Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 556: The cornerstone of a biochemical plant

For now, among the zombies siege of the city, no zombies above level 5 have appeared.

In the description of the siege, exceeding level five is a probabilistic question.

Lu Chuan didn't dare to gamble on whether there were any zombies beyond the fifth level. In fact, the fifth-level corpse dragons and bloodthirsty claws were enough for Lu Chuan to have a headache. The fierce killing in the sky far exceeded Lu Chuan's expectations.

Between each other, always hug each other, using claws to tear each other's body apart.

The corpse dragon is indeed very strong. The bloodthirsty claws created by Lu Chuan often only need a mouth. As long as they are bitten by them, their strong bite force will squeeze the bloodthirsty claws of Lu Chuan with a "click" sound. The claws were bitten into two pieces.

The size of the corpse dragon, as well as the length of its mouth, is really too lethal.

The corpse dragon in the product line of the biochemical factory was originally much higher than the bloodthirsty claw.

The production price of Bloodthirsty Talon is 800,000. When Lu Chuan enhanced the corpse dragon rewarded by the biochemical factory, it cost 1 million each time. That is to say, the production price of the corpse dragon will be 1 million. According to the decimal rate, it exceeds Two small levels of Bloodthirsty Talons.

Two small levels, but in actual combat, there is too much difference.

Of course, the air battle won't tell you the outcome for a while. After all, there are too many bloodthirsty claws in Lu Chuan's hands. At a scale of 5,000, the bloodthirsty claws are weaker than the corpse dragon, but bloodthirsty. The size of the sharp claws still reached two meters when standing up, and the wingspan reached more than four meters.

The scale of 5,000 is completely covered by the sky.

The corpse dragon is powerful, but the hero can't hold back many fists, and the bloodthirsty claws swarmed up, and the power of a few, or even a dozen, was enough to shred the corpse dragon in a short time.

The claws of the bloodthirsty claws are not a display, they are harder and sharper than the claws of the licker, and more powerful.

At this time, Lu Chuan put his piercing eyes on these initial tyrants who appeared, and their appearance was just advancing in the most savage way.

Any obstruction that prevented them in front of them was completely destroyed by it.

Even the zombies that were attacking the city, many were kicked and exploded by them, wading out a way forward.


Suddenly, in the four streets of the siege, this kind of screaming roar sounded between each other.

But I saw the initial type of the tyrant who led the head, and their necks were as if they were stuck by something, causing them to move forward and almost tripped on their backs.

The powerful tyrant's initial form was struggling, and a **** wound appeared on its neck in an instant. The wound went deep into its muscles, and as it exerted force, it was more like cutting off the neck.

Needless to say, this is where the steel cable is used.

These steel cables, which were pulled at the height of the tyrant's initial form, were crushed tightly under the strength and struggle of the tyrant's initial form. At the building where the steel cable was tied, Lu Chuan could see that the steel cable collapsed, the concrete cracked, and a faint smoke of dust rose.

From this point, we can see how terrifying the power of the tyrant's initial form is.

As currently the largest initial tyrant on land, it is actually a failed experiment, with well-developed limbs and simple mind. It can only use brute force for anything.

It seems that this is the same as other zombies, but the initial tyrant is more pure.

Maybe it has something to do with its size, and it feels even stronger.

In the struggle, the head of the initial tyrant had its neck cut in half. In this case, it did not die, but it began to lose a lot of control over the body.

For example, its hands and feet became hard, and it even refused to obey orders.

Lu Chuan knew that although zombies were immortal, their control of the body also required nerves and muscles. Without these, the balance of any zombies would be broken. In addition to these, there are bones, they also need bones to support their actions.

If it was just an initial tyrant, it would be stuck and would not struggle to get off the wire rope.

But the problem is that there is more than one tyrant primitive.

Hundreds of primitive tyrants appeared on the same street, and they savagely moved forward, even rushing forward.

The first tyrant's initial model hung by a steel cable, it was finally hit by several tyrant's initial models, and its neck was forcibly cut by the steel cable.

However, this steel cable failed to withstand this kind of force in the end and broke directly.

Lu Chuan was also dumbfounded as he watched the steel cable collapse and return to both sides of the street. These steel cables are all steel cables with thick female fingers. Can this also be broken?

How many tons is the power of the tyrant's initial form?

The initial tyrants continued to move forward, and Lu Chuan took a visual observation, and the number of initial tyrants currently appearing was at least about 1,000.

"It's really costly."

A thousand or more, this is the initial tyrant, how terrifying. With them alone, it is not a problem to destroy the settlement, but here, it is just one of the zombies.

This shows how much pressure Lu Chuan is currently under.

Automatic firepower, destroyed all the way by the licker.

Lu Chuan's eyes shifted to the lickers. There were also thousands of lickers. They climbed on the building, and it was easy to sniper the wall with automatic firepower.

In fact, when setting up automatic firepower, Lu Chuan thought of this situation, which was also within the range of automatic firepower blockade.

