Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 403: 1000000

Time is tight, Lu Chuan is almost non-stop.

We first arrived in Bangkok, Thailand, then transferred to Doha, the capital of Qatar, and then transferred directly to Beirut.

Once here, there is no way to fly.

This is the shortest and fastest route. Lu Chuan did not fly to Europe and then to Beirut this time. Instead, he took Doha as a transit and arrived at his destination in the shortest time.

As it is close to Syria, all flights to Syria have actually been suspended for a long time. Lu Chuan, who had known all this for a long time, had already prepared a modified station wagon for Lu Chuan after leaving Beirut Airport.

It looks like a station wagon, but its heart and gearbox have been modified, and its speed is no less than that of a sports car.

It's really not easy to get such a car here.

Yi Ran is indeed amazing, and the channels it established in a short time gave Lu Chuan a surprise. If there is no certain ability, it is impossible to do this thing.

The other party was a black man. He handed the car to Lu Chuan, turned around and left without saying a word.

Lu Chuan got into the car and kicked the accelerator. The front of the car was almost tilted and the arrow shot out.

Following the navigation, Lu Chuan quickly left the city of Beirut.

Next, there was a car running wildly, and Lu Chuan's physique was completely unaffected by fatigue. There is petrol in the trunk, so don't worry about running out of petrol, just let Lu Chuan keep going all the way.


Yi Ran's phone number reached Lu Chuan's satellite phone.

Lu Chuan drove the car and responded via the Bluetooth headset, while Yi Ran's call was an explanation of some matters.

"Boss, I have sent the coordinates to your mobile phone. When you arrive at this place, someone will answer you. You should enter Syria at the latest tomorrow morning." Yiran said quietly.

"Very good, good job." Lu Chuan smiled and praised him.

Lu Chuan knew that for Yi Ran to do all this, not only did he have money, but also a lot of hard work.

"All for the boss."

After hanging up the phone, Lu Chuan focused on driving again. After a while, Lu Chuan called Xia Min again via satellite phone. He needs to confirm that Xia Min is safe.

One of the world's top special forces, this title makes Lu Chuan have to pay attention.

"Boss." Xia Min's voice was as cold as ever.

Hearing Xia Min's voice, Lu Chuan breathed a sigh of relief and said, "I hear your voices, that's fine."

"Now it is shifting, but the target is too big. They must have discovered it. They should launch an attack in advance." Xia Min said, listening to it's tone as if it were a trivial thing.

In fact, the current state of affairs is very serious.

In Syria, there is almost no binding force. As long as the other party wants to, he can send out fighters, missiles and other means to strike. Don't know when, the missile will fall into the transferred convoy.

However, Xia Min is not a vegetarian either, because the zombies have a very strong executive power, which makes the transfer quick, and it is not so easy to strike.

More importantly, the Russian side has also contributed, and several military bases have entered a state of alert, ready to attack at any time.

Although it was a gesture to scare people, the United States did not dare to really tear its face. In Ukraine, they suffered from Russia's reckless losses.

"Be careful, it will take me about five hours to arrive." Lu Chuan said after a moment of silence.

"Understood, boss." Xia Min hung up.

The communication is too long, it is easy to be traced by the other party, and the conversation is generally very short.

Lu Chuan put the satellite phone in the sub-seat, gave gas again, and raised the speed again. Facing the meticulously prepared American side, if there is no oneself, the helmet mercenary will be destroyed.


Three hours later, at the border.

Lu Chuan followed the navigation and came to a small village. There was a pair of father and son at the entrance of the village. When he saw Lu Chuan, the other party asked and led Lu Chuan towards the mountains.

Lu Chuan always thought that they would lead the mountains across the border like before.

However, Lu Chuan soon found out that he was wrong. If he really lives in this boundary, it is not easy.

After reaching a long and narrow valley, Lu Chuan discovered that there was a propeller plane in the valley. Looking at the ages, this propeller aircraft has some ages, and the fuselage is very old.

It gave Lu Chuan the feeling that he doubted whether it could fly.

"Should we use it to cross this border?" Lu Chuan asked in English.

The middle-aged lead father nodded, but did not speak. Instead, after bringing Lu Chuan to the propeller plane, he opened the door of the cockpit and climbed up by himself. This is a small propeller aircraft that can include two pilots and four crew members.

Lu Chuan glanced at the propeller plane. It was rusty on it. Fortunately, it seemed to be used frequently, so it shouldn't be a problem to fly.

Now that the sky had begun to dim, Lu Chuan really didn't know if he could fly.


"It's crazy." Lu Chuan raised his brows.

It is indeed crazy. You must know that there are also some anti-aircraft missiles deployed in this border. If they fly like this, they will definitely be shot down. Based on the speed and performance of this propeller plane, it would hardly be suspense to be beaten down.

It's just that Lu Chuan doesn't have a choice now. The fastest way is really to take a risk.

