Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 433: Placed harvest

"Lu Chuan, you are a big bastard."

Lu Chuan smiled, looked at the WeChat message on the phone, and then replied with a smiley face, saying in words: "The plane is about to take off, trust me, you are the happiest princess."

Turning off the phone with a faint smile, Lu Chuan leaned comfortably on the back of the chair.

In the past few days, absolute sexual blessings, relaxation and pleasure never before. That kind of feeling that you can develop to your heart's content is good.

Ye Lingwei's ability to withstand it was also beyond Lu Chuan's expectations, and this was the reason Lu Chuan was able to vent it thoroughly.

"People shouldn't look good." Lu Chuan smiled. At this point, Shi Ruoyu is much worse.


August 6.

Lu Chuan appeared in the military base in the last days and left for a total of six days. During this period, Lu Chuan did not come in to see it, mainly because of his trust in the firepower platform built by Titan and Qiangwei.

Of course, you also need to prepare for the worst.

The end of the world is a place full of dangers. You will never know what kind of top zombies will appear in the next moment.

For example, the flying dragon crocodile encountered before, or the King Kong zombies, etc., this level of zombies can slap Titan and Qiangwei to death.

The huge power gap was originally so cruel.

It was the morning, and the place where Lu Chuan appeared was a farmyard that he had left.

When they appeared, Titan and Qiangwei were no longer here, and even the five hundred lickers who protected them also left.

As soon as it appeared, there were prompt sounds in my mind.

"Ding, get Level 4 Chaser Fragment 1."

"Ding, get Level 4 Chaser Fragment 1."

"Ding, get Level 4 Chaser Fragment 1."

"Ding, you lose licker 1."

"Ding, you lose licker 1."

"Ding, you lose licker 1."

"Ding, you lost Hellhound 1."


The beeping sound represented what happened after Lu Chuan left in the past six days. The biochemical factory will automatically record it and send it to Lu Chuan as soon as Lu Chuan appears.

In the information Lu Chuan noticed, there was no information about Titan and Qiangwei, which meant that they were fine.

The harvest of the three pieces of chasers made Lu Chuan smile.

With the addition of the previous three pieces, now he has harvested six pieces of the pursuer, and it is not far from unlocking.

This feeling is really good. It's as if you're on the hook. You are playing idle games. As soon as you go online, there will be surprises and rewards waiting for you.

Like now, there is no need for Lu Chuan to do anything. In modern times, everything is fine. A few days later, as soon as the end times are reached, there will be immediate gains.

Lu Chuan didn't pay attention to the lickers and hellhounds that began with the loss.

Lu Chuan can still handle this kind of loss.

Taking out the electric motorcycle, Lu Chuan quickly reached the place where the Titans were. Lu Chuan's connection with them, within this range, can even see the surrounding situation through their eyes.

The mobile firepower platform built by Lu Chuan was as set by Lu Chuan before, and Qiangwei was firing at the military base.

"It's just a bit more loss."

Lu Chuan approached, then climbed up from behind the Titan, and came to a conclusion after checking the ammunition here.

Lu Chuan didn't know what happened in these six days, but it was not difficult to infer from the ammunition reserves. For example, the Vulcan Cannon in the left hand of Titan now shows that there are still 139 rounds of ammunition, which is obviously fired.

And Qiangwei's sniper rifle has been replaced. The severely worn sniper rifle was placed in the Titan's backpack. Thousands of bullets were used, and the bullets he held were almost used up.

With Qiangwei's legendary marksmanship, thousands of bullets meant that it had killed thousands of zombies here.

Standing on the shoulders of Titan, Lu Chuan took out his binoculars and looked far away, only to see a large number of fallen zombies at the barbed wire fence of the military base. They fell scattered, mostly concentrated in the barbed wire area. The influence was concentrated on the barbed wire area, and was killed by Qiang Wei one by one.

Through the telescope, you can see that most of these zombies have their heads shattered.

In this place, Lu Chuan saw the body of a pursuer. It had only a rifle, no rocket launcher, and no anti-tank missile. The fatal place was the head, with a huge blood hole in the forehead, which was obviously hit by a sniper rifle and died.


Qiangwei would not stop because of Lu Chuan's arrival, but fired at its rhythm.

The sound of the bullet penetrated into his ears. In Lu Chuan's binoculars, he saw a zombie's head broken and falling down. And beside it, it may be affected by gunshots, and thousands of zombies have gathered and are shaking the barbed wire.

The power of thousands of zombies made the barbed wire finally unbearable. As the barbed wire collapsed, these zombies rushed out.

The rush of thousands of zombies has already had a very visual impact.

