Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 377: Heavy fire attract

"Check me out who the **** is doing."

Gu Yang flung away the flying zombies in embarrassment, violently jumping, the sound of firecrackers still ringing, and the beautiful fireworks rising up and blooming in the sky, he didn't believe it was an accident.

In Gu Yang's view, someone must have set this trap in order to cut off the power in his hand.

And this person must be someone in the stronghold.

Only the people in the stronghold will be so aware of the troops' every move and be able to hit with one blow, trapping most of the alienated new human soldiers in the city.

The appearance of this super zombie should be brought out by the other party for the same reason.

It can be seen that this person is familiar with Zhongzhou City.

All these are enough to make such affirmation.

If this person is dug out, he wants the other person to experience the cruelest torture in the world.

Gu Yang's words are the supreme will in the stronghold, so in the stronghold, the guards immediately launched an investigation. But this kind of investigation, everyone knows, it is impossible to get results in a short time, or even nothing.


"Now, I'm thinking about diverting this super zombie away, otherwise the people here will really be slaughtered by it." Seeing that the time was about to come, Lu Chuan, standing in the distance, decided to act.

The action will not be Lu Chuan himself.

Just kidding, in the current situation, even with a zombie suit, Lu Chuan knows that in front of a super zombie, it is not very effective, it can sense his own strangeness.

Lu Chuan would not do things that make fun of his life.

Even if everyone here is buried for themselves, when a person dies, what else is there to say whether to bury him?

In order to attract super zombies, in addition to a stronger voice, it is the breath of life.

Carrying life, this storage space has not yet been opened, so Lu Chuan has no choice. But the breath of life does not necessarily require real life, like some fresh meat, to achieve this goal.

Lu Chuan likes to plan and move later, and he has long considered it.

In the storage space, a large amount of animal blood was prepared, as well as a large fan of pork. In modern times, these are not a problem at all. As long as you have money, filling the entire storage space is a matter of minutes.

"Qianwei, snipe it to attract its attention." Lu Chuan issued an order.

Qiangwei, who has been lurking in a tall building, nodded indifferently, and the role of a sniper rifle may not necessarily attract the attention of super zombies, but what if it is a dual anti-aircraft gun?

The kinetic energy of a sniper rifle is more powerful than that of an anti-aircraft artillery, especially the concentrated strike power.

Dual antiaircraft artillery lies in its explosive power, which is far less powerful than a sniper rifle.

Lu Chuan chose the dual anti-aircraft artillery, mainly using its firepower to successfully draw the attention of the super zombie back. Only if a loud enough voice hurts the super zombie, it will lock Qiangwei here as a new target and achieve the purpose of drawing it away.

Instead of using a sniper rifle, Qiangwei lowered the angle of the twin antiaircraft artillery.

From modern firepower, after Lu Chuan's transformation, it can achieve a -15-degree angle of dive capability. Therefore, on this tall building, Qiangwei fixed the dual anti-aircraft artillery, lowered the angle, and locked the sight on the super zombie who was demolishing the building.

Qiangwei is slender, but don't forget that it has been strengthened by Lu Chuan ten times, and the power it possesses is astonishing. This dual anti-aircraft artillery is nothing to it at all.

The huge ammunition box is full of ammunition chains, with a load of two hundred rounds, and the firepower is absolutely brutal.

Without Lu Chuan's firing command, Qiangwei pressed the start button with her hand, the motor worked, and the twin anti-aircraft artillery burst into flames, and one round of shells slammed out, slamming into the location of the super zombie more than a kilometer away.

At this kind of distance, the accuracy of the twin antiaircraft guns is still very reliable, and the error is not very large.

This twin anti-aircraft gun is an antique in the 1980s, but in some backward war-torn countries, it is a rare heavy firepower. It was Xia Min who got it at first, and then Lu Chuan took it to the end of the world.

If there is a choice, Lu Chuan would of course want a more advanced one, but the problem is that Lu Chuan has no way to get it now.

Through Xia Min, now it can only be obtained from the capture.

After the 21st century, the dual anti-aircraft artillery began to be phased out. Most of them were replaced by interceptor missiles, not to mention the near-anti-aircraft artillery instead of this kind of antiaircraft artillery.

The height and speed of the fighter plane made this kind of antiaircraft artillery, which had some relatively backward technology, useless.


Now used here, but it is rare firepower.


The first anti-aircraft shell hit the building next to the super zombie. Under the impact, the fuze detonated the warhead, tearing the air and the building, forming a dusty smoke in the flame.

The next moment, within a few tenths of a second, the second shot hit the super zombie and exploded on it.

The connected antiaircraft shells continued to explode.

From a distance, you can see two tongues of flames appearing on the tall buildings, and the two long fluorescent chains stretched out. In fact, these are the chains of light formed after the shells are shot out. Even in the daytime, they are still spectacular.

