Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 549: Bragging

I really invite ordinary small restaurants, and Lu Chuan really doesn't do this.

If so, will they know their identity in the future, or will they be known by the outside world, and will they not be spoofed by the outside world for a lifetime? Of course, Lu Chuan would not keep this kind of handle.

Lu Chuan thought about it for a while, and there was a place.

For the first time, Lu Chuan called Kang Yang. Regarding this kind of private kitchen, no one knows better than Kang Yang, he is a famous foodie in Handong City.

"Boss Lu, you really asked the right person. Regarding private kitchens, Huangzhuangshan is one of the best in the country." Kang Yang suddenly laughed when he heard Lu Chuan's request.

Knowing that Lu Chuan's girlfriend's parents had arrived, Kang Yang was excited.

"Boss Lu, do you want me to help you with your brother, Bao Zhun will please you, father-in-law, mother-in-law." Like a devil smiled like an angel, Kang Yang began to seduce.

Lu Chuan raised his brows and said, "Okay, you don't need to be so complicated. You still need to reform your factory according to the indicators, and then be careful to drop the chain."

"Okay." Kang Yang thought that there were still many areas to improve in his factory, and suddenly he had no thoughts about Lu Chuan.

When asked about the number, Lu Chuan directly used his public number to call Huangzhuang Mountain.

Compared with the past, Lu Chuan's status and status are now different. He just reported his name. After the Huangzhuangshan customer service checked Lu Chuan's information and number for the first time, his tone became respectful.

The hospitality standard of Huangzhuangshan is high, but Lu Chuan is enough.

Just kidding, if the world’s richest man is not qualified, could it be said that here is a president of a country?

For the first time, the news that Lu Chuan had booked a table here passed through the layers and finally reached the real boss behind Huangzhuang Mountain.

A character like Lu Chuan, from top to bottom, naturally doesn't dare to neglect a bit.

After getting the time, Lu Chuan sent a message to Shi Ruoyu: "I will let the driver pick you up later."

"No, my dad drove the car and we can go there by ourselves." Shi Ruoyu smiled and said: "Okay, you are ready to go, I will take my parents around the school."

After hanging up the phone, Lu Chuan smiled bitterly.

Time is so tight now, but there are many things.

Like meeting Shi Ruoyu's parents, no matter how busy you are, you have to make time. Well, Bianquan is supposed to relax himself before the war.


Huangzhuang Mountain is actually very low-key.

What a low-key approach?

Low-key that even many locals in Handong City do not know the existence of Huangzhuang Mountain. And those who know, only know that this is a private manor, and the rest are just asking three questions.

It is the rich second generation, many of whom are not qualified to enter, and what they understand is even more silly.

After all the signs came down, the truth of Huangzhuang Mountain was spread among the upper strata.

Thanks to the anti-corruption efforts of the upper echelons, there are almost no people in the system who come to Huangzhuang Mountain. Like the big bosses in the province, they almost never show up here.

There are no advertisements, no reports, and no private entry is allowed. Huangzhuang Mountain is naturally mysterious.

Lu Chuan, who was still a student before, had only heard of its existence and long-term pictures, and there was nothing left. It wasn't until Kang Yang brought himself in that he finally knew its true colors.

Like now, Shi Ruoyu heard that Lu Chuan had arranged himself to Mount Huangzhuang, and he had no idea. She had heard of it, but she always thought it was a private manor, it should be a kind of private kitchen.

Now Lu Chuan has placed the location in Mount Huangzhuang. She knows that it should be a little expensive, but she can think of Lu Chuan's identity. These so-called expensive places are no different from going to a street stall for consumption, and there is no pressure.

After navigating to my parents, I started from school.

"This kid is really, eat a meal, why do you have to walk so far?" Shi Ruoyu's mother, Shi, complained a little, and he had to walk 19 kilometers from school.

Shi Ruoyu is a poem with her mother, Shi Wanran is a bank employee, and she is full of professional women's breath. Shi Ruoyu's father, Su Jianbai, is an engineer.

Su Jianbai glanced at the navigation and did not make a sound. Looking at the place, he did not enter a congested urban area. It was far away, but if there were no traffic jams, it was actually more than ten kilometers, not too far.

Shi Ruoyu laughed, and said coquettishly: "Mom, Lu Chuan is a good intention. Maybe I want you to eat and drink well."

