Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 1743: Fight

Until this moment, the Governor of the Titans did not notice the prompt message given to it by the Titan Factory.

And this city of competition always felt a lot empty.

All the Titans inspectors all had worried expressions on their faces and were uneasy. These inspectors were inspectors who had just returned to the city of competition, and then they received the news.

No matter how militant they are, they also realize that they can't go head-on and dare not try easily.

Now that the Governor is back, they immediately have a backbone. As long as the Governor is there, there will always be a way to deal with it.

"How dare he, how dare he..."

At this time, the governor of the Titan tribe made a roar. It clenched its fists and gritted its teeth.

In the message, a coordinate location was marked, followed by reports of the deaths of millions of Titan inspectors. These reports were so densely packed that they finally gathered into a set of **** numbers, which was shocking.

After the appearance of the Judgment Star, the battle between the governor and the governor, the struggle between race and race, and the competition between beads and beads began. The Titans are a proud species, powerful and persevering, and have always firmly occupied the top ten. Always maintain the lead.

What about humans?

They have always been the last species, they are extremely weak, and apart from the better use of their heads, they have no brilliance.

At that time, the governor of the Titans had never thought of what kind of entanglement the Titans would have with humans. The two are like two parallel lines, which can never meet for a lifetime. The Titans will be the most powerful competing species, and humans will be quickly eliminated.

However, the next development is beyond its imagination. Human beings are not as it thought, but in an incredible way, they are constantly advancing and climbing on the leaderboard, from the end to the middle. Upstream, then upstream.

Next, with a shocking speed, he jumped into the top ten.

The rise of mankind is unimaginable for all species.

One of the dozens of species that is least promising, has counterattacked, like a black horse, rampaging in front of countless powerful species, and even rushed into the top ten.

At that time, God knew what it was like when it saw the rankings.

Especially the Governor of the Tree Clan in the cosmic broadcast was killed. I don't know how many people attribute the death of the Governor of the Tree Clan to the human Governor, because it is the most doubtful. It's just that this is so unbelievable that they all doubt it. In fact, they are more unwilling to accept it.

In the first ten, the most direct competition was formed, and the governor of the Titans paid attention to humans.

But next, what made the Governor of the Titans unimaginable was that humans actually threatened the status of the Titans.

This is so ridiculous and incredible. The human beings who were regarded as ants before, and the insignificant existence, now have the most direct competition with the Titans. How can it be accepted?

On Judgment Star, it provokes Lu Chuan, which is actually an inner anger, and it also means to try the strength of the human governor.

But human beings were too cunning, set a round for it, and then it was beaten and killed by a group.

Regardless of this hatred, between humans and the Titans is a life and death situation. It does not need hatred and hatred. From the perspective of development and survival, the two cannot shake hands.

Now, this human being who exists like an ant has acted that makes it extremely angry.

"How can he, how dare he..."

The human governor unexpectedly slashed millions of Titan inspectors.

For the Titans who already have 600 million inspectors, millions of them do not hurt their bones, but the face inside is like a resounding slap in the face, making it difficult for the governor of the Titans to accept that humans actually do it.

In its view, humans can only be captured with their hands and be conquered and annihilated by the Titans.

But all this is reversed. The human governor turned out to be at home. How can this be tolerated?

"Human Governor, I want you to die." The Governor of the Titans roared up to the sky. Its eyes were full of hideous expressions. It pointed to the sky and said: "All the inspectors and inspectors, set out with me."

In the city of competition, millions of Titan inspectors have regrouped.

For the Titans with 600 million inspectors, millions are really not a big number, and the number of inspectors in this competitive city is usually 20 to 30 million.

Only being threatened by the human species, they became crazy, and the whole family moved in order to crush Lu Chuan in the judgment points, regain the status of the Titans, and trample humans under their feet.

Human beings ranked fourth are the species that the Titans must step on.

In the distortion of the governor of the Titan tribe, millions of inspectors were sent away. They were aggressive, and under the leadership of the governor, they were fearless.


Lu Chuan had already sensed the fluctuations of cosmic energy hundreds of milliseconds in advance, and a huge number of inspectors were coming in the distortion.

Without hesitation, Lu Chuan pulled a Titan inspector in front of him, and then twisted his hand in the void. The head of this incomparably tall Titan inspector was twisted into twists by an unknown force.

No matter how strong the Titan Clan inspector is, it is now extremely fragile. It has terrifying strength, can destroy the world, and can explode a planet with one punch, and the huge energy of the stars can't help them. It can travel through the entire universe in one thought, appearing in any place.

But now, it can only stare wide-eyed, greet its own death, and can do nothing.

Its power is so ridiculous, in front of Lu Chuan, there is no way to fight back.

There was no expression on Lu Chuan's face, and he let go of his hand. The tall Titan inspector fell down and Lu Chuan let it float in the starry sky.

Another flash, the last Titan inspector was stopped by Lu Chuan.

"Don't come, don't come..."

