Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 432: the truth

The revolving sea-view restaurant on the top floor has an ordinary name, but its nature is not ordinary.

Those who can dine here must first be qualified. You cannot come here to order food if you have money. Ye Lingwei still understands this place. Many wealthy people hold some banquets here. She has been there several times, but it is similar to a business performance.

For the sake of the scene, the rich often invite many stars to help the scene.

These are all arranged by brokers or companies, and they only need to be on time. At that time, the company will give a big red envelope, which is regarded as an appearance fee.

Many times, some celebrities who have no self-cleanliness, this kind of occasion is where they look for prey.

Coming in again, this time seems to come in as a guest, giving Ye Lingwei a different personal experience. This feeling is really good.

From a distance, I saw a man in his 50s standing up and beckoning to Lu Chuan.

Lu Chuan didn't know Zhou Peisheng, even now.

In the past, Lu Chuan was just an ordinary part-time worker. He looked at the salary of 3,000 yuan every month. How could he pay attention to this type of top financial boss? After acquiring the biochemical factory, he will fight in the end times with all his heart, and also have no chance to know the outside world.

The establishment of Baichuan Guihai Company came into contact with some big names, but Lu Chuan and Zhou Peisheng also had no intersection.

This time, because Zhou Peisheng sent an invitation to him, Lu Chuan also came here when he was free.

But a person's momentum, long-term position as the president of a top financial company, this kind of formation, only need a glance, Lu Chuan can confirm the identity of the other party.

When Ye Lingwei saw Zhou Peisheng, her mouth was even wide open, showing a look of stunned expression.

In Linhai City, it is impossible for people who are in the entertainment industry and do not know Zhou Peisheng. Zhou Peisheng's energy is so great that he is a godfather in Linhai City, and it has a huge impact on the entertainment industry.

Ye Lingwei was in the front line, but there were not many opportunities to come into contact with Zhou Peisheng, and she was not close yet.

Now when I saw Zhou Peisheng who invited Lu Chuan, Ye Lingwei was in a daze. How did Lu Chuan know Zhou Peisheng? One is a person who has just graduated for more than two years and started a business for about a year. Will he meet Zhou Peisheng?

"It shouldn't be Zhou Dong." Ye Lingwei could only think like this.

However, when Zhou Peisheng shook hands with Lu Chuan, all this meant that Lu Chuan was indeed invited by Zhou Peisheng. Moreover, looking at Zhou Peisheng's appearance, it seems that he still attaches great importance to Lu Chuan. This kind of initiative to stand up and shake hands is impossible to happen in Linhai City.

At this moment, Ye Lingwei was a little dizzy, and her head couldn't turn around.

"I am really honored that Dong Lu can come." Zhou Peisheng smiled and shook hands with Lu Chuan.

Although Zhou Peisheng himself has been in the financial industry for most of his life, he respected Lu Chuan as much. It is beyond imagination that a young man can have this kind of wealth in just one year.

I'm afraid that I won't even make one-tenth of the money I have earned in my entire life. If I think about this, I will definitely be hit hard.

Fortunately, a genius like Lu Chuan is absolutely unique in hundreds of millions, and his amazingness cannot be copied. Compared with this kind of evildoer, what is it like?

Lu Chuan also smiled and said, "Dong Chou said and laughed. It is my honor to see you in person."

Zhou Peisheng's eyes were placed on Ye Lingwei's body. He was surprised and stretched out his hand again: "This is, um, I always feel familiar."

Ye Lingwei felt flattered. This was Zhou Peisheng, a godfather-level figure in the black and white official business community of Linhai City. There were not many people who could shake hands with him.

"Dong Zhou, this is Ye Lingwei. I have met you several times at banquets before." Ye Lingwei explained quickly.

Zhou Peisheng nodded, but didn't care too much. After all, it's normal to have a couple of female companions around many big men. With Ye Lingwei's introduction, Zhou Peisheng knew Ye Lingwei's star status.

Stars are just the playthings of big men, he has long been used to it.

Lu Chuan smiled lightly: "Dong Zhou, Weiwei is my girlfriend."

Zhou Peisheng was slightly taken aback, but he nodded. He is also a good man. Why didn't he know what Lu Chuan had said for? Today, Lu Chuan can bring Ye Lingwei here, it is really possible that it is not the kind of entertainment in the entertainment circle.

Ye Lingwei felt very sensitively that with Lu Chuan's words, Zhou Peisheng paid more attention to his own vision.

After sitting down, Li Yuan retreated not far away, but he ordered the food to be served.

Zhou Peisheng sighed: "The young people nowadays are really amazing. Seeing Lu Dong, I suddenly felt that I had lived as a dog for most of my life."

"Dong Zhou has said that you are a role model for our younger generations to follow." Lu Chuan smiled.

After making some scenes, Zhou Peisheng suddenly changed the topic and said, "Dong Lu, I don’t know if your Baichuan Guihai Company has any financing ideas?"

Zhou Peisheng is talking about Baichuan Guihai Company, not Baichuan Guihai Guangying Company. One is the parent company and the other is a subsidiary company. The two are naturally different.

It can be seen that Zhou Peisheng's appetite does not seem small this time.

