Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 1744: You are scaring me

When the speed is greater than what can be seen with the naked eye and has reached the level of almost microseconds, in fact, nothing can be seen.

The inspectors of the Titans, they are like this now, they can see nothing, in this star field, it seems that nothing happened.

But in fact, this is not the case.

The violent ability turned this star field into hell.

All the Titan inspectors close to here, or the planets here, will all become fragments in an instant. The shock waves generated by the Titans' governor and Lu Chuan's blast are ubiquitous here, forming a death area with a range of more than one light-year.

The fight between the two is invisible, and it may be shot hundreds of times in one second.

You must know that at this level of them, every time you make a shot, it looks dull, but it can smash the planet.

Now hundreds of shots per second, the collision of power and power, has caused energy turbulence, enough to set off a cosmic disaster.

The universe has been moving for hundreds of millions of years, countless planets and galaxies have been fixed, and all that has changed is tiny. Except for the newly added expansion star field, except for the destruction of some planets, not much has changed.

Stability means that it is fixed. When there are some changes, it will bring a chain reaction.

Like now, Lu Chuan and the governor of the Titan tribe have destroyed this light-year-old planet, and a chain reaction that affects dozens of light-years will be formed. I don't know how many years will pass before the chain reaction will finally disappear.

But for the species within this range, this kind of impact is fatal. God knows how many species can bear this level of disaster.

When gods fight, mortals suffer.

The fight between Lu Chuan and the governor of the Titan tribe, both are fine now, but this planet within a light-year period, under this kind of shock wave, is collapsing. The near ones are already affected, while the far ones are only a matter of time before they are destroyed in the face of these sub-light speed shock waves.

It was like a silent movie, but it was so shocking.

Inspectors of the Titans, their strength is beyond the scope of ordinary tribesmen, and they are dominated by one party. However, in the current battle, they are not qualified to participate. Think about the millions of people who had the same strength as them, but in a very short time, they were slaughtered by the human governor.

How can they participate in this strength?

To become the top ten governor, the combat effectiveness of the governor of the Titan tribe is not to mention very strong, and more importantly, its combat experience far exceeds that of Lu Chuan.

In terms of fighting skills, the Governor of the Titans smashed several streets in Luchuan. In this respect, Lu Chuan is far inferior.

The governor of the Titans has gone through an unknown number of battles in his life. It is the birth of a warrior. The Titans are a warlike race that has been fighting. In this way, the current strength of the governor of the Titan tribe has been created, and the marvelous fighting skills. If Lu Chuan had not superimposed the ability of the governor of the parasitic tribe, it would have been blown by the governor of the Titan tribe.

With this superposition of the Parasitic Governor's ability, Lu Chuan and the Titan Tribe Governor had a tie.

However, this kind of ability given to Lu Chuan by the Governor of the Parasitic Race is indeed exquisite. The liquid will change with Lu Chuan's mind, and it is absolutely mysterious.

"The gap is not too big, this Titans Governor is really difficult."

During the battle, Lu Chuan frowned. The current situation was slightly different from what he imagined.

I still dominate, but this kind of advantage is somewhat small.

Human combat skills are not necessarily better than the Titans. The main reason is that the Titans have a long and terrifying history. After they grow up, they will fight endlessly. Their combat skills are also tempered in battles, and they eventually become strong.

Their fighting skills are not inferior to humans.

As a result, Lu Chuan was a little embarrassed. In terms of his hands-on experience, Lu Chuan was really inferior to the Governor of the Titans. The main reason for being able to carry it until now is that Lu Chuan has superimposed the strength of the parasitic governor, and has absorbed the life of several governors to strengthen himself.

Without this, Lu Chuan believed that he would definitely kneel.

The governor of the Titan tribe was also more and more alarmed, because it did not expect that it would go all out to make a move. In a short period of time, it was tens of thousands of moves, but it failed to win the human governor. The opponent's strength is no less. To yourself.

This is different from the previous inference. In the hearts of the Governor of the Titans, humans have never been regarded as opponents. Now they have become opponents, but they are not incompetent as they thought. Why not surprise the Governor of the Titans?

The fighting skills of humans are also very terrifying, and they are not inferior to the fighting skills of the Titans.

It can be imagined that human beings are really far from being as weak as it thought.

There is still a little restraint in the fight between each other, there is no real life and death. Both sides did not use time and space barriers, and did not use up-and-down methods. Once these assassins are used, it means that everyone has entered a desperate stage.

It's not that each other doesn't want to kill each other. This kind of evenly matched, the best result is that both lose and lose. The bad result is that one side dies, and the other side will not lose the good. It is definitely a battle that kills one thousand and loses 800.

Does the Governor of the Titans hate Lu Chuan?

