Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 657: Mental arithmetic

? The peculiar life characteristics of the zombie caused this corpse dragon to be shaved except for its head, but it still did not really die.

If the big head is still in one piece, it is a pity that without the cooperation of the body, it is impossible for it to bite. Every time you open your mouth, it is a futile act.

A dozen bloodthirsty claws joined forces and sent it to Lu Chuan.

The corpse dragons killed before, they all fell, scattered into bones. Without the muscles and meridians, if you smash it from a high altitude, it will naturally disperse.

This was the first time that Lu Chuan saw the bones of the corpse dragon at such a close distance. It was indeed huge and gave people a sense of shock. Its entire skeleton was empty, with only a tiny bit of fleshy residue on the bone.

Of course, what Lu Chuan is concerned about is his head.

The outer layer of the head has been removed, revealing some of the tissue inside. There was no reason for the destruction, and the corpse dragon did not die. With only one head, it could still live well.

Lu Chuan glanced, exclaimed, and gave an order.

A bloodthirsty claw rushed to the back of the corpse dragon's head, and then climbed on it. The sharp claws inserted into the corpse dragon's head without hesitation, chucking the brain inside.

The corpse dragon with its mouth open just now died completely.

"Ding, get corpse dragon fragment 1."

There was a reminder of fragments, and the fragment unlocked reached eight pieces.


Lu Chuan was overjoyed, but he didn't stop here much.

There are no high-level zombies in Zhongjiang City, and Lu Chuan didn't spend much effort here. There are still two pieces left. If it goes well, that is, within the past two days, you can hunt down and unlock the corpse dragon.

Under Lu Chuan's instructions, the huge bloodthirsty claw army left with Lu Chuan.


In Central Continent Province, and even the provinces around Central Continent Province, bloodthirsty claws flew by, entering the cities, their eyes fixed on the cities, and they flew across the streets.

There is Lu Chuan's instruction, if it is not the corpse dragon, they will simply ignore it.

Bloodthirsty Claws are flying in the air, and the chance of encountering being sniped is still relatively small. After all, this world is not the flying zombies dominating the world, but the endless zombies on the ground.

A bloodthirsty claw flew past a street, attracting some zombies to look up, twisting their heads to chase, they were just instinct, not seeing the difference between this bloodthirsty claw.

On the side of the street, there were several lickers crawling, leaving traces of claws wherever they went.

This bloodthirsty claw passed dexterously, undulating from time to time, but dodge the buildings here.

When I flew over a building, I saw a huge figure standing on the top floor of one of the buildings. It spread its wings but did not fly, but flapped.

Just a glance confirmed that this is the corpse dragon.

This corpse dragon is here, looking down at the entire city, as if staying here. The most common place where corpse dragons appear is on the roofs of tall buildings. The taller the building, the easier it is to attract them.

They will stay in these places, maybe leave soon, maybe a few days.

Zombie dragons generally don't stay in one place for too long. They can fly into the wild naturally. Unlike the zombies below, they will stay in one place and wander around the streets. There is no such great chance that they will leave the city.

I found this corpse dragon, this bloodthirsty claws did not hesitate, a flap of its fleshy wings, flying like a bat, caused it to rise quickly, and it rushed to the corpse dragon standing on it.

Naturally, this corpse dragon would not notice the bloodthirsty claws, and the zombie's thinking was of the same kind, so that it did not attack, and still maintained the action of overlooking the entire city.

The next moment, the bloodthirsty claws leaped close and hit its lower abdomen fiercely.

The claws of the bloodthirsty claws grasped the corpse dragon's abdomen firmly, and the claws on the flesh wings kept cutting on the lower abdomen of the corpse dragon. Each cut of this kind of cutting was a cut, just like cutting the flesh with a blade. There is no resistance at all.

Upon being attacked, the corpse dragon reacted. It roared and slammed its flesh wings, carrying a powerful air current, and it was already flying out of this tall building, flying in the sky.

The claws of the corpse dragon rubbed against his abdomen fiercely. The bloodthirsty claws that did not know the evasion were still attacking with emotion, cutting the abdomen of the corpse dragon as if playing with bones, and sliced ​​pieces of meat. Come down.

When the corpse dragon's claws caught the bloodthirsty claw, it almost opened a small hole in the abdomen of the corpse dragon.

A lot of blood flowed out from this place, all bloody.

While this bloodthirsty claw was caught, it was still struggling, but the corpse dragon's claws were thick and powerful, and under this grasp, it pierced the bloodthirsty claw's body deeply.

Very hard, he pulled the bloodthirsty claws from his body.

The corpse dragon was flying, but the head was low, the bloodthirsty claws on the claws were sent to the front of the mouth, and the mouth was one, biting the bloodthirsty claws, and the huge bite force instantly bit the bloodthirsty claws. A ball of minced meat.

The fleshy wings left on the edge of the mouth fell downward.


"Ding, lose a bloodthirsty claw."

A reminder sounded, and Lu Chuan opened it. The information in it recorded the cause of death of Bloodthirsty Talon, and naturally mentioned the name of the corpse dragon.

Almost the deaths of Bloodthirsty Talons were caused by the corpse dragon, because Bloodthirsty Talons executed Lu Chuan's own instructions, and once they encountered the corpse dragon, they would forget to attack.

Lu Chuan showed a faint smile. The loss of a bloodthirsty claw was not taken seriously. The key was the appearance of this corpse dragon.

