the seriousness of the problem. Because the information returned through the scouts, the Portland Mountains and Portland City are both true. The former disappeared, the latter moved, and merged with Patrick City into a super city.

   Of course, none of this is very important. In the news he received, it seemed that an indescribable Dharma **** had led all of this?

Act of God?

  On this continent, no one has ever dared to claim to be a god, and more of it is the existence of legends and myths.

  Prince Sally Derrick is not stupid. He can become a commander in command, and his abilities are extremely outstanding. Together with the strength of a ninth-level magician, he can become the commander of the millions of troops.

   "No matter what tricks the opponent is playing, the army advances according to plan." Prince Sally Derrick only hesitated for a while, or gave the order.

   This is an army of millions. He doesn't have to worry about any conspiracy or tricks the other party has. In the face of absolute strength any conspiracy is not worth mentioning.

   Soon, the army of millions stepped onto the place where the Portland Mountains used to be, but now that the Portland Mountains disappeared, what they stepped on was a flat area. With scouts scattered, this place is flat and nothing, there are no woods, a flat place beyond sight, there is no danger at all.

  As they approached, Prince Sally Derrick felt something abnormal, because the other party didn't even send scouts, not to mention sending troops to intercept them.

   "Perhaps the other party has no way to integrate the fortress and the city. After all, these people are loyal to His Majesty the King." The only thing Prince Sally Derrick can think of is this possibility.

   Soon, the forwards of the army can definitely see the North and South City, it is like a small black dot appearing on this flat land that is hundreds of kilometers in length and breadth.

   "His Royal Highness, just received the news that the army of the Principality of Lerwick has also arrived nearby."

   Prince Sally Derrick, who received this news, narrowed his eyes, which was completely unexpected. The United Kingdom of Bit was shocked, and there is no reason that the Principality of Gewick would not receive the news. Their Patrick City has also fallen. Such an important city must be taken seriously by them.

   Prince Sally Derrick laughed: "Very well, two-sided attack, the odds of winning are even greater."

   But how strong the other party is, facing the two million soldiers of the two countries, it can't make any waves.

   The two parties used to be in a hostile relationship, but now they have fallen into the same world. Their goals are the same. Even if they can't cooperate, it is beneficial to attack one side of each other.

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