Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 557: Strengthened

Titan's role is very limited in front of this level of siege, even if it is strengthened ten times.

However, the combination of Titan and Qiangwei are still together.

Titan stood on the top of the building of the biochemical factory, holding the Vulcan cannon, aimed at the sky. There are a lot of long bullet chains on the top of the building, and the yellow and orange colors make people feel cold.

Qiangwei's slender figure stood on Titan's shoulders, just as high as Titan's head.

The Titan, which is as stable as a mountain, is more like a platform where Qiangwei can stand on it. Then he holds a sniper rifle that Lu Chuan can get with a lot of effort. The XM109 with a 25mm caliber is directly mounted on the Titan's huge alloy helmet. Up, aimed at the sky.

In order to let it jam and shoot better, Lu Chuan even improved this alloy helmet and added a slot to make it better hold the anti-tank rifle.

In the Titan's back box, filled with all kinds of ammunition. XM109 can use armor-piercing shells, broken armor shells, armor-piercing incendiary bombs, high-explosive shells, armor-piercing high-explosive shells, etc., which is absolutely rich.

The 25mm size is absolutely abnormal, it should be said that it is a gun.

This XM109 was one of the special weapons that Lu Chuan obtained when he strangled the special forces of the U.S. Army. Its number was small, only three. But the U.S. military's logistics have always been very good, so there are a lot of ammunition, enough for a long time.

Do not look at the large caliber of the XM109. In fact, its size is shorter than some sniper rifles. The size of 1168mm in total length cannot be said to be long in sniper rifles.

Its shortcoming is that its recoil is too large. Many soldiers can't suppress its recoil when used.


In Lu Chuan's eyes, this recoil is nothing to do with Qiangwei, who has already strengthened ten times. It can be suppressed and ignore this recoil.

Lu Chuan was not very worried about attacks on the ground. Lu Chuan always believed that the real threat was the sky.

Flying zombies in the sky, they may break through, and then suddenly dive and accelerate, and hit the biochemical factory. Once they dived, it was difficult to intercept them.

I can't because of the impact of a flying zombie, I have worked so hard for so long, and it's all wasted.

Titan did not fire, because the Vulcan Cannon was difficult to control the accuracy of too far, and it would only deal with close targets. But Qiangwei is different. The XM109, which has an effective range of 2 kilometers, allows it to snipe targets in the sky.

With its legendary marksmanship, it is even more powerful when applied to snipers.

In the magazine with five rounds of ammunition, all armor-piercing high-explosive rounds were filled. At this time, it had already entered a sniper state.


XM109 trembled, but Qiangwei's slender fingers pressed it down.

In the next instant, a corpse dragon in the sky had a blood hole in its head, and then the bullet exploded in the impact, exploding its head, and the whole head was shattered and it fell down.

The zombies in the biochemical factory can be connected in series, and they can sense each other and confirm each other.

Therefore, with this ability, Qiangwei does not have to worry about sniping the wrong target.

What's more, the corpse dragon in the sky hardly belongs to the biochemical factory, and the biochemical factory does not have the qualifications to manufacture it.

The XM109 roared again, and it was only three seconds since the last shot.

Qiangwei's perverted ability was fully displayed at this moment, and almost every shot represented that the head of a corpse dragon was blown. This powerful ability calmed Lu Chuan's heart.

One in three seconds, even if you change the magazine, you can empty two magazines in one minute, which is ten rounds.

Ten shots, ten corpse dragons, one minute.

With this calculation, the threat in the sky seems to be far worse than previously thought.

During Lu Chuan’s silent observation, Qiangwei emptied a magazine, and quickly replaced the magazine with a textbook-like action. He put the XM109 on Titan’s head again, and used its unique three. Lock the rhythm in seconds, then fire.

Another corpse dragon's head shattered into fragments and fell from the sky.

Qiangwei's goal, under the influence of Lu Chuan, was to strangle the corpse dragon first. Who made the corpse dragon's target big and threatening?

And the Titan, as stable as a rock, stood motionless, it was also strengthened ten times, and its terrifying power completely ignored the power transmitted by the XM109.

"It seems that in many cases, we still have to take the boutique route."

The combination of Qiangwei and Titan cost Lu Chuan ten million. But the lethality they brought was absolutely terrifying, and the results were beyond Lu Chuan's expectations.

Of course, Qiangwei's metamorphosis is actually based on a series of instinct enhancements, not to mention other instincts, just the legendary marksmanship, this thing is hard to find.

Regardless, Lu Chuan is now paying attention to strengthening this function.

The strengthened zombies, especially after ten times of strengthening, are still zombies, but that kind of agility is not possessed by other zombies.

"Scorpion Dragon, come out and help."

The tearing in the sky was really tragic. In just the blink of an eye, he found that he had lost more than 700 bloodthirsty claws in Lu Chuan. This kind of loss was really terrifying.

As long as you look up, you can see black spots falling from the sky constantly, both enemy and us.

From this loss, we can see the tragic process in the sky.

With anti-aircraft guns, Qiangwei's help, and bloodthirsty claws hunting, but the loss is still so high, Lu Chuan's worries are not unreasonable.

In the time and space cracks, every time and space cracks still have dense black spots flying into the air, and the transportation of zombies here has not stopped.