Turning on the light projector, the target was determined on the map, Lu Chuan thought together, the corpse dragon naturally knew the direction Lu Chuan was going, and after a little adjustment, he continued to fly forward.

The huge bloodthirsty claw legion surrounded Luchuan tightly and made adjustments.

After half an hour.

In the city where the lost bloodthirsty claw was located, Lu Chuan appeared riding a corpse dragon, and dozens of bloodthirsty claws sent out earlier had arrived, and he had already surveyed this city.

Thousands of bloodthirsty claws hovered in the sky. They had no hovering ability, so they could only keep flying and circle themselves.

On the contrary, it is a corpse dragon. It can flap its huge fleshy wings and hover itself in the sky like a hummingbird. This ability, plus its load, is perfect in Lu Chuan's eyes.

"It seems to be a hard battle."

Through the bloodthirsty claws, they were within their own field of vision, and Lu Chuan could see the outside world through their eyes.

There are corpse dragons, but there are also hundreds of bloodthirsty claws here. Perhaps the bloodthirsty claws attacked the corpse dragon before, which caused the roar of the corpse dragon and shocked them. After flying into the sky, they formed a huge Groups.

Hundreds of bloodthirsty claws are no joke. Lu Chuan has been using bloodthirsty claws and naturally knows their power.

The corpse dragon that was discovered had already landed on a tall building. This kind of injury was almost the same as being intact to it.

And these hundreds of bloodthirsty claws hovered over this corpse dragon.

Lu Chuan's plan was to attract these bloodthirsty claws away, but he hesitated, and finally decided to flatten them together with these bloodthirsty claws. No reason, just for the hundreds of pieces.

It strengthened more than 300 bloodthirsty claws before and after, and there were not many Level 5 fragments left in his hands.

The remaining fragments were almost blank fragments, not even a single instinctive fragment.

The fifth-level fragments are produced from fifth-level zombies, and it takes a long time to find them one by one. Now there are hundreds of bloodthirsty claws, which is difficult to deal with, but it is better than dealing with hundreds of corpse dragons, right?

"Bloodthirsty Claws, kill!"

Lu Chuan used his mind to select all the bloodthirsty claws, and then issued instructions to them, aiming directly at the bloodthirsty claws above the city.

The order was given, and the huge group of bloodthirsty claws moved.

The hundreds of bloodthirsty claws hovering in the sky are just flying under the instinct of zombies. They are not organized, so they are scattered and messy.

The bloodthirsty claws under the command of Lu Chuan did not even attract the attention of these bloodthirsty claws when they appeared.

"Tsk tsk, if the same kind kills the same... it's cool."

I saw the bloodthirsty claws rushing into the bloodthirsty claws in this group of cities. Under Lu Chuan's instructions, their priority target was the bloodthirsty claws of the opponent.

The quantitative advantage, coupled with this kind of initiative, directly grabbing the opponent's head is a bite.

The speed of Bloodthirsty Claws is too fast, like two cats fighting, the speed of their moves is definitely not comparable to humans. Especially the 270 bloodthirsty claws strengthened by Lu Chuan, they are the main force.

In the sky, bloodthirsty claws kept falling down like dumplings, which was spectacular.

With the naked eye, it is impossible to tell what kind of situation it is, but Lu Chuan can control all of this through the prompt sound. Every bloodthirsty claw in the city is killed, there will be a prompt sound for obtaining a fragment. This one, you can know how many bloodthirsty claws were killed.

As for the bloodthirsty claws manufactured by the biochemical factory, their deaths will also be sent to Lu Chuan through a sound.

The prompt sound that appeared constantly, like a screen swiping, was almost a sound of fragmentation.

Most of the fragments produced by the bloodthirsty claws are related to flying. After reaching the fifth level, they only appear with a small probability. As now, an average of fifteen bloodthirsty claws will produce a fragment with instinct, and Not necessarily so good.

The bloodthirsty claws of the biochemical factory will suffer, but it is very small.

Only eleven bloodthirsty claws were killed, and about 30 bloodthirsty claws were damaged.

With mental arithmetic and unintentional, this is simply a one-sided battle. The bloodthirsty claws in the city will only fight back when they are attacked. This is a disadvantage of being beaten. In addition, Lu Chuan has 270 bloodthirsty claws in his hand after ten times of strengthening, and he is killed when he faces him. half.

Hundreds of bloodthirsty claws resolved the battle in just over ten minutes.

"It's a pity, you can't equip Bloodthirsty Talon with weapons, otherwise this kind of loss will be even smaller."

Lu Chuan shook his head with a wry smile, the bloodthirsty claws' structure destined that they could not use weapons. They can only use their own paws and mouths. This gives the city bloodthirsty claws time to react and will cause Otherwise, Lu Chuan can survive a bloodthirsty claw. This group of bloodthirsty claws was wiped out.

Fortunately, the current loss is nothing.

Eleven bloodthirsty claws, which is 10 million smaller. If you count the wounded bloodthirsty claws, the price you pay is about 13 million, but the income of hundreds of fragments can strengthen hundreds of The remaining bloodthirsty claws are worth it.

The melee in the sky did not respond to the corpse dragon below.

After the hundreds of bloodthirsty claws were slaughtered, Lu Chuan narrowed his eyes slightly and issued the order, and the swarms of bloodthirsty claws swooped down again, instantly submerging the corpse dragon.

After just one minute, a prompt sound appeared: "Ding, get the corpse dragon fragment 1."

The ninth corpse dragon fragment is in hand.

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