After self-proclaimed as the God of War, it was not like a warrior, but a coward. At this moment, it made a begging for mercy, completely no longer like a Titan.

It was really scared. Millions of people were slaughtered by this human governor in front of him. God knows how terrifying the other party is.

In its eyes, Lu Chuan was completely equated with the devil.

The space was distorted, and the appearance of the governor of the Titan tribe immediately propped up a huge energy shield to protect all the incoming millions of inspectors.

The next moment, the Governor of the Titans found Lu Chuan's trace.

What made the Governor of the Titans chew his teeth, Lu Chuan was wiping the war knife from the neck of a Titan inspector. The tall Titan inspector, like a chicken, couldn't stop the knife no matter how hard it struggles. It covered its neck and slowly fell.

This knife almost wiped off its neck, and only a thread of flesh followed.

When it fell, its head was almost separated from its neck, and the dissipated magical powers made it no longer protected by cosmic energy. The result of exposure to this space was that its blood was solidified and gradually frozen.


The governor of the Titan tribe roared in anger. It burst out of cosmic energy, its body was twisting, and its mind moved. The next moment it was already in front of Lu Chuan. It raised its fist and slammed it towards Lu Chuan.

The space was torn apart, and the energy waves blasted from the fist cut to the surroundings like the speed of light.

As soon as the governor level is shot, you know if there is any.

No nonsense, just come up and do it directly, whether it is Lu Chuan or the Governor of the Titans, there is nothing to talk to the other party. The competition between beads and beads, the life and death of species and species has become a foregone conclusion.

As the most direct competitors, the Titans need to climb up on human corpses. It must work hard, otherwise it is impossible to move forward.

And humans, when looking up to the third place, what they need is to headshot all the competitors who challenge their position.

Irreconcilable contradictions are doomed to the point where the two sides will start to do something if they disagree.

The governor-level shots are by no means simple. This level dominates the universe and dominates billions of trillions of species. Just imagine the energy fluctuations caused by the existence of this level will be a disaster for the star regions in this area. .

"On Judgment Star, I can let you, but here, I won't."

Lu Chuan sneered, shaking his hand sharply.

Superimposed with the power of the Governor of the Parasitic Race, Lu Chuan's hand was deformed in this space like a liquid, and then formed a huge palm that slammed into the fist of the Governor of the Titan Race.

The collision of power and power, a violent shock wave of cosmic energy spreading around.

In this light-year planet, one by one was swept by the shock wave and exploded directly. This force, so violent, made this space become muddy, as if it had become a cosmic swamp.

A powerful blow and strong rebound force made each other bounce back.

The governor of the Titan tribe frowned. It didn't expect that human beings were so strong that they could take this blow.

"Come again!"

The governor of the Titan tribe laughed wildly, and a battle shield and a battle spear appeared in his hands.

The Titans, only if they have a battle shield and a battle spear in their hands, they will be possessed like a **** of war. They are fearless and think that they can defeat everything. The governor of the Titans has used the battle shield and the battle spear, which shows that it has taken it seriously.

The weapon that can become a governor is definitely not an ordinary weapon, but a gold weapon.

At this moment, the strength of the governor of the Titans began to be affected by Shuo Jin and increased.

The governor of the Titan tribe moved. After locking Lu Chuan, his mind moved and appeared in front of Lu Chuan with a terrifying speed, and then the war spear in his hand pierced out.

The space was torn in an instant, and this thorn stirred the space almost to pieces.

The Governor of the Titans is indeed the existence that has always occupied the top ten. Its response nerve has reached the level of about 50 milliseconds. This response speed can be said to be close to the microsecond level, very strong. .

Thinking carefully, the first Bone Wing Queen, the Governor of the Giant Stone Race, and the Governor of the Tree Race, their reaction nerves are probably in the microsecond level, right?

It is worthy of being the first three. They have superimposed the strength of the Parasitic Race Governor, and they have only reached the microsecond level, but they have reached the same level. It can be seen that their strength is beyond imagination.

50 milliseconds has no advantage in the face of microseconds.

A gap of one level, even if it is only 1 millisecond, is converted to 1,000 microseconds when zoomed in to microseconds, while Lu Chuan's response nerve is 800 microseconds. The gap is huge. When your reaction nerve reaches this level, you will discover many secrets of this universe, such as the secrets of time and speed.

In Lu Chuan's eyes, the flow of this world is problematic at this moment.

In the eyehole, time was stretched infinitely, and then the pierced war spear was very slow, even slow.

Lu Chuan knew that this was actually when his universe changed within microseconds. It was not that the other party was slow, but that he was fast. It broke through the forbidden zone of life's reaction to the reaction, and this kind of scene that could peer into the universe appeared .

Under this kind of vision, Lu Chuan just shook his body before crossing the stabbed war spear.

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The governor of the Titan tribe outside, what it saw was that its own thorn failed.

Among the Titan inspectors, nine out of ten felt their eyes gleaming, and they couldn't see clearly. The governor had gone wrong with the human governor. They could not see clearly, but they also realized that the governor was fighting with the human governor. .

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