But the problem is that the current automatic firepower, in the face of such a dense zombies, completely ignores the lickers. When the licker is included in the urgent and heavy level, the automatic firepower will be adjusted to the muzzle, but at this time, most of it is already too late.

The lickers are not idlers either. Their speed and quantity, often after paying a few, or a dozen, can approach the automatic firepower and destroy the automatic firepower.

"The licker."

Lu Chuan gave instructions to the lickers who were waiting. In fact, the number of lickers in Lu Chuan's hands had already exceeded 3,000, which was already very scary.

These 3,000 lickers are enough for a building to be covered by them and turn black.

Obtaining Lu Chuan's instructions, the armed lickers were divided into four groups from the periphery of the biochemical factory, and they also rushed into the buildings, climbing among the high-rise buildings on the street to meet the enemy.

The biochemical plant is surrounded by the central area of ​​Zhongzhou City, where commerce is developed, there are almost no units here, and there is a large area of ​​open space. Every inch of vacant land is constructed of tall buildings, and every inch of land is full of gold.

In this way, there is a spectacular scene that allows lickers to continuously climb in buildings of different heights.

The licker in his hand was protected by Lu Chuan's head, and even his body was wearing a huge armor. Its shape is actually based on the size of the licker, so it is very close to the body.

It does not hinder the limbs of the licker, nor does it hinder the mouth of the licker. The presence of armor is beneficial and harmless to the licker.

Just like a mechanical army, these lickers wearing armor, when they move, the shock they give people is naturally full of the beauty of steel.


Looking at the automatic firepower that the zombies have not yet reached behind them, when they have no target, when they start to lock the licker, Lu Chuan is also speechless. This is the automatic firepower regardless of enemy and us.

"It's still a mistake. Next time, they should be asked to enter the shape of the licker in the database next time, and the licker wearing armor will not be locked."

It is not difficult to do this, but Lu Chuan did not expect it before, and the time is too tight, so that Lu Chuan did not consider too well, and thus could not provide programmers with this information.

Lu Chuan can only solve this kind of mistake manually.

When the lickers passed by the automatic firepower, Lu Chuan temporarily turned off the automatic firepower, until the lickers passed and left the scan lock range, and then restarted the power.


A heavy machine gun, it was overturned from the balcony by dozens of lickers, and fell onto the street. The heavy machine gun with its motor, battery and rotating platform, weighing almost two hundred kilograms, smashed onto the six-story street, there was momentum.

A few hapless swifts were hit and could not get up again.

In an instant, the heavy machine gun was submerged by the zombies again, and they climbed past, ignoring the existence of the heavy machine gun.

The zombies are more like a group of ants, like this kind of obstruction, they won't bother at all.

Another automatic firepower point was destroyed.

When the next automatic fire roared, the lickers sent by Lu Chuan finally arrived. Under Lu Chuan’s micro-control, these lickers bypassed this Vulcan cannon and did not allow the Vulcan cannon to enter the emergency state. Naturally, it would not lock the licker, but the zombies in the street below. Start the killing.

Two torrents of climbing slammed together.

Lu Chuan was in the office of the biochemical factory, holding his arms, watching all this with interest through the holographic projection. The battle of the licker was almost completed on the building.

The leading licker made by a biochemical factory raised its paws and split the head of the licker in front of him in half. With his head destroyed, the licker fell.

The next moment, one of the siege lickers took advantage of this opportunity and swept their paws and cut them on the licker's head. And on the head of the licker, there is an alloy helmet. It was made with this in mind when it was manufactured, and it was extremely hard.

This claw only left a trace.

The power of the paw was still under the licker's endurance, so it just tilted its head and immediately fought back. The tongue popped out, curling the opponent's paw, and then the tongue contracted and pulled it over.

The paw was cut, and another licker drank hate in its Using this asymmetry, two torrents collided together, but they crushed the siege licker to death. .

In time, the lickers that were only killed fell down and smashed below. Some are even dead because their claws are holding on to the wall, and they hang on the wall.

The licker wearing a helmet and armor has almost no weaknesses, making this confrontation a total slaughter.

The price paid by the lickers in Lu Chuan's hands is not very high.

Occasionally, one or two will be besieged and the helmets will be cut open. But in this process, the price paid by the Siege Lipper was that several of them had already been killed.

Seeing this scene, Lu Chuan's previously suspended heart finally let go.

"This wave is stable."

God knows how hard Lu Chuan put in for this moment. Running around the armor manufacturing factory, in order to let the zombies under them have a stronger defense and fill their weaknesses.

And ventured into Syria, for these firepower, can block the zombies that are savagely forward.

Working desperately to make money is to be able to have more funds to create more zombies, so as to guard the biochemical factory and the results of their own efforts.

And all of this, when he saw the melon-cutting battle under his lickers' arms, Lu Chuan knew that all of his efforts were worth it.

If it wasn't for some of your own contributions, how could it make the battle so simple?

Lu Chuan's eyes fell on the periphery of the biochemical factory. The densely packed zombies here were all wearing armor and holding cold swords in their hands. They made up a torrent of steel. Lu Chuan knew that they were the cornerstones that guarded the biochemical factory. .

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