Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 378: It's useless if I take it off

Step by step, Lu Chuan stopped this attraction until he attracted the super zombies to almost five kilometers away.

Next, as long as these people are not brain-disabled, they all know how to do it.

Don't make too much noise and calm the attention of the super zombies. They stay on the high-rise buildings, enough for their lives. If they had to die and make some shocking moves, Lu Chuan would have no choice.

Looking at the roaring super zombie below, it was desperately dismantling the building under its feet, at an amazing speed.

Just as Lu Chuan thought, the survivors were not stupid, gunfire and so on all disappeared, that is, firecrackers and fireworks disappeared, and the whole city was silent except for the "whoop" sound when the zombies rioted.

Feeling the shaking of the building under his feet, Lu Chuan took the Shuanglian antiaircraft artillery away, but this time he held Qiangwei, took a few steps, and then smashed, and he had already landed on the back of the dragon.

Level 5 genetic enhancement is not a joke. It is no exaggeration to say that Lu Chuan is already a non-human person.

The powerful strength made Lu Chuan's high jump and long jump amazing. The two world champions in front of Lu Chuan are just like a baby toddler.


Lu Chuan laughed, and the corpse dragon under the command naturally took off in strides.

There is no need for Lu Chuan to worry about the rest.

From the air, you can see the big Titan, which is running wildly on the street, swinging its arms all the way and hitting it forward. The zombies are thrown by it as a toy, clearing a path.

After waiting for a long enough distance, Lu Chuan gave an order that it rushed into a shopping mall and entered a state of silence.

In this state, even if the super zombie passes by, there is no trace of interest in it, because in the eyes of the super zombie, it is one of the billions of zombies.

Commands were issued. Thousands of hellhounds and lickers scattered around this area found high-rise buildings, houses, and shops to enter, and entered silence.

After completing this, Lu Chuan asked the corpse dragon to take him and leave here.

When he returned to the biochemical factory, Lu Chuan's hanging heart relaxed. From here, from a distance, you can also see flying zombies like dark clouds in the sky.

The reason why they didn't attract their attention just now is that the corpse dragon is a zombie, Qiangwei and Titan are both zombies, and they have a zombie suit, in their eyes, they are also zombies.

Often when they have a reaction, they will leave with the twin antiaircraft artillery, and they will attack even if they want to attack.

Next, we just waited.

In this process of waiting, controlling the heat can naturally make these alienated new humans trapped here ecstatic, and then... naturally if they are square, they are square, and if they are round, they are round. of.


Back to modern times.

It was already over one o'clock, Lu Chuan took out his cell phone, and Shi Ruoyu had no information.

An Tong sent a lot of news, all of which were schedules.

These itineraries were actually decided by Lu Chuan, and only after getting the decision, she arranged it. For example, who to see, who to miss, etc.

The current Baichuan Guihai Company is still in the limelight, and Lu Chuan's attention is still too high.

The big guys who came one by one wanted to meet Lu Chuan, and should get to know him. Everyone knows that the technical strength and countless subdivision technologies demonstrated by Baichuan Guihai Company may not be without the possibility of cooperation.

It's just in their impression that this young chairman of the Baichuan Guihai Company is really proud. Except for a few big bosses who have met, no one has received a reply from the same opinion.

"Boss, take a look at the schedule."

After An Tong knew that Lu Chuan had returned to modern times, he immediately called.

That sweet and greasy voice made Lu Chuan feel better.

"You reply to them, saying that I need to do experiments for half a month, and there is no time for the time being." Lu Chuan knows the importance of establishing relationships, but now he has no thoughts about it.

Solving the stronghold is the top priority.

An Tong nodded: "Yes, boss."

After hanging up An Tong's phone, Lu Chuan sent Shi Ruoyu a message: "Shi Shi, I haven't eaten yet, let's have a meal together."

Before the change, it was only a few seconds to reply.

But now, there was no reply for a few minutes, Lu Chuan smiled bitterly, this poem Ruoyu really has a personality. After changing to other women, knowing her current grades, I am afraid that she can't get rid of it. She is good, but she is treating herself coldly.

After thinking about it, Lu Chuan still called.

Female dormitory of Handong University.

Shi Ruoyu held the mobile phone and was in a daze.

Of course she saw the WeChat sent by Lu Chuan, but she didn't know how to reply. In the past few days, she has not calmed down. After all, the news that appeared had a great impact on her.

Billionaires are already unacceptable. After all, Lu Chuan was just an ordinary person in her previous impression, her brother. But now it's not as simple as billionaires. In the reports of the past few days, the wording of the world's richest Chinese has never stopped.

Everyone knows the gap between the world's richest Chinese and billionaires. It is simple to find hundreds of billionaires in China. Globally, one thousand is not a problem. But the richest Chinese in the world is unique.

This was originally a good thing, but Shi Ruoyu's disposition was just plain.

