Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 584: near

Every settlement in the last days will have emergency measures. bookmark our website

Like here, all people are soldiers.

Whether you are capable or not, you need to do what you have. In front of zombies, they will not distinguish whether you are poor or whether you are good or evil. They are all on their death list.

The settlement that received the warning was boiling.

Everyone is vying to take out weapons first, whether it is a cold weapon or a hot weapon. After getting the weapon, it is assembled.

The disadvantage of Dening's settlements lies in this location, which is not very defensive.

The mountains and forests are full of shrubs, and they do have a defensive effect on the scattered zombies, but in front of the tide of corpses, they are not at all, they are advancing in a sweeping manner under the advantage of huge numbers.

These bushes can't stop them at all.

In the woods.

Lu Chuan was also here. As the first person to discover the tide of corpses, by this moment, Lu Chuan had been forgotten. In panic, who would care about Lu Chuan?

Since no one is thinking about himself, Lu Chuan is also happy to relax.

He didn't stand stupidly in a conspicuous place, but stood in the dark crowd below.

Coincidentally, I saw Wu Yingcai not far away. He was holding a spear with a wooden body and iron head, polished with white and sharp edges. The highest level of warning made him look nervous, and the fingers holding the spear turned white.

When she saw Lu Chuan, Wu Yingcai opened her mouth, and Lu Chuan just blinked.

Compared to other people, Lu Chuan is completely calm.

All the high-levels in the settlement have appeared here.

Raising the wrist, the camera in the smart wearable works, and all these people are photographed. In this way, the leaders of this settlement can also recognize them well afterwards.

The leader is naturally a sturdy man. He is 1.85 meters tall and he is tall in the south. Wearing the rough armor he created, he carried a two-handed war knife and a sling shield on his back, which looked extremely visually impactful.

Around his waist, there was a dagger and a submachine gun. Several grenades were also hung on the tactical belt.

The combination of cold weapons and hot weapons presents the apocalyptic wind that appears vividly on the opponent's body.

"I don't know how far the alienation is." Lu Chuan squinted at it.

Mobilize work quickly.

There is no need to say too many words of encouragement, facing the tide of zombies, only the fight to the end. If the colony perishes, the individual perishes. This is a truth that people who have struggled for more than seven years in the last days cannot be ignorant.

"Even if you die, you will bear it on me."

"Now, let's go."

Lu Chuan did not ask who he was, but accompanied the others, rushing out of the settlement.

As a man of the last days, it is impossible not to think about safety.

The settlement actually has a certain defensive ability, and a front line is constructed on the periphery. Only year after year, it is overgrown by a large number of vines. If you don't pay attention, you really can't see it.

The front line is constructed of stone and built into the form of a wall, but only for the road area.

Looking at this line, Lu Chuan shook his head.

With the ability of zombies, they will go around the wall after they keep hitting the wall. As long as it is not a whole, they will find the gap to break through.

The mighty tens of thousands of people soon built a line of defense around the wall.

Due to the lack of guns, cold weapons are used more often.

The alienated troops are all concentrated, and the number is probably a little over 1,000. From first-level alienation to third- and fourth-level alienation. It may be the lack of combat, and there are few new humans at the fourth level of alienation, let alone the fifth level.

After all, it is from the end of the civilized era, and some basic knowledge is still available. This also gives the settlement the ability to forge, such as creating armor for the new humans in the alienated army.

The role of armor is important in the last days.

As the saying goes, no matter how high martial arts is, one is afraid of kitchen knives. This is the reason.

The zombies came very quickly, and naturally the heads were the zombie dogs and hellhounds who were famous for their speed. The number of them is not very large, but they are also on the scale of thousands, and they are all over the road.

The zombie dogs and hellhounds ran, like tireless machines.

"Gun, use a gun."

This small front line is divided into dozens of segments, and each segment is in charge of a high-level settlement.

Seeing zombie dogs and hellhounds, everyone was shocked. These canine zombies with small targets, fast speed, and fierce attacking power are what the survivors fear most.

Now, no one has any chance of luck anymore, and the tide of corpses is coming towards the settlement.

People who have guns are all beginning to target the dogs that appear in the distance.

Zombie dogs and Hellhounds, after they get close, the vitality of tens of thousands of people makes them smell and run faster.

"Put it in three hundred meters before hitting."

The roar of the responsible person rang with each other around the wall.

However, the zombie dogs came really fast, and in a moment they entered the range of three hundred meters.


In the sharp roar, gunfire sounded like the wind.