"Go, do you think your mother is someone who doesn't usually eat? I want to see this person. If it doesn't work, I'll tell you, you'd better divide it sooner." Shi Wanran is naturally not polite when it comes to her daughter. .

"Mom, you must be satisfied." Shi Ruoyu blinked a few times.

Just kidding, the world's richest man who is not yet married is about the same age as him. This super diamond is the only one in the world. How could such a person be dissatisfied?

Shi Wanran and Shi Ruoyu were sitting in the back row, and she nodded Shi Ruoyu's forehead: "You are fainted, you, I really don't know how clever you are usually, when you meet love, why do you faint? Up."

Handong University was originally outside the city, and after three kilometers, it was on the Ring Expressway. After twelve kilometers on the highway, there is an exit.

After this exit, it is only three kilometers away from Huangzhuang Mountain.

After passing the toll gate, there are two roads, one is pointing to XX, and the other is with the words Huangzhuangshan.

Su Jianbai looked around. The environment here is very good, but there are very few people. He said bewildered: "This Huangzhuang Mountain runs a private kitchen here, can there be business?"

Of course, there is no answer to this question.

On the road to Huangzhuang Mountain, the first thing I saw was a huge warning sign: private estate, private entry is strictly prohibited.

Su Jianbai didn't care either. Lu Chuan arranged to arrive here, and they were the guests. There should be no problem in coming in. No matter how private it is, it is for foreign business, right?

It is several kilometers from here to Huangzhuang Mountain, and the scenery along the way changed drastically.

At first, Su Jianbai didn’t care about it, but gradually he realized something was wrong, because the trees on both sides of the road were precious ornamental trees. Even farther away, they seemed chaotic, but every tree was not. Ordinary trees.

After a closer look, the woods that could hardly be seen were planned.

Especially on the roadside, there are no fewer than dozens of trees worth a million. In terms of calculation, there are almost inexhaustible viewing trees here, which... Su Jianbai already felt amazed.

When passing through the checkpoint, although the security here did not stop Su Jianbai's car, the dozens of security personnel like soldiers still felt the difference here.

When encountering vehicles occasionally, all are luxury cars.

As the license plate had been reported, Su Jianbai went straight to the manor without being blocked.

If the big parking lot is almost full of top luxury cars, Su Jianbai is okay, but Shi Wanran feels a little dizzy. She who works in the bank, how can she not understand that these luxury cars represent what?

Especially when you see some sports cars with prices in the tens of millions, with the license plate numbers of 88888, 99999, and 66666, it is not simple for a stupid person to know the identity of these people.

In contrast, Su Jianbai’s Magotan is simply...

Naturally, Lu Chuan arrived one step earlier and waited in the parking lot.

When he saw Shi Ruoyu, he waved his hand, and Shi Ruoyu rolled his eyes at Lu Chuan. I just wanted to find a better restaurant. Why did you come here? Shi Ruoyu's insight, where does not know that this is actually a top private estate?

The people who can step into this place are definitely from the upper echelons of Handong Province.

"Uncle, Auntie." After Lu Chuan gave Shi Ruoyu a look, he smiled and greeted Su Jianbai and Shi with a smile.

Lu Chuan is not that kind of handsome guy, but Lu Chuan is a very good looking man, the more he looks at it, the more he tastes it. What's more, Lu Chuan's aura is very unique, and at first glance, people are full of good feelings for Lu Chuan.

People often have the most important first impression. Obviously, Lu Chuan is a very good person.

At first glance, Shi Wanran and Su Jianbai still felt that Lu Chuan was very good. They were very real and reliable people. Who doesn't want their daughter to have a better life, this selection is particularly important.

Lu Chuan took them to one of the courtyards that had been booked early, and there had been waiters waiting here.

After taking his seat, Lu Chuan said, "We can arrange food."

"Yes, Mr. Lu." The waiters looked respectful, and even the big boss behind the scenes was alarmed. How could they be careless?

Sitting here, Shi Wanran couldn't help but said, "Lu Chuan, will it be too expensive to come here?"

Even if Shi Wanwan is well-informed, he has never come into contact with this truly top-level private kitchen. Seeing this, it will definitely not be cheap here. Seeing Lu Chuan's young age, spending money on this meal is not worth it.