Lu Chuan stood on the shoulders of Titan, holding his arms, looking at the zombies that rushed out. They are very fast, in fact, there are many alienated zombies, like ragers and swift ones, as many as dozens.

The fastest swifts, they stood out from this group and rushed forward.

"The alienation rate of soldiers is indeed higher." Lu Chuan thought.

In fact, the original principle of the virus is to improve the various limit data of human beings by changing the human body's genes, so that people can live longer and live healthier, and ordinary illnesses will not appear again.

But the ideal is good, but the reality is a failure. Human beings are the most perfect species created by God, how can they be changed?

Put these principles on the soldiers, their physical fitness is very good, after becoming a zombie, the alienation of the virus is also the best, as a result, the alienation rate of the zombie here is very high.

It is precisely because of this that Lu Chuan is afraid of this place. God knows what level of zombies will evolve?

Looking at the fastest runners, Lu Chuan looked calm.


Qiangwei shot, and an armor-piercing bullet shattered the head of the swift runner who was the first runner. After losing its head, it also immediately smashed its head and rolled on the ground, knocking down several swift runners.


While breathing, Qiangwei's second shot rang again, and another swift head shot down.

Lu Chuan did not intervene, but watched quietly.

When these swifts broke away from the zombie group and rushed into the range of 500 meters from the Titan, the lickers who had been staring at them finally moved. They rushed up against these swifts, their claws raised and slashed, or their tongues. Spit it out, directly rolled up the opponent and dragged it in front of him, and then bit his neck.

Between zombies and zombies, there are virus genes, so they did not attack the lickers.

But lickers are not. They are under Lu Chuan's control and don't need to worry about virus genes or the like.

In just a few interviews, these dozens of swift and fierce people were resolved.

The ragers at the back are not fast, they are only slightly stronger than ordinary zombies. The ragers and the alienated zombies are running at the same speed.


Suddenly, the Vulcan Cannon that Lu Chuan installed on the Titan's left arm spun around.

When the rotation speed reached the firing speed, the six-tube Vulcan gun burst into flames, and the bullet shot out. On the display, the original 139 rounds of bullets are rapidly decreasing.

The bullet of the Vulcan Cannon is not much less powerful than a sniper rifle. This burst of fire, as long as it hits the zombie, it will directly create a huge blood hole. The powerful power even wore the body of the zombie and hit the zombie behind.

The 139 rounds were too few for the Vulcan Cannon, and it was shot out in just a few seconds.

I saw the Titan backhand with its alienated arm to the back, took out a huge magazine box from the box it was carrying, and then received it on the Vulcan Cannon. After powering on, the Vulcan cannon again displayed the word 1000.

Lu Chuan smiled. At first, he did this action to train the Titans. I don't know how much time it took. Now he finally learned it.

As long as there are enough bullets, Titan is a real firepower platform, which can be replaced automatically.

The group of zombies has been pushed in a lot, only a few hundred meters away.

After the Titan replaced the magazine, it started again, the barrel was spinning, the numbers on the crazy display screen were beating frantically, and the bullets were continuously shot out, exploding the zombies that were only close.

The front ragers are the most tragic. Under this kind of blow, they are no different from ordinary zombies. They were beaten up to their limbs. Even if they were not hit in the head, they would fall down and never get up. .

The power of the Vulcan Cannon bullets was enough to break their bones and make them unable to support them.

With a thousand bullets, hundreds of zombies fell.

In addition, Qiangwei hardly stopped shooting for a while, and hundreds of zombies fell.

One-fifth of these thousands of zombies were cut off, and this kind of firepower combination was also considered cruel.

Lu Chuan did not move either, because the five hundred lickers protecting Titan and Qiangwei all returned, and then rushed to meet these zombies. They are Level 3 zombies, and they are also the most conducive lickers for fighting. The strength can be imagined.

It was like a group of fierce dogs entering the flock of sheep, and what appeared to Lu Chuan was roughly this scene.

The large-scale use of lickers, this kind of lickers with levels, is simply a massacre of thousands of ordinary zombies.

These zombies were killed before they got close to, and they fell one by one.

The lickers are not small in size, like monsters, they use both hands and mouth to kill each zombies. Its tongue is even a big killer, always rolling the zombies in the distance in front of him, and it snapped his neck in a few strokes.

With sharp claws, slashing waves, almost no zombie is a general.


The Titan moved, it strode forward and joined the battle. Its alienated arms swept across fiercely, and dozens of ordinary ones were swept, either cut off by the waist, or broken bones by the sweep, and the whole body sank.

Every time it rises and falls, the alienated arm over four meters will always smash one or two zombies into flesh.

The Titan is like no one, and no zombie is its opponent.

Thousands of soldiers and zombies that came out were quickly cleaned up under this combination, and finally turned into corpses on the ground.

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