Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 1734: Create bait

The universe is too huge, if you want to find the inspector of the Titans, it's really difficult, it's completely unattainable.

The best way, and also the dumbest way, is to sit back and wait.

Find a level 6 civilization, and stay there, waiting for them to find it.

The biggest disadvantage of this method is that the time is uncertain, but it is also the most labor-saving method. Otherwise, how do you find an inspector in the billion trillion cosmos?

"It seems that I missed this opportunity."

Lu Chuan appeared in a city, appreciating the technology of a foreign country, and smiled bitterly. My plan is to quickly find the Titan Race planet and find the Titan Race Governor. While it is still recovering, see if there is a chance.

Now it seems that the right time and place are not on his side.

First, the water elves did not recover, and second, they did not find the opponent's competitive planet.

Judging from the time it takes to recover, at this point in time, it has already recovered, and he has lost the opportunity to take advantage of its illness to kill it.

Lu Chuan was just disappointed, even if he didn't have this chance, Lu Chuan could still win it.

After he figured it out, Lu Chuan no longer felt compelled by time. This sixth-level civilization himself regarded it as a resting place. It may take a long time, but this sixth-level scientific and technological civilization, the star field they occupy, is very large in the universe and the easiest to find.

High civilization, and the civilization that is confined to a few planets, or even one planet, is the most difficult to find.

How to put it, this sixth-level technological civilization in front of us has reached dozens of light-years across the star field. The sixth-level civilization has the ability to use wormholes, which makes their spread faster and more and more The galaxy became the star field under their rule, and the range of influence suddenly increased to the range of thousands of light years.

Such a huge area, like a firefly in the night, is difficult to pay attention to.

To be sure, it will not take long before it will be discovered by the inspectors.

What Lu Chuan had to do was to wait for the arrival of the Titans' inspectors. Should he kill or track it? It was all Lu Chuan said.

Have experienced a lot? Lu Chuan doesn't have any sense of these civilizations now. How can the city be built with a sense of science fiction? In Lu Chuan's view, the essence is the same. At Lu Chuan's current level? Seeing things only starts from the essence.

In this civilization, it is definitely impossible to show people with the appearance of human beings.

Strolling in this civilized city, Lu Chuan uses their appearance, like an idler, no one will notice Lu Chuan.

The development of science and technology has given this civilization too much convenience, which has resulted in almost no people walking on the streets like Lu Chuan. Except for robots? Only a few people sporadically. In this era, you only need to click on your personal terminal, and everything will be delivered to you as soon as possible. Virtual technology exists, allowing you to wander around at home and visit every street in every city.

You can try on the clothes, you only need to pay if it is suitable, and the robot will be delivered to your home as soon as possible.

Immersive shopping? You can enjoy it at home, who will really set foot here?

Civilization seems to be progressing, but in fact species is degenerating.

"Here, let it be the meat grinder of the Titans."

Lu Chuan smiled indifferently. The entire civilization would not understand the impact of Lu Chuan's words on them. They didn't even know the existence of Lu Chuan, and they still used its rhythm to move forward. In fact, Lu Chuan's decision also determined the fate of too many Titan inspectors.

After making this decision, Lu Chuan needs to make arrangements to surprise the inspectors who discovered this civilization.

How to become a meat grinder?

It must be a place where inspectors keep coming to die. They know it is dangerous but have to come.

There is only one such place, and this is a civilization that is being promoted to a seventh-level civilization, or even an eighth-level civilization. The higher the level, the greater the scope of the universe's collapse and the stronger the impact.

Put it in any beads, this kind of civilization, they must be eliminated.

Lu Chuan wanted to create such a civilization so that even if they knew it was dangerous, they would still come.

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A level 6 civilization, if it uses extreme methods, it can quickly make continuous breakthroughs.

"It's not that I'm cold-blooded, but the destined result. It's nothing more than making use of it." Lu Chuan muttered to himself, looking up at the skyscrapers in the city and the countless flying vehicles.

This sixth-level civilization will eventually be destroyed by the Titans' inspectors. This is a doomed fate and cannot be changed.

Since Lu Chuan's destiny was destined, it would not be an exaggeration for Lu Chuan to take advantage of them and squeeze their value. What Lu Chuan brought to this civilization may be a longer-term existence. Before Lu Chuan gave up this civilization, they were all safe.

With good luck, lingering for more than ten years is not a problem.

After strolling around this city, Lu Chuan stopped and snapped his fingers.

To change the process of a civilization, if it is a primitive civilization, it will be very difficult to start from zero. But a sixth-level civilization has all the foundations of science and technology, and as long as its progress changes, it will explode jaw-dropping changes.