Of course I hate it. Killing his own millions of Titan inspectors will make this hatred. The Governor of the Titans still maintains a trace of clarity and has not lost his sense. That's why it can kill Lu Chuan inseparably.

Lu Chuan also understands this level now, a little disappointed.

Killed millions of Titan inspectors, but did not make the Titans governor angrily lose his mind. What Lu Chuan wanted was that it lost its sanity and looked for opportunities to kill the opponent.

If he could kill it, Lu Chuan would not be able to save his life.

"Human Governor, you will regret what you did today." The Governor of the Titans slowed down, but he spoke. The Governor's common language was used. The other Titans couldn't hear what it was. Meaning.

Lu Chuan also moved slowly, and said, "Your relationship between top and bottom, do you think today's scene will be accidental?"

"You killed me millions of inspectors, and you used such despicable fishing methods to lure my inspectors, wouldn't you be afraid that I would give a tooth for a tooth?" Thinking of what Lu Chuan had done, the Governor of the Titans actually supported a civilization and lured The inspectors came to die.

This kind of behavior, for the Governor of the Titan tribe, is like opening the door of a master strategy.

It turns out that strategy can also play such a big role.

Lu Chuan sneered and said, "You dare not, if you don't want your competitive planet coordinates to be disclosed by me. In addition, you should know why humans can be fourth, but you can only be fifth?"

The governor of the Titan tribe slammed a punch, but Lu Chuan stubbornly carried it down, backing away from each other.

"You are frightening me." The Governor of the Titans roared.

But the Governor of the Titans knew that he was still jealous after all, because he did not dare to gamble. If Lu Chuan was able to destroy the competitive planet, it really angered Lu Chuan, and if a fish died and the net broke, it must be his own side.

Once Lu Chuan destroys the competitive planet, the species will disappear in the universe and be obliterated.


At the edge of a certain layer of universe where the Titans are located.

Here is the boundless darkness on one side, and on the other side is a place of light like a ray of sky.

The surging cosmic energy was distorted, and then a snake-like species appeared on the edge of the expansion of the universe. It magically possessed wings like a dragonfly, making it seem to fly in the sky.

Its scales all over its body are gray-white, its eyes are blood red, and its head resembles that of a snake, but it has facial features.

If this is not magical enough, then it looks incredible with its hands on its abdomen and two spears.

A species that has never appeared in the history of mankind, but now appears in the pearl universe of the Titans.

After it appeared, his eyes were staring at this beautiful and spectacular expansion of the universe, and his eyes were staring at the place of light. Standing here is like throwing you in an endless starry sky, making you feel desperate.

The next moment, behind it, the space was torn apart, and countless clansmen who were not very different from it arrived, one by one, and the number continued to rise. In the blink of an eye, it rose to a number that made people feel jaw-dropping.

One million, ten million, one hundred million...Until the number of 400 million exceeded, it stopped.

400 million people are here.

Obviously, this is a premeditated attack, even if it is not known how many attacks have been prepared.

The head of the governor, its eyes became gloomy, with a proud look on his face. After today, it will bring the tribesmen to flatten the Titans, sweep the Titans with the momentum of thunder, and trample them under their feet.

The sixth-ranked fantasy snake clan has always been known for its viciousness.

They are similar to the Winged Snakes, but the Winged Snakes are not in their eyes because the Winged Snakes are too weak is far behind them.

Mobilized 400 million inspectors and 4,000 supervisors. The Governor of the Illusion Snake Clan made the calculation to force the Titans to move away from them. For this action, it waited for thirty years.

It is not easy to gather so many inspectors. Due to the division of labor, too many inspectors have entered the samsara space and need to wait for them to come out.

Four hundred million Phantom Snake Clan inspectors appeared here, each of them propped up the energy shield to prevent the violent energy at the edge of the universe from affecting them. On their faces, some are not nervous, but excited.

The Governor of the Illusory Snake Clan was not in a hurry. It stared at the distant sky, enjoying the beauty here.

It has been deployed for the Titans for decades, and it doesn't care about this little time anymore.

I have long ago grasped the coordinates of the planet of the Titans, and let it know that it doesn't need to be for a moment, and once it moves, it is definitely a force of thunder. Now, it's just the tranquility before the storm and the darkness before dawn.

No one from the 400 million phantom snake clan inspectors made a sound, and they were densely arranged in the starry sky, waiting for their king to give orders.

"In this battle, the Titans must be taken down." The Illusory Snake Clan Governor spoke, and his voice reached the ears of every inspector, ignoring the rules of the universe.

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If you use such a huge amount, if you don't make a difference, you will definitely laugh at others.

"Win, win, win, win..."

The Illusory Snake Clan inspectors, as soon as the voice of the Illusive Snake Clan Governor fell, they roared rhythmically. On this line of darkness and light, under the leadership of the governor, they disappeared in pieces in the roar.

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