Lu Chuan took a sip of red wine, shook his head and said, "Thank you, Jay Chou, for looking up. There is no such plan yet."

It seems to have known that Zhou Peisheng just asked casually. He smiled and said, "It seems that I was abrupt."

Lu Chuan just smiled. This week Peisheng is definitely an old fox. This seems to be casually mentioned, but it is actually the topic of today, but Baichuan Guihai Company, Lu Chuan can't give up even one share.

Ye Lingwei, who was next to her, only felt a little confused.

Baichuan Guihai Company?

She seemed to be familiar with it, but she didn't really react for a while.

However, Ye Lingwei was excited. Zhou Peisheng even approached Lu Chuan to talk about financing. It seems that he should be very optimistic about Lu Chuan's company, otherwise Zhou Peisheng would not be able to raise financing.

Speaking of this, Ye Lingwei suddenly felt a little guilty.

She was still hesitant to get along with Lu Chuan, after all, there was too much difference between the two. Then, when the album failed, she was under tremendous pressure, and she had to put all her thoughts on the new album, thus neglecting a lot. For example, what is Lu Chuan's business, she didn't even know this?

Think about it, my girlfriend is really incompetent.

This meal was still a good meal, and it was only after a short chat that Lu Chuan offered his farewell.

It wasn't until Lu Chuan and Ye Lingwei left that Zhou Peisheng put away his smile. He smiled bitterly. How many years has passed since he didn't need to deal with a person like this?

Li Yuan came over and asked: "Chairman."

"Nothing. He didn't agree with financing. He had already expected it. He was just a split-off department, and he dared to value 20 billion U.S. dollars, which shows that he knows the potential of Baichuanguihai Company. I have to say, Those guys invested by Qiming are still courageous, with 2 billion US dollars of 10% shares." Zhou Peisheng sighed.

Li Yuan said: "Chairman, do you think you need it..."

Zhou Peisheng waved his hand and said: "No, Baichuan Guihai Company is now pervasive. We just need to wait for a while and wait for it to show flaws."


For the next three days, Ye Lingwei didn't seem to have much room to think, because she and Lu Chuan were almost tired of being in the courtyard of the royal garden, doing all the shameless things all day long.

Lu Chuan was so powerful that Ye Lingwei almost didn't break up in three days.

On the fourth day, Lu Chuan left Linhai.


When Lu Chuan was preparing to board the plane, he took off his watch and handed it to Ye Lingwei, saying, "I actually bought this for you."

Ye Lingwei had seen Lu Chuan operate this one, and it seemed that every time he entered and left the royal garden, he could get in and out freely with this one.

"Is this the entry and exit voucher for the royal garden?" Ye Lingwei frowned, but she hadn't heard of it. What kind of voucher is there for entering and exiting the royal garden?

Lu Chuan smiled and said, "This is the entrance certificate for the yard. Let's put it this way, I have bought this yard. You can treat it as your home in the future. If anything goes wrong, you can live in the yard for a while?"

Ye Lingwei was still dizzy until Lu Chuan left.

It is difficult to move in the royal garden, but Lu Chuan said that he bought the huge yard and gave it to himself? In the past few days, Ye Lingwei, who is completely addicted to sex, has always had too many questions before she can ask. Now it seems that you have many things in the dark?

Thinking of the Baichuan Guihai Company mentioned by Zhou Peisheng before, Ye Lingwei felt that she often heard this name.

Taking out the phone, Ye Lingwei entered the six words of Baichuan Guihai Company in the mobile browser, and then pressed the search button. Immediately, the entire screen of the phone was full of news about Baichuan Guihai Company.

"Baichuan Guihai Company is valued at over US$200 billion."

"Baichuan Guihai Guangying is valued at US$20 billion and has received US$2 billion in financing from Qiming."

"The myth of technology companies, the next Apple."

"Lu Chuan aspires to be the world's richest Chinese, or the world's richest man."

"The youngest Chinese richest man in history."

One by one news, Ye Lingwei immediately knew why Baichuan Guihai was so familiar. A company valued at more than US$200 billion is definitely a behemoth in China.


Ye Lingwei stared blankly at one of the headlines: Lu Chuan aspires to be the world's richest Chinese.

Lu Chuan?

She trembling with her fingers, clicked in, and only saw the most positive news. It was the photo of Lu Chuan at a press Although it was not very clear, as Lu Chuan’s girlfriend, she was How can you not recognize it?


The next moment, she pressed her mouth tightly, her eyes full of incredible expression.

At this moment, Ye Lingwei was truly stunned.

She never thought that her cheap boyfriend would have such a background. She has always thought that Lu Chuan, a poor boy, is now sitting on a company with more than $2,000.

Even if she was dreaming, she couldn't dream of such outrageous things. How could an unknown person before suddenly burst out with billions of light, blinding everyone's eyes?

Now, she was finally able to explain everything clearly, whether it was Chen Bing from the Royal Gardens or Zhou Peisheng, the financial godfather, or even said why her parents would let her and Lu Chuan stay at night so easily.

Dare to love everyone knows, but he foolishly thinks that Lu Chuan is still that Lu Chuan, or that poor boy, and he has taken great courage to love his Lu Chuan.

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