Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 1480: Ground fissure

Genius remembers the permanent address of this site in one second:

The premise of flanking both sides of course needs to be discussed.

Prince Sally Derrick believed that the other party must have done so intentionally. Now it can be said that the two sides have a common enemy, and the enemy's enemy is a friend. They still understand this sentence clearly.

"Is it clear if you find out, who is the commander of the army sent by the Principality of Lerwick this time?" Prince Sally Derrick asked.

These are no secrets, and most people in the Principality of Lerwick know it. The intelligence forces they hold have already transmitted information about this army in the first place.

A general below replied: "His Royal Highness, it is Grand Duke Norman."

Hearing this name, Prince Sally Derrick gave a wry smile. The status of the Duke of Norman in the Duchy of Lerwick is very high. The number of times he has dealt with Duke Norman is not once or twice, but ten. Second, we understand each other.

The Grand Duke of Norman was like a **** of war in the Principality of Lerwick. This time he came in command of the army, and he must have attached great importance to this incident.

The number of times they fought each other, there was a sense of sympathy for a long time, but they were in different camps, they had to treat each other as opponents and kept killing each other. This time, with the opportunity for cooperation, Prince Sally Derrick has a sense of excitement.

I don't know what effect the two of them will have together?

"Send an envoy to meet Grand Duke Norman, saying that this prince wants to invite him to talk." Prince Sally Derrick laughed and ordered to go down.

For the first time, the Grand Duke of Norman of the Principality of Lerwick received the messenger sent by Prince Sally Derrick. After learning what Prince Sally Derrick meant, naturally he readily agreed: "Go back and reply. Your prince, my father will definitely be there."

For this opponent, Grand Duke Norman also admired extremely, now that it is possible to join forces, he is naturally happy.

There is only one opponent, and there is consistency.

If you miss this opportunity for cooperation, I am afraid that they will no longer have the opportunity to cooperate if they are old. How can they not cherish this kind of opportunity? Both of them were human beings, and they understood each other's meaning instantly.

It started with some conspiracy, but there would be no such thing. Grand Duke Norman had already figured out the city on the opposite side. It was definitely not a trick by the United Kingdom.

Since the purpose is the same, so is the enemy.


North and South City.

After the two armies arrived, they sealed off the city gate. The residents in the city did not have any fear. Instead, they felt eager to try. They were very calm in their hearts and did not panic.

The reason for all this is that they have enough food and do not have to worry about starvation.

The second is that the walls of the north and south cities are thick. It is impossible to easily break through.

Third, all the people in the northern and southern cities are soldiers. They are now not swordsmen, knights, or magicians. Under the action of the Spirit Gathering Array, their ascent speed is amazing. At this speed, they can reach a height that they dare not even dream of in a few days.

The last point, the fourth point... the existence of Lord Fashen.

The magic **** can make the mountains disappear, and can move two big cities. This strength is equal to the god. Even saying that God may not be able to do this.

With Lord Fashen here, what are the two coming armies? As long as Lord Fashen is willing, they can be eliminated just like erasing the Portland Mountains in minutes.

With so many king bombs in their hands, what are they afraid of?

What's more, they will be staged in a big drama, and they are looking forward to it.

The total number of soldiers in the two fortresses in the north and south is about one million. This force is used for defense, in terms of the proportion of offensive and defensive warfare, there is no need to worry about their combined army of more than two million.


Lu Chuan naturally wanted to laugh at this kind of soldier who was sent to the door.

The number of residents in North and South City is huge, and there is no lack of genius, but compared with the real army, it is still insufficient.

Take down the more than two million soldiers who have come to the door, and your blueprint can be realized. With more than seven million residents and nearly 3.5 million soldiers in hand, this force is enough to rival a country.

As for logistics and the like, Lu Chuan doesn't need to worry at all. For others, it may cause logistics to collapse, but Lu Chuan does not.

Since you want to laugh at the soldiers who have brought you here, you can't scare them away right now.

Under Lu Chuan's order, the residents of the northern and southern cities shrank inside the city, and the soldiers of the two fortresses were all huddled in the fortresses. Except for some flying beast scouts, no soldiers were visible.

The two armies seemed to have negotiated. Three days later, in two directions, one north and one south, they rushed toward the north and south city aggressively.

From a distance, you can see the flat ground, the two armies overwhelming the sky, with no end in sight, all black.

In the sky, a huge army of flying monsters arrived first.

The tens of thousands of warcraft troops are definitely a daunting force. They appear in the sky of the north and south cities. The beasts with levitation ability are suspended, and those without levitation ability are constantly rotating and flying in the sky. Maintain the formation.