To become the girlfriend of the richest Chinese in the world, I want to know that she will have no privacy and will lead a life without peace. For her, she is unwilling to accept it.

Once the news came to light, she was marked on her body, besides marrying Lu Chuan, what choice did she have? The former richest Chinese woman in the world, with this title, who would dare to walk with herself again? I'm afraid no one has this courage.

It is just this kind of kind that makes Shi Ruoyu not know how to face it.

In a daze, Su Yun and the others in the dormitory all looked at each other, but did not dare to speak.

There is no way, now Shi Ruoyu is different. They used to be proud and self-confident, but now in front of Shi Ruoyu, it's a joke, it's really not equal.

"Ding Dong..."

The phone rang, a string of nice chords.

Shi Ruoyu looked at the Lu Chuan name marked on it, bit her lip slightly, struggling in her heart. She still has love for Lu Chuan, otherwise it would have been impossible to accept Lu Chuan as a poor boy in the first place.

After hesitating, Shi Ruoyu knew that she could not bear the aura that Lu Chuan blessed on her, so she decisively pressed the hang up button.

This move made Su Yun and the others dumbfounded. There are really very few people in this world who can make this move. How much perseverance does it take to refuse the pursuit of being the world's richest man?

However, Lu Chuan's phone rang again.

Shi Ruoyu hung up again cruelly.

The third time it rings, Shi Ruoyu's eyes are already with tears. As far as Lu Chuan's identity is concerned, being able to call him three times is enough to see his sincerity.


Shi Ruoyu sighed softly and hung up again.

"Shishi, are you stupid?" The impatient Bu Jiayue rushed over and said anxiously.

Oh my god, what kind of identity is Lu Chuan? She was hung up by this silly poem after three hits. Does she know the consequences of doing this? Not to mention whether she will lose her step to the sky. Those of them who are looking forward to the ascension of chickens and dogs have lost their chance.

If Shi Ruoyu can't be Lu Chuan's girlfriend, then their relationship with Lu Chuan doesn't have to be expected to get any benefits.

This kind of benefit doesn’t have to be great, but it’s always okay to work in Baichuan Guihai Company, right? Who doesn't know that Baichuan Guihai Company is not short of money now, and the welfare is so good that it explodes.

These fresh graduates, it is impossible for them to find such a good job.

At that time, no matter who is in charge of him, he only needs to reveal the news about the roommate of Lu Chuan's girlfriend. Are they still mixed up like fish?

It's not that they have such a heavy self-interest, but this kind of thing to follow the trend, why not do it? Of course, the premise of all this is that Shi Ruoyu is still Lu Chuan's girlfriend.

No matter how Su Yun and the others, they also support Bu Jiayue.

Not only because of them, but also because of Shi Ruoyu, in this world, who doesn't want to be Cinderella? They don't have this qualification anymore, but Shi Ruoyu has it, why not catch it?

"Shishi, hit back soon, Lu Chuan is naturally emotional to you, and you don't know it." Su Yun also persuaded him.

Jin Ling and Yang Qingqing also followed suit.

It's just Shi Ruoyu's character, that kind of person who is soft on the outside and strong on the inside. She shook her head and said, "You don't have to persuade me, I have my own ideas." She gave Bu Jiayue a blank look and said, "Look. You are anxious, you really want to fly to the branch to become a phoenix, you can call him."

Bu Jiayue is sturdy: "I thought too, but it's me? I really climbed onto Lu Chuan's bed. It's useless to get naked. Didn't he get kicked under the bed?"

"You big dirty hooligan."

"Unexpectedly you are such a sexual woman."

Bu Jiayue triumphantly said, "This is the bed of the richest Chinese in the world. Let alone a young man, even if he is a seven-year-old man, his old lady will climb up without hesitation."

"Bah!" Shi Ruoyu was happy.

This Bu Jiayue, really appeared in his true colors.

Bu Jiayue laughed, but rushed to Shi Ruoyu: "My old lady wants to see how much material is there for the woman who can make the world's richest man fall in love with?"

All of a sudden, the whole dormitory was full of squabbles. The spring light in it, if there are boys, wouldn't the eyes stick out?


Lu Chuan hung up the phone with a wry smile, this poetry, Ruoyu, really has a personality.

After thinking about it, Lu Chuan sent a message on WeChat: "I'll give you a week to think clearly. Once the time is over, I will let you know the other side of my dominance."

In fact, going out to eat, in Lu Chuan's opinion, is no longer interesting.

The reason is very simple. There is a God of Cooking in his kitchen. Looking at the entire China, there are really few people who can compete in cooking.

Don't eat the supreme delicacy, go out and eat trash fast food?

Since Shi Ruoyu can't make an appointment, he will be an otaku and eat his own.

After issuing the instruction, the zombies of the God of Cooking were naturally busy. There were all kinds of ingredients in a few large refrigerators. Lu Chuan was not short of money now and the ingredients were naturally top-notch.

In a moment, five delicious dishes were delivered to Lu Chuan.

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