Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 1733: Long worm

Super Zombie Factory Chapter 1733 Long insects stood outside the space of this planet, and Lu Chuan stared.

  Although it was just over a year, Lu Chuan had a lot of feelings and the experience was very exciting. No matter how ruthless Lu Chuan is, there is a trace of concern here.

  Lu Chuan still knows everything below, and Mela is still on the Queen, gazing at the stars.

Lu Chuan smiled, but snapped his fingers, and suddenly appeared in front of Mela, and then gave her a kiss fiercely. As she burst into laughter, she waved her hand and rose to the sky, turning into a light that disappeared. In this starry sky.

   "I am God's wife." Mela felt endless pride at this moment.

  This **** belongs to her, and it is also a secret she only knows.

Lu Chuan, who appeared in space, swiped his hand, and then the starry sky changed, hiding this planet here in an unimaginable way. It is extremely difficult to find it. This is protecting this planet. . In addition, Lu Chuan left a touch of breath here, and it was able to stop a cosmic disaster for this planet at a critical time.

  What can be done, Lu Chuan has already done it, without any regrets, and then locked on a star in the distance, the movement of thoughts has disappeared here.


  To come to the bead universe of the Titans, Lu Chuan mainly tried to see if he had a chance.

  If the Governor of the Titans is eliminated, not to mention whether the Titans can be erased, it is to let them have no Governor for ten years, and their advantages will become obvious.

  If there is no chance, Lu Chuan’s other purpose is actually to repair the planet-conscious water spirit.

   "Boss, this planet is good."

  When moving to a huge red celestial body, the water elf spoke.

  There are not many planets that can make the water elves heart. Since it has opened its mouth, it means that this celestial body is of great help to its recovery.

Lu Chuan’s divine consciousness scanned it, and he was a little surprised that this red celestial body actually has a powerful species. It is a creature with a size of several thousand meters similar to an earthworm. They feed on rocks, sand, and dirt. Natural enemies, they are the only life, so they rule this planet, and under the crazily multiplying, there are terrifying numbers.

  No wonder the water elves are attracted to this planet, so the number of worm-like creatures will definitely provide restorative energy.

  In addition, the celestial body that can give birth to this kind of creature has a very high life energy. For the water elves, this is the big tonic in its eyes, and one is worth dozens of ordinary life stars.

  Lu Chuan nodded, instead of entering the red planet, but out of space, with a flick of his arm, the armguard broke away from Lu Chuan's arm, turned into a huge long sword, and flew towards the planet.

  The speed of the long sword was too fast, and it crashed into the planet in the blink of an eye.

  A huge deep pit appeared, a point that can be seen outside the planet, hundreds of kilometers in vertical and horizontal directions, and hundreds of meters in depth, absolutely terrifying. In other words, human billion tons of nuclear warheads can't cause this effect.

  The impact of this blow is to shift the crust in this area.

  Countless of these long-worm creatures were alarmed, they moved and got out of the ground. For a moment, the ground was densely packed with giant worms for several kilometers. They have no eyes, only a huge mouth, and they are full of numb teeth. I don't know how many there are.

  Using these tiny teeth, a piece of rock enters its mouth, and it only takes a circle to turn it into pieces and be swallowed by it.

  In the center of the giant pit, the long sword gleamed, and then the water spirit turned into a streamer and sank into the soil.

  Lu Chuan was in space, holding his arms, staring quietly.

  Next, it is the performance of the water elves.

  The entire planet, not just the creatures on it, but the planet itself, will disappear into nothing in the next short period of time and become a snack for the water elves. And these creatures will not realize what will happen to them next.

  The water elves quickly took control of this planet. The next moment, these creatures seemed to sense something and became uneasy.

   Their vitality is dissipating unexpectedly, being sucked by something terrible.

  Uneasy, they became restless one after another, and then got out of the ground and appeared on the ground. So on the surface of this red planet, there was an amazing and terrifying scene. I don’t know how many billions of huge long worms appeared on the ground. They opened their mouths and roared, seeming to be struggling, as if they were fighting. .

   But this effect is not that great, they still feel that their lives are fading.

  Lu Chuan looked at all this, his eyes did not change, his face was calm. It's not Lu Chuan's cold-bloodedness, but the difference in species, there is no emotion at all, they are monsters in Lu Chuan's eyes.

  For example, human beings have killed a snake, do they feel that their conscience is disturbed?

  Or in the game, will players be burdened by spawning monsters?

  The disappearance of life is shocking, but the creatures on this planet have given their all for it.