The combat effectiveness of flying warcraft troops is very fierce. They are equipped with powerful bows and crossbows. Once they dive, it definitely makes people feel desperate.

In addition, there are a large number of magicians on the flying monsters. They can release powerful magic and make magic fall from the sky. The power is far from comparable to the output on the ground.

The mighty army that came in could not see the end with the naked eye, and they stopped about two kilometers away from the north and south city in the way they flanked north and south.

The roar of the monster, mixed with the sound of the soldiers' equipment, made the breath become suppressed.

The number of soldiers on the three sides reached about 3.5 million, and looking at the entire continent, it was a huge battle.

Theoretically speaking, the defensive side is taking advantage of the stone wall, but for the offensive side, they have too many attack methods, such as long-range strikes by magicians, air strikes, etc...

The two countries' armies, about 2.5 million, half surrounded the northern and southern cities.

Prince Sally Derrick and Grand Duke Norman are in command. They stand on the back of the Earth Bear, the mighty army, even if they don’t know how many times they have commanded them, they still feel that one. The shocking sense of enthusiasm made them excited.

The two of them also firmly believe that no matter what the other party is, with the joint efforts of the two countries, it will not be a problem to win this secret city.

At that time, they will be responsible for the siege of the north and south cities respectively, and there is no phenomenon that everyone will work hard.

"This battle is bound to spread to the whole world." Prince Sally Derrick pointed to the North and South City from a distance, his face full of triumph.

Duke Norman, who has always been prudent, also rarely gave a relaxed smile and said: "Yes, you and I will definitely be known to the world. After the war, my father can spend his old age with peace of mind. ."

The two laughed at each other. Their opponents for many years suddenly became comrades-in-arms. This feeling is really amazing.

When the two armies are in formation, the stern air makes people feel depressed. Even if the residents in the northern and southern cities have the confidence, facing such a huge army, they are a little panicked.

Fortunately, the two armies will not attack the first time, they first arrived, but what they need is to rebuild the barracks.

The fastest attack time also needs to be three days later.

However, the early deterrence is still necessary, so the huge heavy knights and heavy infantry have reached the forefront, forming a torrent of steel, and the momentum is amazing.

This kind of script is already commonplace in the military. After all, it is impossible to move to a position, and without rest, a large-scale battle can be launched immediately. If it is a small group of troops tentatively, in this level of battle, it is better to stand still.

However, Lu Chuan would not follow their script. From the moment they arrived, Lu Chuan soared into the sky in the North and South City, allowing himself to appear in the sky, and then walked towards the army's air like a walk.

"Long live the **** of law."

When Lu Chuan appeared in the sky, the residents of the northern and southern cities below all uttered neat shouts, and the momentum even overwhelmed the momentum of this great army.

Prince Sally Derrick and the others changed their expressions when they heard this kind of shouting. Listening to this voice, the person who appeared was surprisingly supported by the residents here.

Lu Chuan appeared in front of this army. From Lu Chuan's perspective, it was difficult to see the end. It can be seen that the number of 2.5 million is probably unimaginable by ordinary people.

"Water Spirit, are you ready?"

Lu Chuan's consciousness was communicating with the planetary consciousness. Lu Chuan had a way to eat this huge army, but this would cause a shock of energy and easily expose himself. But the planetary consciousness is different. No matter what it does, it won't cause energy fluctuations. It couldn't be better to leave this matter to it.

"Boss, there is no problem." Planet Consciousness responded, and its ability is entirely to master everything about this army, including how much area they occupy.

Lu Chuan nodded. After flying in front of this army, he did not speak. The magic wand was already raised. In the eyes of countless soldiers, a yellow light flickered, centering on Lu Chuan, fiercely blasting. To the ground.

The chain reaction brought about by this move was that in the army where Prince Sally Derrick and the others belonged, the magicians all held up the magic shield and made a defensive action.

There is only one yellow light, which is earth magic.

Countless people's eyes were focused on Lu Chuan, and they wanted to see what tricks this daring magician could do with his earth magic.

In the battle of the army, the individual's ability is not worth mentioning.

Only saw the light hit the ground, in the air between Prince Sally Derrick and their army and the north and south cities, but there was a rumbling sound from the earth, and then in the horrified eyes of countless people, the earth was Tearing a terrible force to tear, a continuous crack appeared along the length, without bottoming out.


Every soldier who witnessed his heart collapsed, because the length of this crack has never been known where it extends, and this force has not stopped. This crack has continued to grow and soon became a wide one. A super crack reaching one kilometer, a crack with no bottom.

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