Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 583: Only to die

Dening City is currently the only place where poisonous camels have been found, and Lu Chuan cannot easily give up.

None of the ten drones were found. Lu Chuan did not give up, but continued to let the drone take off, also patrolling the streets.

The city in the rain is hazy, not far away.

Not on the top of the building, but on the top floor, Lu Chuan was observing this raining city through the binoculars and through the window.

On the street, zombies ignored the wind and rain, wandering in the rain.

After a few glances, Lu Chuan retracted the telescope.

"Three days, wait three more days."

In the same place, Lu Chuan couldn't afford too much time. Unlock the poisonous camel as soon as possible, and be fully prepared before the next zombie attack arrives.

As the place where the poisoned camel was discovered, Lu Chuan was willing to wait a few more days.

Three days passed in a flash.

To Lu Chuan's disappointment, the drones cruised over and over again, but still nothing. The entire Dening City seems to have only alienated a poisoned camel.

"It seems that this poisonous camel is not like a water ghost, appearing in groups."

In the last days, it was rainy for several days.

Like today, there was a surprisingly heavy rain, and the entire city heard huge rain.

As a result, the recovery of drones has to be terminated.

Let the drone land on the building, the next step is to wait for the rain to clear, or the rain is less, and then recover the drone. These drones are all modified, and Lu Chuan can't bear to throw it away.

After a flash, it was about two hours before the rain stopped.

Rarely, the sun shines as soon as the rain stops.

The drones that had just landed, under the operation of Lu Chuan, began their return journey. One by one, they flew to the window, and then one by one by Lu Chuan into the storage space.

When he finished collecting the drone, Lu Chuan was about to turn around and leave, only to find that the zombies on the street below seemed a little unusual.

I only saw these zombies, they were surging, moving in one direction.

The understanding of zombies let Lu Chuan know that there is no direction for zombies to roam, let alone order. But the zombies in the street below, they turned out to only move in one direction.

Lu Chuan, who was familiar with zombies, had his first reaction before the corpse stream formed.

Quickly took out the telescope and Lu Chuan observed.

Soon, I discovered that in this city, the zombies on several streets were like this, moving in the same direction.

"What's the situation?"

Generally speaking, zombies rarely leave the city on such a large scale.

Like in Zhongzhou City, from the history Lu Chuan knows, there are only three times. It takes about two years on average, only once.

Could it be said that what I have encountered now is a torrent of urban zombies that is extremely difficult to encounter?

Walking to the top of the building and using a telescope, Lu Chuan quickly discovered that the direction of these zombies was west.

In the West, isn't it the location of Dening's settlement?

"Scorpion Dragon!"

In his mind, the corpse dragon rushed from a tall building in the distance, and soon landed in front of Lu Chuan.

Lu Chuan turned over, and the corpse dragon slapped his fleshy wings into the sky.

As Lu Chuan lifted into the air, the Bloodthirsty Talons surrounded him again, protecting Lu Chuan inside.

Judging from the air, these zombies were indeed out of the city, and then on the national highway, they gathered into a huge torrent of zombies, and the direction was towards the direction of the settlement.

The first zombie was seven or eight kilometers away from the city.

Lu Chuan frowned, and it seemed that these zombies could not have just passed by. Only the existence of vitality can attract zombies.

In the wolf's nest, a zombie research room has been set up to conduct research on zombies.

The result was not too much, but some conclusions were drawn through analysis of the big movements of the zombies. For example, why a settlement is attacked by zombies lies in too many survivors.

Survivors will move around the city, and over time, a trace of life will be formed.

And the strong breath of life formed in the settlement will make the zombies feel it, and coupled with the traces of life, the zombies will form a group effect at a certain point in time and pounce on this settlement.

This is the main reason for the formation of corpse tide.

The size of the corpse tide is random, it may be huge, it may be only thousands or tens of thousands.

For example, under Lu Chuan's visual observation, the number of zombies definitely exceeds the level of 100,000, which is quite a wave of corpses.

Without precautions, the population of Dening City's settlement of only 20,000 to 30,000 may suffer heavy losses and may even be destroyed by zombies.

In the tide of corpses, there are a large number of high-level zombies. Their terrifyingness can only be described as ordinary in Lu Chuan's eyes, but in the eyes of survivors, they are extremely scary.

The settlement of Dening City is only 300 kilometers away from Zhongzhou City.

In Lu Chuan's eyes, these survivors will all be their own food in the future. They were killed by the zombies. Isn't it he who lost?


The speed of the corpse dragon is naturally not comparable to the zombies below.

After crossing the tide of corpses, Lu Chuan quickly reached the country road that turned from the national highway to the settlement.

Asking the corpse dragon to put himself down, Lu Chuan ran towards the direction of the settlement, slowing himself down, running like an ordinary person.

