Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 548: Brutal firepower

November 12.

There are still three days before the zombie strikes.

Lu Chuan stayed in the laboratory all the time, anyway he had a suite room, so he wouldn't be wronged. In the early morning, Lu Chuan entered the apocalypse for a round tour. The first batch of weapons has been installed, and the second batch will be shipped back by Lu Chuan at least tomorrow.

Time is up to calculate, just right.

Standing on the building of the biochemical factory, under Lu Chuan's view, in the streets below, at intervals of several meters, a weapon, either an anti-aircraft gun, a Vulcan gun, or a dual-line gun was deployed.

It is densely packed and stretches far away.

Even on the roofs of some buildings, anti-aircraft guns were installed. They pointed directly at the sky, and the barrels exuded a cold breath.

The weapon is not installed, it is fine, and it needs to be tested.

Now these weapon systems are all in an inactive state, and it has no way to distinguish whether it is a zombies under Lu Chuan's or a zombies in the city. As long as they are zombies, they will be treated equally.

"Release this street."

Lu Chuan issued an order, and the zombies on the street chosen by Lu Chuan suddenly moved and left the street.

The street that was still full of zombies just now became empty in an instant.

Lu Chuan went down to the control room, which was full of science fiction. After activating the light projector, a virtual control platform was generated on which the distribution and control of various weapons appeared concisely and clearly.

Opening the weapon system on this street, a total of 27 weapons appeared in front of Lu Chuan.

"Bring some zombies here."

Lu Chuan became aware of a circle, and several swifts were in the circle. After they were selected by Lu Chuan, they immediately executed Lu Chuan's instructions. They ran wildly on the street. This section of the street near the biochemical factory was Lu Chuan's zombies, but further away, they were urban zombies.

After evacuating the zombies on this street, the zombies in these cities were less obstructed, and there were already sporadic wanderings.

This is not enough. Lu Chuan needs to test some firepower, and naturally there are more zombies.

A few swifts under them, after they appeared, they picked up a piece of broken iron from the street, and slammed it, which caused a burst of irritation from the zombies, as if they were mobilized, the zombies here pounced on the swifts come.

The excitement of the sound makes the zombies go crazy, desperately wanting to attack the sound source.

The swift turned his head and ran, unhurriedly cooperated, so that the zombies behind could not catch up to them, but they would not be lost.

Hundreds of zombies were successfully attracted.

When they arrived at the firepower point, these swift men, under Lu Chuan's instructions, threw the iron sheet toss, and suddenly accelerated, rushed directly into the nearby shop and avoided.

The wave of zombies that rushed over filled the streets, still rushing forward desperately.

Lu Chuan clicked on the virtual screen, hitting on the light and shadow, like a stone thrown on the lake, the light green halo spread out, very beautiful and science fiction.

Lu Chuan's point was actually the power button command to activate the weapon.

on the street.

As the weapons are energized, they are awakened like sleeping behemoths, with a slight electrical start-up sound of motors, and then various instruments and equipment are energized and started.

It seems slow, but the whole process is completed in an instant.

At the same time, the scanning device began to scan the zombies, and under the execution of the code, the target was confirmed and then locked. When locked, it started electrically, adjusted the shooting angle, and aimed at the zombies that appeared.

This series of actions were completed in about three seconds, which shows that Sun Hongguang's ability is strong, and the automatic weapons created in a short time have reached this level.

You need to know that the level of these actions is still using civilian version equipment. If the military version is used, this series of actions can be completed in just one second.

After locking, because Lu Chuan did not activate the right to fire, the weapon was only locked and did not fire immediately.

Control room.

From the perspective of God, Lu Chuan can see all of this clearly. This neat and uniform lock gives people a pleasing feeling. The neat activation and adjustment of weapons are all exciting.

Lu Chuan didn't let the automatic weapon fire immediately, but chose to turn it off.

I only saw the weapons on the street, lost power, and no longer adjusted with the movement of the zombies.

Lu Chuan quickly operated, but he added the weapon's power to fire, and then pressed start. At the same time, he opened the perspective of God and detected all this through the holographic projection provided by the biochemical factory.

With the right to fire, they are also automatic weapons. Once they wake up, they no longer wait for the command to fire as before, but will fire directly.

In other words, turning on, scanning, locking, firing... all of these are completed in an instant, giving people a sense of being done in one go.

Sure enough, it was the same as Lu Chuan had expected.

After the power is turned on, the scanning device works, and then it matches the zombie data in the server successfully, locks it for the first time, and then fires.

All of this was done in one go, without any drag.

"His hiss..."

This kind of fire peculiar to the Vulcan Cannon rang out, and countless bullet shells bounced out of the fire. On the balcony of the fifth floor, these bullet shells fell, hit the balcony surface, and rolled down and scattered downward, like A burst of golden rain fell on the street below.