There is an advantage to dealing with zombie dogs and hellhounds. This is that their heads are in front. They only need to face them, and they only need to shoot in the same direction. It is not very difficult to hit their heads.

The dense bullets caused the zombies and hellhounds to fall continuously.

Indeed, it is relatively easy to simply deal with them.

Zombie dogs and hellhounds are the most difficult to deal with at night, and in the streets, or with the help of obstacles.

Now, their threat power is naturally much lower.

Hellhounds and zombie dogs fell one by one, the intensive firepower, plus they were leaping forward with a tendon, naturally, there was no reason to say that they could not rush at all.

The collapse of order, settlements replaced the government, and the release of personnel, like the creation of simple guns, is not a problem.

In the past, I didn't dare to make it, but now I make it at will, and there are not a few people with this ability. This is why the settlement can have so many guns. What is lacking is actually gunpowder.

Ammunition is the most precious material in this last days.

Thousands of canine zombies were all killed before they reached the wall. Their bodies lay far and near on the road.

Just after the canine zombies were killed, before they waited for their breath, swifts appeared in the distance.

Every survivor's face changed drastically.

The number of these swifts is also quite large, at least as large as six or seven hundred. They look like humans, and when running, they are no different from others.

With sound limbs, they run much faster than humans.


When these swift men stepped into four hundred meters, they directly ordered to fire.

The distance of 300 meters makes people feel that it is not so safe.

Intensive gunfire sounded again. The homemade guns were still very powerful. Many swift people were staggered, and a few who were hit in the head fell directly to the ground.

The lack of heavy weapons, bullets like rifles, hitting the swifts, the effect on them is too small to affect their progress.

"Stop shooting."

"Alienated troops."

Two orders were issued, the shooting stopped, and from sporadic to the end, no one shot again.

The armed alienation forces rushed out the first time.

The tactics are right, take advantage of the arrival of the opposing force, and eat the swift ones first. In this way, without these fast zombies, the threatening power will be much smaller.

Thousands of alienated troops rushed out to meet these swift men.

Smashed into groups, the alienated troops are better than they have armor and battle shields. The speed of the swift is fast, but they will not be flexible, and they will be killed one by one.

The number of new humans in the Alienation Force was originally more than that of the swift ones, and the battle was naturally one-sided.

And farther away, the third wave of zombies can already be seen. This wave of zombies is huge, and it is a mixed group of alienated zombies, ordinary zombies, and tyrants.

They sensed the breath of life here, and tried their best to flood here.

On the fence, everyone was extremely nervous, and the hands holding weapons were shaking.

Lu Chuan was standing on the edge of the fence, which was leaning against the bushes and surrounded by many people. Looking across, many people nervously made Lu Chuan shook his head.

Immediately, Lu Chuan burst into laughter again.

His own thoughts still stopped on the habit of zombies. Zombies, they won't fluctuate in the event of an accident, even if you use a knife to beat it, it will stand motionless.

But now these are people. They have thoughts and feelings, and naturally they have emotions.

In the face of this raging tide of zombies, who is not afraid?

Like Wu Yingcai next to him now, he has been bragging about how good he is and how many times he has survived. But in fact, now he is just like everyone tense to grit his teeth.


In the bushes, there was a sudden loud noise.

Lu Chuan frowned, his face changed, and he pointed to the distance and shouted, "Be careful."

A series of black shadows, they appeared from under the bushes, and then rushed out after approaching, some even climbed onto the trees and swooped over again.

Looking at their scarlet appearance and familiarity with zombies, let Lu Chuan know that these are definitely lickers.

Lickers, they can be classified as monsters, or crawling zombies. With these bushes, the lickers actually crawled and approached from under the bushes.

If it wasn't that they had no thoughts, but still made noises, they must have reached their feet and could not find them.

A licker arrived first, and the location where it appeared was no longer protected by the wall. After rushing out, it was already in front of the survivors.

The tongue bounced out, curling up a hapless person, and then contracted, pulling him into the air, and contracted back toward his mouth.


This biting sound was just the horrible howl of the hapless man, only to see the licker gnawing a blood hole in his waist. Blood and internal organs spewed out, as miserable as they were.

The hapless man who was struggling with the licker's paws pressed down and howled, and under his force, he was cut beyond recognition.

The sharpness and strength of the licker's claws can do all this without difficulty.

If it is a licker in the siege, it has already given up the prey in front of it and attacked other targets again. But these lickers were not the lickers in the siege. They only bite and swallowed this survivor, and made no further progress.

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