Seeing his father climb up, the young man smiled at Lu Chuan and climbed to the position of the passenger cabin.

It can be seen that the other party is very familiar with this propeller plane.

When Lu Chuan arrived in the cabin, there was only one shelf for the chair on it, and they nailed a wooden board on it, which served as a stool. There are still some messy tools in the cabin.

"Sit down."

The young man turned his head and said to Lu Chuan.

The aircraft started, the propeller began to spin, from slow to fast, and after reaching a certain speed, the brake was released, and the aircraft began to taxi on the runway trimmed in the middle of the canyon.

After running seven or eight hundred meters, the propeller plane left the ground.

During this process, Lu Chuan was hung up.

Lu Chuan was really afraid that the plane would fall apart before pulling up.

The father and son had nothing to worry about. They knew the aircraft, knew its performance, and knew it could be trusted. The price for this job is very high, which is one of the reasons for their risk.

After taking off, the propeller plane did not fly much, but flew at an altitude of about fifty meters above the ground.

The speed of the propeller plane is not fast, but this speed is also very dangerous.

As far as the current situation of the propeller plane is concerned, it only requires a little accident, and it must fall apart. Lu Chuan wanted to ask, how long is this propeller plane? Look at this, at least more than 20 years.

The plane was undulating in this mountain range, always about fifty meters above the ground. This driving skill surprised Lu Chuan.

Flying at this altitude, in this mountain range, you can avoid the radar, naturally you don't have to worry about being shot down. The other party seemed to know this place very well, otherwise it would be impossible to take this job.


Lu Chuan stared at the front nervously. Flying at this height during the day made people feel their heart hanging, but now it was night. Watching them fly, Lu Chuan's heart couldn't bear it.

The father's spirit was very concentrated, staring at the front, constantly controlling the plane up and down, dodge the hills that appeared, from the top of them, or bypassing them.

The young man couldn't help his father in any way now, but he was staring straight ahead.

"This is all dancing at the fingertips of the **** of death." Lu Chuan sighed.

As long as a small mistake is the result of plane destruction and death, it is a matter of fate.

"Aren't you afraid?" Lu Chuan couldn't help asking.

The father did not answer, as if he hadn't heard of it.

The young man turned his head and said softly, "I'm afraid."

"Since I am afraid, why are you..."

"My father said that when this trip is over, I will make enough money to emigrate and leave here. Then our mother, brother and sister will all go to Athens across the sea and leave this unstable place." The young man said. With anticipation on his face.

Lu Chuan nodded, like this kind of adventure, if it's not for nothing, who would take it?

Yi Ran told himself that the payment for this trip was one million dollars, a wealth that was impossible for their father and son to refuse. As they said, with this million dollars, they can leave here.

Don't look at them as Lebanese nationals, but Lebanon is also unstable, and politics has not been very stable.

The relationship between Lebanon, Syria, Israel, etc. is very unstable. When there is no civil strife in Syria, there are constant conflicts with each other on the border. Especially in recent years, the friction between Lebanon and Israel has been escalating, and the border is extremely unstable.

One million dollars is a reward they cannot refuse.

They knew it was dangerous, but they still wanted to try it. When they came, even they had planned for the worst and left their last words.

"Wish you guys good luck."

What Lu Chuan can say can only be a blessing.

The young man grinned, but stared at the front intently. He also needed to help his father fly the plane. This kind of ultra-low-altitude flight was too risky. He didn't want to see himself And his father died.

I have to say that this propeller plane was played out by them. In this dark night, it didn't even need lights, just watching the silhouettes of some mountains faintly flying.

Many times, Lu Chuan sweated for them.

Fortunately, God seemed to be on his side. After half an hour, the mountains gradually became shorter and shorter, and finally disappeared, and a gray and endless desert appeared under the moonlight.

The father and son all breathed a sigh of relief and wiped the cold sweat on their foreheads.

God knows how much pressure they have been under in this half an hour. Their minds were all put on the flight, and they didn't even wink, because they were afraid that after blinking and opening, the plane had already reached a mountain.

Flying higher is even more impossible. When discovered by radar, this old-fashioned propeller plane will definitely be shot down.

"We landed just ahead."

Finally heard the middle-aged father speak, a very deep middle-aged accent.

Lu Chuan nodded, now he has officially set foot on Syria.

The landing was very smooth. It was a desert and flat everywhere, which was nothing at all for a man who was able to fly at an ultra-low altitude in the dark.

As soon as the plane stopped, Lu Chuan jumped down.

"Are you going back now?" Lu Chuan asked.

"No, we will stay here until dawn. You should know that for the journey just now, I don't want to do it again. God will stand by our side once, not necessarily twice." The young man grinned.

Lu Chuan shrugged and said, "Well, good luck."

Lu Chuan took out the compass, and after confirming the direction, he waved his hand at the father and son, took a sharp breath, and started to run wildly at an amazing speed. In this dark night, he ran away in the blink of an eye.

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