Lu Chuan held the binoculars and locked onto the super zombie.

This kind of firepower strike, as Lu Chuan thought, had a small effect on the super zombie. One round of shells only caused some small wounds on its scales and skin, and only the surface was injured.

"Not bad."

Lu Chuan smiled lightly, just a small wound, enough to draw his attention back.

Qiangwei did not fluctuate, she still ignited rhythmically, constantly firing. If there was no instruction from Lu Chuan, even if she was here waiting for the super zombie to shoot it into flesh, it would not fluctuate.

"Some excitement."

Lu Chuan sent an instruction to the Titan. After ten times of strengthening, this tyrant was as powerful as an ox. It carried a human high-speed iron barrel released by Lu Chuan and poured the animal blood inside from the tall building.

The scarlet blood fell like a waterfall, and under the sunlight, it appeared a kind of demon red.

The strong breath of life spread, causing countless zombie riots.


Finally, the super zombie moved. It gave up the tall building in front of it, turned its head, and shot against Qiangwei, letting these shells explode on its body, and rushed towards Qiangwei.

On the chest of the super zombie, fire explosions continued to appear, but it could not stop the super zombie from running wild.

The blood makes the super zombies violent, and its running is a disaster for the extremely dense zombies here. Each step is to kick a large number of zombies into the air, and in the first step, one or two zombies will always be stepped into pieces.

The place where the super zombie passes is definitely a **** road.

The super zombies at this time give people the feeling that they are giants attacked by giants. They are extremely tall and fearless.


A violent voice came out, a distance of more than one kilometer, in the eyes of the super zombie, it was not a distance at all. It slammed into the building, and the dust was flying, but the building was knocked out of a huge human-shaped depression.

If a big building, there is a feeling of shaking.

"Titan, you withdraw first."

Lu Chuan did not hesitate. He gave the order. The Titan, wearing an alloy armor, turned his head and walked to the other side of the tall building. Then, holding a pulley in his hand, he jumped out without hesitation, and slid to the distance. The roof of a lower building.

However, Lu Chuan walked to the Shuanglian antiaircraft artillery and put it into the storage space, but several steps leaped onto the back of the corpse dragon that had been prepared for a while.

Qiangwei also moved. It sprinted a few steps, then jumped dexterously, and fell behind Lu Chuan.

"Hold tight."

Lu Chuan issued a command, Qiangwei immediately wrapped her hands around her, hugged Lu Chuan's waist, and tied Lu Chuan. Wearing ice-cold armor, there is no comfort at all, but rather uncomfortable against his back.

"It's Aventure, but what kind of trouble did I encounter?"

Lu Chuan grinned, but let the corpse dragon run, rushing out from the side where the Titan had left, spreading his fleshy wings in the sky, but he reached a tall building almost a kilometer away.

Next, firepower was deployed again, but Qiangwei was still operating.

Continue to be the same as before, also using this kind of fixed ignition power to attract away the super zombie-class maniac demolition.

As for the places where the alienated new humans are, the tide-like zombies are in chaos, but the extremely large number prevents them from dissipating, and these places are still densely surrounded.

In other words, the crisis of super zombies is lifted, but the crisis of ordinary zombies still exists.

They are still trapped.

However, this result has already made them ecstatic. After all, facing the super zombies, they have no power to fight back, and ordinary zombies at least give them something called hope.


"The super zombie retired."

"Is it the brother in the stronghold? That's awesome."

"Yes, that's it, hit it hard."

" It's saved this time."

"Back to the stronghold, I must give these brothers my best wine."

On the wireless channel, there was joy.

People who have not passed by will never know what a transition from despair to hope is that makes people lose control of their emotions. Only when you have been desperate will you know the value of hope.

In their eyes, super zombies are just like bugs, which is desperate and powerless.

Yi Zhanfei frowned, and he faintly felt that something was wrong, because the rescue troops from the stronghold had now been washed away. Even if it doesn't leave, it is impossible to cross such a dense zombies to the location in the building where the fire is fired, but it is closer to the center of the city, which is the direction when the zombies came.


The current situation, no matter what, is also beneficial to them.

In the face of despair, a war, and a glimmer of hope, they certainly chose the latter.

"No one is allowed to shoot, use cold weapons." Yi Zhanfei yelled on the channel. Now in a good situation, it is absolutely impossible to attract super zombies back because of the gunshots.

To deal with the zombies that rushed into the high-rise buildings, as long as they withdrew to the upper floors and blocked a few upstairs, it was enough to make them not afraid of these zombies. No matter how many they were, they couldn't help them.

As the sound disappears and the characteristics of life disappear, they can soon disperse.

Especially the soldiers on the building that had just been demolished. They are the ones who are afraid. If they slow down for a few minutes, they will follow in the footsteps of the people before and be buried alive by the collapsed building.

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