It is unrealistic to land directly in the settlement, only this method can be used.

"The corpse tide is here, the corpse tide is here."

Lu Chuan ran while screaming in his mouth.

There is no way, if you don't say anything, in case someone treats yourself as a zombie, send yourself a head. I don't have much, but I don't know if the shooter will be frightened, I don't know.

The existence of the Titan Biosphere is enough to ensure that Lu Chuan does not have to worry about gun damage.

There were secret guards all the way in the settlement of Dening City, and Lu Chuan was discovered in less than a minute.

The secret post was actually set up on a towering tree. A hut similar to a hut was built, hidden in the leaves, so it is difficult to find.

When they heard the call, they were still a little stunned. When they saw a figure waving their arms on the road, they were convinced that they had not misheard.

Looking at the way this man runs and shouting, convinced the two sentinels of the secret whistle that this is not a zombie.

"what's the situation?"

"He is shouting that the corpse tide is coming?"

The two looked at each other, one of them hesitated, and said: "You are watching here, I will go down and have a look, stare at it, and the alarm will sound if something is wrong."

The tree house uses a soft ladder, which can be retracted freely.

Lower the ladder, and then fall to the ground.

The sentry who came down, holding his gun, stopped in the middle of the road. When he saw Lu Chuan, he shouted, "Stop, what are you calling?"

Lu Chuan naturally stopped, and he pretended to look nervous: "No, there is a tide of corpses in the city, and it is coming here. The tide of corpses is a tide of corpses."

The sentinel changed his face and said sharply, "What corpse tide?"

"It's really a corpse tide. It's not far from here. A warning will be issued soon, otherwise it will be too late." Lu Chuan pretended to pant as an ordinary person, and pointed to the rear in a panic.

"Wait, what are you doing outside?" The sentry became vigilant.

Lu Chuan said: "I am hungry and I have nothing to eat. I can only venture out of the forest and find something to eat outside. Who knows, I haven't found anything to eat before I saw a huge wave of corpses. I Seeing that something was wrong, I rushed back to report."

Seeing that Lu Chuan didn't look like a lie, the sentry turned around and ignored Lu Chuan.

On the side of the road, there is a hole dug, where two electric motorcycles are parked. With water flow, like this kind of electric motorcycle for fast traffic, its power is still guaranteed.

After driving out the electric motorcycle, the sentry patted the back seat: "Come on."

Without hesitation, Lu Chuan sat on it.

The sentry did not turn towards the settlement, but turned the switch and drove out towards the national highway. He said viciously: "If you dare to deceive Lao Tzu, see how I can deal with you."

The speed of an electric motorcycle is no different from that of a fuel motorcycle. The speed is very fast.

Speeding all the way, soon arrived at the national highway.

"In front, they are in front." Lu Chuan said, pointing in the direction of Dening City.

The other party nodded and rushed out again.

About three kilometers later, the face of the sentinel suddenly became ugly, and he turned his head without hesitation, and ran away in the direction of the settlement.

On the national road ahead, there are crowds of black and crushed zombies, they are trotting, unable to see the end.

The corpse tide is real.

Lu Chuan didn't speak, letting him take himself back to the tree where he was working.

"Lin Xin, issue a warning, a red warning."

This person almost roared. He turned his head and said to Lu Chuan, "You follow me back to the settlement."

Lin Xin poked his head out on the tree house: "Brother you sure it's the red warning?"

"Nonsense, the corpse tide is here, they are here." This brother Gan's heart is far less calm than his expression, and he knows his nervousness from his trembling tone.

After getting a definite answer, Lin Xin did not hesitate to return to the tree house and opened a paint bucket, which was filled with burning materials for warning.

Taking the lighter out of the paint bucket, Lin Xin ignited the burning objects.

Suddenly, it only had a slight flame, but it produced billowing thick smoke. This thick red smoke rose into the sky, and soon formed a red plume in the sky.

After completing this warning, Lin Xin got off the ladder and drove another electric motorcycle back to the settlement.

One after another, the outposts were lit up with thick red smoke, like an ancient beacon tower. Through this thick smoke, the news has been transmitted to the settlement.

The red smoke column represents the most serious situation, the highest warning level.

A series of red smoke pillars soon sent this warning back to the settlement. As long as they saw the red smoke coming out of this place, everyone fell in their heart, and there was a feeling of suffocation and stopped heartbeat. .

"The zombies are here, the zombies are here."

In the next instant, the entire settlement was in chaos.

But it was not a headless fly, but every survivor quickly returned to his house, then took out his weapon, and hurried out again, heading straight to the woods where the colony was usually used for gathering.

Some people escape, but they are only a few of the few.

After the terrible end times, almost everyone is a soldier.

The place of residence is their home, there is no way to retreat, there is only deadly battle.

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