For Lu Chuan, I was initially satisfied, otherwise Shi Wanran would not have this kind of consideration.

Lu Chuan smiled and said, "Auntie, why is it that the consumption here is actually not very expensive. The key is that you eat comfortably and the taste here is the most important thing for you."

Shi Ruoyu blinked aside again. This is so-called not expensive, because for Lu Chuan, if you change to an ordinary family, I am afraid that a family's annual living expenses will not be as good as this meal.

Su Jianbai said: "Okay, come here, Lu Chuan, I heard the poem say that you graduated in civil engineering? Ask this girl what your job is, but she refuses to say, this student who graduated from civil engineering It’s hard to find a job."

Now, it is considered to have entered the topic.

The dishes were served quickly, preventing the next problem.

Lu Chuan ordered twelve dishes, all of which are the most prestigious in Huangzhuang Mountain. The twelve dishes filled the table. I have to say that the level here is absolutely top in the country, and every dish has both color, fragrance and taste.

"Uncles and aunts, you eat." Lu Chuan naturally has very little experience when it comes to remuneration, so in this respect, he is really clumsy, but in the eyes of Shi Wanran, he is satisfied, indicating that Lu Chuan is not a person who goes out to spend time and drink.

When he had eaten almost, Lu Chuan replied: "After graduation, I went to the decoration company to work for about a year, and then I went out to do some business. I just established a company at the beginning of this year. It will only take a few months. perfect."

A company that was only established at the beginning of the year, a few months...and has worked as a supervisor in a decoration company before. This makes people think that Lu Chuan's company is a kind of grass-based company with a few people.

How should I put it, this is just a career, but I don’t know what the family situation is?

"Where are your parents?" Shi said with a smile.

Lu Chuan said honestly: "They are in the country and want to bring them here to live, but they are not used to it, so they can only rely on them."

Su Jianbai is not the kind of person who must look at money situation, but he still frowned, and said, "Although my daughter is not arrogant and accustomed to raising her, she has never had any hardships. Being a parent, who does not want her daughter Have a better life? Lu Chuan, do you understand that?"

"Understand, of course." Lu Chuan nodded.

In contrast, the poetry of working in a bank is more straightforward: "Lu Chuan, it’s not that your aunt has any prejudice against you. How much thought is spent on the company?"

"Auntie, the company has professional managers, so I don't need to worry about it." Lu Chuan replied.

"Uh..." Shi Wanwan was speechless for a while. You are a start-up company. As a boss, if you don’t work hard, you just hire a professional manager. You can’t have enough profits for a start-up company. Support the rapid development, which needs professional managers?

Generally speaking, when a company is founded, it is run by the start-ups. Only when it has grown to a certain scale and the start-ups cannot win or lose the management of the company, will they hire professional managers ~ Obviously Shi Wanran did not believe that a young man who had just started a business had reached this point.

It seemed that Lu Chuan was unreliable, and Shi said with a smile, "How profitable is your company this year?" The meaning of these words is actually to fight back Lu Chuan's so-called professional managers.

Lu Chuan was a little embarrassed. This question is really difficult to answer. At present, Guangying is profitable, and the rest are all pits. On the whole, the Baichuan Guihai Company even burned billions.

"This, there is no profit for the time being, and there is a loss of about six or seven billion." Lu Chuan has no choice but to be honest, so let's be honest.


Su Jianbai, who had just sipped a sip of tea, directly sprayed it out. Even Shi Wanran, his face collapsed.

"What did you say, say it again." Su Jianbai thought he had heard it wrong.

"Uncles and aunts, let's put it this way, the company is just starting, and it will take at least the middle of next year to make a profit. It is only three quarters at present, and the estimated loss is between sixty and seven billion." Lu Chuan had to say it again.

This time, it was Su Jianbo and Shi's turn to look at each other with a smile.

They lost sixty to seven billion in three quarters. They just want to know what kind of company it is that can lose so much in three quarters. So, isn't it a loss of nearly ten billion in a year?

Even if you are bothered by yourself, you don't need to look for such outrageous words to cheat, right?

You have graduated less than three years old, and your family is a graduate from the countryside. How many billions are you talking to me? Isn't this too unreliable?

I thought that Lu Chuan was an honest child before, but now it seems that he is really a man with many honest faces, but his bragging skills are definitely outstanding among his kind.

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