Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 402: They are not tools

When he arrived at Guangying, the newly appointed president Cheng Wen had already waited downstairs with the management.

As the cash cow in Lu Chuan's plan, the Light and Shadow Company must of course be generous, and directly rented an 18-story building as the Light and Shadow Company's office.

During this period of time, with the previous light and shadow department as the backbone, the light and shadow company has almost been supported.

More than 600 people are naturally on the scale.


Like everyone else, Cheng Wen called Lu Chuan this way.

Lu Chuan smiled and nodded, and said, "Everyone is good. I just want to come and see how the company is formed. Everyone is gone, and we are busy with each other."

The boss has said so, and the management naturally retreats with interest.

Cheng Wen did not leave, but made a please gesture: "Boss, go here."

It is indeed the first time for Lu Chuan to come to the light and shadow company. The people I know are some old employees of the light and shadow department before, and they are added later. Naturally, Lu Chuan does not know him.

The light and shadow company has split up more than a dozen departments, and the light and shadow technology has been divided in more detail. For example, the construction department, graphics department, etc. are all subdivided, and each department is responsible for a job. Like assembly line operation, each department is combined back, which is the light and shadow effect.

Because the company was founded, the staff was stable, and the old employees brought the new employees with the knowledge of transparent technology.

After going around the various departments, Lu Chuan went to Cheng Wen's office again.

"Tsk tsk, Old Cheng, your office is really not bad." Lu Chuan praised. The area of ​​this office is only one hundred and sixty square meters, which is absolutely luxurious.

Cheng Wen is not a zombie, but Lu Chuan dug it back from the United States through a headhunting company. The headhunting fee alone is 1 million.

Cheng Wen didn't dare to answer the conversation. After all, his office was indeed better than Lu Chuan's. As the chairman of the board, Lu Chuan uses an ordinary office of about 30 square meters, and the layout is not very good.

No way, everyone knows that his boss is always blind to the end, and he has almost never stayed in an office. The office is more symbolic.

Although my own office was approved by the head office at the time, the problem is that I can't answer this topic.

Lu Chuan was also happy when he saw Cheng Wen, and said, "Okay, it's the boss's person anyway. It's natural to have a big office. Don't follow me. I won't meet anyone anyway."

"Boss, I'm not afraid that you will wear shoes for me." Cheng Wen smiled.

Lu Chuan rolled his eyes and seemed to think of something. He rubbed his eyebrows: "By the way, you take the time to contact this person, get some information about Ye Lingwei, and then help her make a light and shadow effect for several songs she has made now. This effect is definitely to have an amazing effect, and it can be considered as a practice for you first."

Putting out Zhang Wei Zhicheng's business card, Cheng Wen picked it up and glanced at it, with amusement in his eyes.

Ye Lingwei, he still knows, a big star after Hua Tiantian.

Thinking of my boss making light and shadow effects for her, there is something intriguing. We must know that the current Guangying Company has actually received a lot of cooperation intentions, but has not confirmed it.

"Yes, boss!" Cheng Wen didn't dare to ask no matter how much he had, he could only swallow it in his stomach.

Since the boss confessed it, it would naturally take a bit of effort.

Without staying in Guangying Company, Lu Chuan and Cheng Wen talked for half an hour. It was all about the company's operations. The company is handed over to Cheng Wen to be responsible, but Lu Chuan is still grasping the general direction.


Back at the villa, that snow-white zombie wolf was rarely seen in the lobby, which made Lu Chuan feel like he was about to forget it. When it was brought to modern times from the hellhound, who would have thought it was a wolf that was infected and alienated.

Such a tall wolf can only hide in the villa and have no way to slip around like a dog.

Without being close to the zombie wolves, Lu Chuan asked for a glass of water and sat down.

Li Li, a ghostly housekeeper, appeared: "Boss, Xia Min just called."

Xia Min is now at the most dangerous time, so Lu Chuan puts a satellite phone in the villa. If he can't notify himself when necessary, he can call the villa's satellite phone.

With storage space, Lu Chuan habitually puts many things in the storage space.

For example, if you put a mobile phone in, it will cut off the signal and prompt you are not in the service area.

Lu Chuan raised his brows, and Xia Min's call was definitely not a trivial matter. Forget it, half a month has passed since I went to pick up a weapon. Logically speaking, the US must take action.

After thinking for a moment, Lu Chuan drank the water in the glass before calling Xia Min's satellite phone.

About half a minute later, Xia Min's familiar voice came out: "Boss."

"Call me, what's the matter?" Lu Chuan's voice was flat.

Xia Min said, "Boss, the other party has moved."

No need to explain what it was, Lu Chuan immediately knew what Xia Min was talking about. His brows became a ball, and his heart became tense, but he was relieved again.