The current number of zombies, Lu Chuan speculated, should have exceeded 120,000.

These 120,000, even though there are other ordinary zombies, also accounted for most of them. However, a small number of graded zombies are enough to make the scalp numb. Like now, the flying zombies appearing in the sky are at least level five, but their number is totally more than 5000.

If it wasn't for the luck to unlock the Bloodthirsty Talons early, and have the financial resources to make 5,000, I am afraid that now let alone defense, the biochemical factory has now fallen.

The corpse dragon that was originally on the top of the biochemical factory building, under Lu Chuan's instructions, flapped its fleshy wings into the air.

The corpse dragon cost Lu Chuan 10 million to strengthen. It should be said that the strongest single body is it. When it was awarded to Lu Chuan, the instinct it carried was the best. This seemed to be a rule in the reward.

After strengthening, it is like reborn, not as strong.

The corpse dragon rising into the sky, very fast, rushed towards a corpse dragon that had just shredded a bloodthirsty claw. In the entire sky, it is the only biochemical factory corpse dragon, so it does not need to consider the target it deals with.

Using its faster speed, stronger body, and stronger bite force, every time the corpse dragon opens its mouth, there is always a siege corpse dragon bitten off its neck.

The corpse dragon after ten times of strengthening is completely barbaric, running rampant here.

For this reason, Lu Chuan had to turn on the virtual screen and turn off the dozen anti-aircraft guns used for defense.

The tears in the sky, with the corpse dragon and the rose, actually maintained a balance, and this balance is still being broken in a good direction.

In other words, if the current situation continues, the advantages of the sky will expand and eventually dominate the sky.


on the street.

Countless zombies were advancing, they stepped over the concrete fence, and then stepped on the white phosphorus pools built one by one. They were naturally stained with the white phosphorus here.

The white phosphorus in a white phosphorus pool was quickly stained under the footsteps of dense zombies.

The white phosphorus in the white phosphorus pools became less and less, and it was covered with the feet of the zombies, and even under some trampling, the white phosphorus splashed on other zombies.

The weather now belongs to November, and it is very dry. For white phosphorus, it is definitely burning at a touch.

It was stained with a lot of white phosphorus, and these zombies are naturally unknown. They have no thinking, and naturally they don't know what the white phosphorus is and what it will bring.

In fact, when they stepped into these white phosphorous pools, their fate was doomed.

The battle on the ground is fierce, not below the sky, and even said that the tragic situation here is even more tragic, because the zombies have broken through the defense area with the depression angle anti-aircraft gun.

Through the holographic projection, Lu Chuan knew that it would be more tragic next.

What about zombies?

This time they are facing their nemesis. The existence of white phosphorus, as long as it is touched, almost represents death, even if the zombies have an immortal body, they will burn until they die.

Especially the density here, under the support of the zombies, will ignite other zombies.


The first anti-aircraft gun finally fired. With the help of the computer, it scanned and locked the zombies below, and automatically adjusted the distance of the explosion.

It does not have the same rate of fire as a machine gun, but its rate of fire is still very fast.

Compared to bullets, there is nothing to see. The anti-aircraft guns ejected from the chamber, carrying flames and smoke, and there were still traces to be seen.

The warhead exploded, tearing the hit zombies to pieces.

Lu Chuan knew that this was just the beginning, because the anti-aircraft guns used high-explosive warheads, and its wanton shrapnel was just a trivial matter. The real big head was still the white phosphorus on these zombies.

White phosphorus, it ignores the humidity of the air, as long as there is a fire, it will almost burn at a little.

Like now, the explosion of the high-explosive warhead brought the kind of explosive flames and splashing sparks that successfully ignited the white phosphorus of the zombies in front. The flames and strong smoke rolled out, making the zombies instantly become a fire corpse.

On the crowded street, the zombies followed one after another, almost advancing next to each other. A zombie caught fire, and a series of zombies also caught fire.

The flame ignited from the feet, that kind of burning power can burn through bones, not to mention the flesh.

The zombies ignored the flames on their bodies and were still impacting, even if the underfoot was burned, but they were still moving forward, until the bones were burned through and broken, causing them to fall.

But they crawled with their hands, and crawled toward the biochemical factory.

It's just that there are burning zombies everywhere, next to each other, completely turning the entire street into a sea of ​​flames. Thick tumbling smoke rose into the sky.

There were no screams on the street, no too much struggle, and some were just crawling with fire zombies. Their feet were burned, but they were still crawling with their hands.

To really keep them still, they still stop their actions until they burn through the veins of the body.

Some were burned to their heads and burned through, which really killed them.

Pieces of zombies were ignited, and then the whole street was burning with white phosphorus, drawing thousands of zombies inside. The flames that went on caused the white phosphorus pool to be ignited again, and there was still a large amount of remaining white phosphorus burning instantly, forming a flame that rose into the sky.

The billowing smoke made people think what kind of uncontrollable fire had happened here.

For people, once white phosphorus is touched, it is a dead end. But in the eyes of the zombies, they have no pain, no sensation, and don't know what it is, they are burning and moving forward as before, until they are burned down and can no longer move.

This scene was absolutely shocking and terrifying.

Why zombies can dominate this world is that their unconscious, immortal body, ignoring everything...The pain is on their body, like nothing.

They are more like monsters, how can they be unfrightening?

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