Following Lu Chuan's snapping fingers, his thoughts were transforming, and a huge spaceship appeared out of thin air in the distant star field, in this dark area.

After it appeared, it floated quietly in this star field.

This is the gift Lu Chuan gave to this civilization. This spaceship is a storage spaceship. It has a huge server group on it, storing huge amounts of data beyond imagination, and it has almost surrounded all the technologies of the seventh and eighth civilizations.

With these technologies, a leap in civilization may be achieved in just ten years.

"Hope not to let me down." Lu Chuan smiled, and went away. Lu Chuan, who gave out this gift, walked around here lightly. No one would know what Lu Chuan had done.


The unidentified spacecraft was again on a busy channel, so naturally it was discovered the first time.

Then everything came naturally, and the spacecraft was towed away by the military.

After a series of studies, the conclusions reached have shocked the entire upper strata, because the technological content of this spacecraft has reached a jaw-dropping level. As a level 6 civilization, some researches on this spacecraft are incapable. One can imagine its high technological content.

Aware of the technological content of the spacecraft, they mobilized a large number of scientific researchers and spent a lot of time, finally conquering the spacecraft's defense system and entering the spacecraft's interior.

Lu Chuan also sent the Buddha to heaven, and these materials were directly translated into their text.

If this is not the case, they would need to know how many years to understand these words, and the time would not meet Lu Chuan's requirements.

As for what they thought after they discovered that it was their words, Lu Chuan couldn't control it anymore. Anyway, these technologies are here, and Lu Chuan still doesn't believe they will be used.

No matter what species it is, there will always be desires. A rising technology database will definitely drive them crazy.

As Lu Chuan expected, when they discovered these scientific and technological materials, they were all crazy.

The entire upper echelon was alarmed, and then the highest-secret organization was set up to study and understand this information. At the same time, the country's top scientists were selected to form the membership of this institution.

Because these technologies are improved from their existing structures, they are almost seamlessly connected.

Some technologies are basically what they have been researching, or they have already achieved some results, some are their future directions, etc...It can be said that they can understand these technologies as quickly as possible.

Technology is linked to each other, and only after you understand this link can you move on to the next link.

If you don't need to study, things are simple. You only need to understand the technology, then you can promote the update of equipment and technology, and lay the foundation for the next level of technology.

It is not an exaggeration to say that with these technologies, it is completely boring.

For example, when you have these technologies, you can skip the utilization rate of wormholes and rise to the point of making wormholes, but this is not the end. Making wormholes is the standard of level 7 civilization. The big move is bored to the subspace transition.

Use this accumulation of technology to directly cross the technical difficulty of the two civilizations in one step.

How do you describe it? For example, countries around the world still use 4G, and a small number of them have made achievements in 5G, and powerful countries are already deploying 6G. At this time, if you have 8G technology, you can just ignore 5G, 6G, 7G... and just launch 8G.

Although you can't keep up with the progress in the facilities, with this technology, you are determined to upgrade these facilities.

What Lu Chuan gave them now was the full set of technologies of Level 8 Civilization, containing Level 6 and Level 7 data, so the huge amount of data was A storage spacecraft was needed to host these server groups. .

With these materials, they only need to understand, reform and upgrade, understand, reform and upgrade... The advancement of civilization will be very rapid.

What Lu Chuan wants to build now is a civilization that the Titans inspectors have to pay attention to.

"If a country owns it, the effect will be worse, so..." Lu Chuan smiled. The entire civilization of hundreds of countries, large and small, all received this gift from Lu Chuan as Lu Chuan snapped his fingers.

It is foreseeable that this civilization will be lively in the future. Under these information, it must be crazy to enter the competition, and the war machine will be activated, which will be more than military power.

With this kind of promotion, civilization will be promoted faster.

Needless to say, any technology will first serve the military.

When you see the civilian version, the military is at least several generations ahead of the civilian version.

The countries that received Lu Chuan's gifts all became nervous and treated them as treasures to protect them. All of them tried their best to use these technologies silently, and all of them thought they were the only one.

However, they soon discovered that this is not the same thing. Because of technological innovations, the newly manufactured warships are almost the same in technology. This also makes them realize that they have technology in their hands and are not alone. , But one by one.

"Who sent the information?"

This is definitely the biggest mystery, but no one can think about it. Because the open technology has no advantage in technology, so the direct fight is who can understand the technology faster and equip the troops faster.

A vigorous military competition was opened in the entire civilization.

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