I knew before that the US would not give up, but I didn't know when and how the other side would act.

It was like a sharp sword hanging from his head, not knowing when it would fall.

This kind of daunting day is really not very easy. Fortunately, Lu Chuan's burden is not heavy, and Xia Min is a group of zombies who don't know what it means to be fearful. They have been replaced by other mercenaries, and they have long collapsed.

Now that he knew they were coming, Lu Chuan was naturally relieved, and he didn't have to guess when they would do it all day.

After such a long time, Lu Chuan seemed that they were just immobile, and they would definitely be like a thunderbolt. They would never let the helmeted mercenaries turn over again.

If the helmeted mercenaries are allowed to reverse, they will be ashamed.

"Can you confirm the news?" Lu Chuan's frowned brows loosened, but his expression was relaxed.

Xia Min nodded and said: "It can be confirmed, the source of the news is very accidental."

Lu Chuan did not ask the source. He sighed and was silent for a while before he said with a faint smile: "Alright, then let's fight vigorously. Even if it fails, let them remember the helmet mercenary. "

"Understood, Boss." Xia Min's tone didn't contain a trace of emotion.

Facing the world-famous Special Forces, Xia Min was heartbroken. In this world, there is nothing it needs to fear.

They are preparing, isn't Xia Min preparing.

"The two hundred million US dollars have been credited to the account." Xia Min seemed to be talking about an inconsequential thing when talking about the two hundred million dollars, as if he was talking about two dollars.

The 200 million US dollars were earned by helmet mercenaries over the past period of time. This ability to make money has even hurt the Russian side. We must know that they were originally poor, but now they have been scraped by a mercenary for half a billion dollars. How can we make them happy?

But in the competition with the US, they could not let go of Syria, so all the five hundred million dollars were taken out by gritted teeth.

Lu Chuan showed a wry smile, another two hundred million, but he couldn't be happy.

Because in the future, facing the full blow of the United States, perhaps the hundreds of zombies in the helmet mercenaries will become victims and be abandoned by themselves.

The mercenaries disguised by the zombies are very strong, but in the face of high-tech tactical attacks, Lu Chuan knows that there is only one end to destruction.

Perhaps the heartstrings were touched, Lu Chuan's face showed a touch of madness: "Retreat to the border location, let's **** it."

Yes, zombies are self-made products, they have no emotions, they are just walking dead, they only know that they are loyal to themselves. They will die without hesitation even if they die under instructions.

They are more like a tool, just because they are short of money, they appear on the battlefield and make money for themselves.


Don't forget that you are a human being and you have seven emotions and six desires, and you will also be influenced by some emotions.

Even if they are a tool, they are after all making money for themselves and loyal to themselves. In other words, they are their most respectable subordinates. If you just give up on them, will your conscience survive?

Under the pretender system, they are real people, flesh and blood.

The pretender system gave them not only the appearance of the person, but also the voice, personality, etc., but also some memories of their lives. What is the difference between this and a person?

Abandoning them means that they will melt into a gas and eventually disappear without a trace.

Withdraw to the border, so that I can rush to as quickly as possible. Since I have to make a ticket, I will not be able to leave myself. The firepower of the helmeted mercenaries is not much stronger, it is far better. Yourself. Knowing that you have storage space, it is completely a moving weapon arsenal.

More importantly, he can continuously summon zombies and use the number to ruin them all here.

The helmeted mercenaries must disappear with vigorous honor.

"I'm just for the money. The hundreds of zombies add up to not a small number." Lu Chuan ridiculed himself and made an excuse for himself.

Yes, it is for the money to reduce their own losses. How could one be touched by the zombies, and thus get angry? This trip may be the end of a life of nine deaths.

"Yes, boss!"

Xia Min didn't think too much, and responded mechanically.

Lu Chuan hung up the satellite phone, flipped his hand, and put it into the storage space. He stood up abruptly, took out his phone, dialed Yiran's phone, and said, "Book me a ticket to Europe, the fastest. In addition, plan to open up a route to Syria in the shortest time. Come."

The US is already taking action, that is, within three days, they will definitely take action.

In three days, if I want to reach my destination, conventional means are definitely not enough. It takes about ten hours to get to Europe on this trip alone. When the time comes, we will have to turn around and cross the border through the locals...Three days will be very reluctant.

Without even cleaning up, Lu Chuan drove the car and headed towards the airport.

Whether he said he was impulsive or stupid, Lu Chuan knew that he would need to exert his strength in this battle, and he couldn't just watch the helmeted mercenaries be eliminated.

Or maybe it's a little bit emotionally, but what about it, at least I will feel at ease.

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