  Countless long worms ushered in death, their huge bodies fell on the ground, and then gradually turned into dust. From these creatures to the entire planet, the water elves used a terrifying way to turn this planet into countless dust, and then turned the dust into atoms impossible to see with the naked eye.

  Everything is like nothingness, the planet disappears, nothing is left.

  In the place where the planet disappeared, the water spirit turned into a bright spot, and it merged into this suspended long sword.

  The long sword returned freely, and then turned into an armguard, once again worn on Lu Chuan's arm.

  Lu Chuan raised his head, not changed because of the disappearance of this planet, his eyes settled on an incomparably distant starlight, and his mind movement was activated again and disappeared here.


  In the universe, it is like a journey that never ends. You will never know what you will face or experience.

  As long as he encounters a life star, Lu Chuan will stop.

  If there is no intelligent life, this planet will become the food of the water elves. Once there is an intelligent life, Lu Chuan will depend on this intelligent life. If this intelligent creature is extremely aggressive, or a species that challenges the bottom line of mankind, Lu Chuan will not be soft and let it become food for water elves.

  Like the planet in front of us, it has a kind of intelligent life, and it is preparing to break away from primitive civilization and move towards a real civilization.

  However, the reason why Lu Chuan hates them is that they are similar to the parasites, but more evil than the parasites. What makes Lu Chuan think of the aliens in human movies, the real parasites, destroy the host so cruelly.

  It is certain that when their civilization really rises, the creatures in the nearby star field will cause devastating blows.

and so……

  "It is unnecessary for it to exist." Lu Chuan sneered, and with a flick of his hand, the sword fell.

   didn't destroy it, but made it into the food of the water spirit.

  With Lu Chuan's ability, this planet can be destroyed with a single sword, without such trouble. But now it is different. The water spirit needs to recover. How could Lu Chuan miss such a good ration?

  The devouring of life was completed in just a few hours, until the planet became nothingness.

  Lu Chuan gave a cold snort, turned his head and left again.

   Moving forward in this universe, one after another planet is swallowed. The disappearance of some planets will bring about chain reactions, and some will not. Lu Chuan naturally cannot control these. The rules of the universe and these reactions will gradually disappear and eventually return to a state of equilibrium.

  As a rule-breaker, everything Lu Chuan does here is unscrupulous.

  Several planets passed by day by day, making Lu Chuan numb.

  Once again, Lu Chuan stopped.

  It is worthwhile for Lu Chuan to stop, it is naturally civilization.

  A civilization that has just broken through to the sixth level, occupying a huge star field, and the planets conquered by them are moving spacecraft. The division and opposition of each country, wars are constantly unfolding.

  Civilization is for species, not for countries.

  Humanity is a whole, civilization is the civilization of mankind, not the civilization of a certain country.

  A species is a civilization, and a civilization allows countless countries. War may cause civilization to regress or accelerate civilization. It is a holistic one. The criterion for measuring a civilization is from the perspective of species, not a country.

   Sixth-level civilization, its countries are strong and weak, big and small, there are hundreds of them.

  Countries dominate different star regions and have different numbers of planets. Resources have become the real fuse of war, which is happening every day.

   "Sixth level of civilization?"

After confirming the level of this civilization, Lu Chuan murmured a word, because he knew that the sixth-level civilization would be noticed by the inspectors soon and then destroyed here.

  Lu Chuan showed a faint It seemed like a lucky thing to encounter this sixth-level civilization.

  You don’t need to go anywhere, just stay here and wait for the rabbits. There will always be Titan inspectors here. At that time, it will be your own opportunity, following it, you will be able to find the Titan Race planet.

  The place where Luchuan appears is a life star located in a small galaxy. It is highly developed and has a developed planetary system.

The city after the sixth level of civilization is strictly speaking only a point in the planet. It has intelligent management and scheduling. The entire planet is almost integrated. Intelligence can handle everything, such as what happens in some place. Will dispatch nearby spacecraft to detour and so on.

  This civilized species is semi-energetic and has evolved for hundreds of millions of years. Like humans, they walk on two legs, but they have six arms, a small head, and only one eye.

  In human aesthetics, it is naturally classified as a monster, but it is not the kind of annoying and disgusting monster, and it is within the scope of acceptance.

   even said, a little cartoonish feeling.

   Entering here, the water elves are a bit active, but Lu Chuan patted his armguards, shook his head and said, "This is a species of level 6 civilization, this cannot be swallowed."

  Water Spirit is a little disappointed, otherwise the vitality here is definitely a big tonic for it.


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