The tongue of fire that was vomiting formed a chain of orange-red light that pulled toward the zombies in the street below, passing by their heads.

The five Vulcan cannons that entered the firing range set fire at the same time, and the lethality it brought was terrifying.

The zombies were broken into pieces under this kind of firepower. Especially when Omoto shot his head, the bullet hit his head and turned his head into a rotten watermelon. Some missed shots at a 45-degree shooting angle made these bullets pass the heads of the zombies in front and hit the zombies behind. They fought to pieces.

The zombies that rushed into the range fell in pieces, like harvesting wheat.


When the first anti-aircraft gun with a -15-degree angle fired, the shell hit the zombie, and then the high-explosive warhead exploded. Each gun made a zombie inhuman. It hits the head, the whole head disappears, hits the abdomen, and it bursts into two parts.

Under the cover of extremely brutal firepower, the zombies that came here were emptied of a large area in the blink of an eye.

In just over thirty seconds, there is automatic fire stop.

On the street, more than a thousand zombies rushed over, all of them fell on the street.

Some were not dead, but were beaten and disabled on the street. They could only move in the direction of moving and climbing. And whenever a zombie propped up its body and stood up, the automatic firepower was locked again, and as a few bullets came, it calmed down again.

Lu Chuan was shocked. He had seen the Vulcan Cannon in control, but he was definitely not as shocked as the Vulcan Cannon under automation.

That kind of mechanical beauty is too shocking.

"BC3371, come out and take a few steps."

B is the representative letter of the secondary product, and C is the representative letter of the swift and fierce. Together, as long as you see BC, you will know the meaning of the swift and fierce. And 3371, it means that this is the 3371st swift man ever created.

BC3371 was one of the swift people who attracted the zombies before. Under Lu Chuan's instructions, it appeared from the store where it was hiding.

In an instant, the automatic weapon scanned it and locked it for the first time.

In an instant, the three Vulcan cannons were locked. If there were no accidents and one set fire, this swift man would be sifted 100%.

Fortunately...At this moment, Lu Chuan turned off these weapons.

From this experiment, it is not difficult to draw the conclusion that these automatic weapons do not care about these, as long as the zombies appear in its field of vision, they will all be its targets.


November 13th.

Shi Ruoyu, who came home on Saturday, returned to school on Sunday afternoon. The first time she sent Lu Chuan a message: "Lu Chuan, my parents know about my relationship, they want to talk to you. Talk. Why, are you surprised or surprised?"

When he received this message, Lu Chuan was surprised and unexpected.

Of course, what caused Lu Chuan's headache was her relationship with Ye Lingwei, how to deal with it?

I have met Ye Lingwei's parents. Actually, we all know in each other's hearts that this is a recognition of the relationship. If Ye Lingwei weren't for career, I am afraid that Ye Kangping and the others will ask Lu Chuan to give the marriage cycle.

Now add Shi Ruoyu...Although it was an early matter, Lu Chuan has not yet figured out how to deal with it.

"Sister, it's still in the same city, really looking for abuse!"

Lu Chuan smiled bitterly, but the reply message couldn't be anything The text editor sent it: "No surprises, no surprises. I actually really want to see my uncles and aunts."

Shi Ruoyu made a tongue-out expression, and then sent a voice: "They are just me, a baby girl, who have always been good girls. When I know what kind of person they are, I will give their daughter tricked."

Lu Chuan became nervous inexplicably: "What do you mean?"

"Meaning, congratulations, my parents followed me to school, and they asked me to ask you to have dinner tonight. Hmph, you can do it yourself." Shi Ruoyu smiled mischievously.

"Ah..." Lu Chuan felt his head big in an instant.

Fortunately, Lu Chuan is not that kind of junior brother anymore. He was just surprised, but quickly calmed down: "I'm booking a hotel now, and I'll send you the time and location."

"My parents are all ordinary citizens. Just order them. You don't need to make them too good. It will make them uncomfortable." Shi Ruoyu's parents only know that their daughter is in love, but they have nothing to do with Lu Chuan. Knowing that this is where they are anxious.

Anyway, it was not far away, just 70 or 80 kilometers, with high-speed connections, and within an hour's drive, they simply sent their daughter back to school and followed along.

Lu Chuan thought for a while. Originally he wanted to make a super luxurious one. He pressed his head on the momentum, and then he dared not object to offering his daughter.

But thinking that being too strong is not good, Lu Chuan agreed with what Shi Ruoyu said, and said: "Okay, I can't find a better restaurant, I can't go to the street stall, right?"

"As long as you want, I don't mind." Shi Ruoyu laughed, and the world's richest man asked his girlfriend's parents to eat the street stall. No matter how she thought, people couldn't help but want to laugh.

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