Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 658: Unlock the corpse dragon

? "The last piece left."

Lu Chuan clenched his fists, only one piece is needed, and the corpse dragon that has been unlocked hard will unlock successfully. This also gave Lu Chuan great fighting spirit. After checking the time, it was the afternoon and he could work hard for several hours.

"Disperse, continue reconnaissance." Lu Chuan's mind swept across, and the bloodthirsty claws in the circle spread out in all directions, heading into the distance.

Lu Chuan looked at the contents of the information record and found the nearest tip.

It was one day ago.

"One day, you can try."

Lu Chuan thought for a while, and called up the map on the light projector. After determining the position, the distance was given on it. If it is a road distance, it is 311 kilometers, if it is a straight line distance, it is only two hundred and sixty. Kilometers.

What is marked on the map is a small county with a population of around 170,000, which is a very ordinary county.


Lu Chuan, who was stimulated by the last piece, naturally didn't hesitate and just did it.

Two hundred and sixty kilometers before the flight, it was really not too far, at the speed of bloodthirsty claws, it took half an hour to arrive.

Under Lu Chuan's instructions, the huge group of bloodthirsty claws flew according to Lu Chuan's wishes and left here.


A large number of bloodthirsty claws were flying scattered, passing by.

As the leading reconnaissance and early warning forces, in Lu Chuan's eyes, they were used to open the way. If there is any danger, they will carry it first. If there is no danger, it means that Luchuan's next route will not be dangerous.

At this time, the bloodthirsty claws crossed the villages, and then appeared in the county where Lu Chuan was going.

Arriving here, these bloodthirsty claws didn't even stop, just spreading and searching.

Zombies are almost the same as perpetual motion machines. It is hard to imagine that they will be tireless, like machines that can operate 24 hours a day. In this way, the bloodthirsty claws didn't even need to rest during this half-hour flight.

As a county with a population of 170,000, it is naturally not too big.

The resident population is different from the floating population, and the floating population is about three times the resident population. In other words, in fact, the county has a population of about 500,000.

It has a population base of 500,000, but in the sky, this county is really small.

Districts and buildings are scattered all around, built around the county seat.

In the small county town, there are plenty of places to expand, so the housing estates here are all east and one west, and they are not connected together. The enlargement of the green area, looking in the sky, gives these communities a sense of paradise.

The end of the world is coming, and in eight years, the vegetation here has grown and the coverage rate is even higher.

Without human intervention, nature is slowly repairing this place and obliterating human traces. Don't look at steel and cement. The power of nature can turn a city into a flat ground and a forest in less than two hundred years without leaving a trace.

The county seat is not big. Lu Chuan came here this time with a try of luck. After all, one day has passed.

The first bloodthirsty claws, there are more than twenty of them, arranged in a row, they can cover this county for reconnaissance without leaving any dead ends.

In order to play a role, Lu Chuan is really not afraid of trouble in this kind of small county.

Each of these bloodthirsty claws carries a sound bomb.

After scouting around in the county town, there was no trace of the corpse dragon. Lu Chuan didn't know if it had already left. In theory, it should have been more likely to fly away, but Lu Chuan would not give up easily.

Since I couldn't find it, I made a big stir here.


Lu Chuan rode on the corpse dragon and issued instructions.

After receiving Lu Chuan's instructions, each of the bloodthirsty claws released their claws, and the sound bombs fell. After being activated, they fell to the county town below.

The sharp, harsh sound rang, shaking the entire county and the sky.

The sharp sound of this kind of metal scratching through the glass has been studied, and its audio will be very stimulating to the zombies. The range of action can reach the level of 30 kilometers. For zombies, they have nowhere to escape, and they will definitely be stimulated by this sound.

From the moment the sound rang, the zombies in the entire county were boiling.

Lu Chuan was far away, and he could still catch these sounds passing his ears, causing Lu Chuan's brows to frown. I have to say that it was really ugly, like noise.

"This kind of weapon, for humans, if it is close, it will not hurt much, but it is disgusting enough." Lu Chuan thought, but it was used for this purpose.

Think about it, in the middle of the night, let a bloodthirsty claw carry it and throw it on a certain settlement. God knows what kind of reaction it will provoke, and the whole settlement must not need to sleep.

Throw a few in one night, or even throw one for ten days and eight days, it's strange that the other party doesn't collapse.

In the apocalypse, the air defense force is the weakest. Low altitude is dangerous, so it is high altitude. Anyway, it doesn't matter if it is thrown away. The effect of the sound bomb is more than 30 kilometers.

Under the sound of this county town, it boiled completely, and countless zombies screamed "Woo". They were like monsters, yelling at the sky with their mouths open.

Human beings who have become zombies are not too much to say that they are monsters.

The violent zombies rushed to the street, toward the sound source of the sound bomb. As long as it is a zombie, no matter it is of high or low level, it is like going crazy.

A bloodthirsty claw made by a biochemical factory flicked in the sky, and then in its eyes, it found the target.

On the top floor of a 32-story power building, the window here was damaged and a huge hole was broken. Under the interference of the sound bombs, a huge figure suddenly appeared here.

The figure shot out from the top layer, flapping its huge fleshy wings and appeared in the sky.

For the first time, this bloodthirsty claw spotted the corpse dragon, adjusted its head in the sky without hesitation, and rushed towards the corpse dragon.

Lu Chuan was less than ten kilometers away from this county seat, and a corpse dragon appeared, and Lu Chuan discovered it for the first time.


Lu Chuan issued the order, but the bloodthirsty claw that had originally launched the attack turned around in the sky and did not attack again. If you really let it go up, this bloodthirsty claw will be scrapped in less than a minute if you choose one.

The manufacturing price of Bloodthirsty Talon was 800,000, and Lu Chuan didn't want to lose another 800,000.

"It turns out that it is hiding here." With the help of the bloodthirsty claw's vision, Lu Chuan discovered the hole where the corpse dragon left. Before, it was the bloodthirsty claw reconnaissance. They could not find this situation. .

Once the corpse dragon was hidden, the bloodthirsty claws could not find it.

Now that the corpse dragon appeared, Lu Chuan was excited: "God really helped me, the last piece has fallen."

Lu Chuan burst into laughter. Originally, he just arrived with the attitude of trying, but he didn't expect it, but his efforts paid off. If he thinks that the time of the day is gone, he will definitely miss this. Only a corpse dragon.

First, I couldn't find it, but I insisted on using the sound bomb.

It can be said that I have tried my best.

Fortunately, the corpse dragon did not leave, just hid it. Under the interference of the sound bomb, it is naturally impossible to hide in the hiding place. Like other zombies, it rushed out violently, looking for the source of the sound.

There were also twenty bloodthirsty claws above the county seat. Under Lu Chuan's instructions, they quickly gathered and surrounded the corpse dragon.

"Can't let it fall below."

With the mind of a zombie, this zombie dragon will really rush down, and then be overwhelmed by endless zombies. What sky advantage does not exist in the mind of the corpse dragon, everything is driven like instinct.

Twenty bloodthirsty claws attacked for the first time, and they rushed to the corpse dragon, but they broke together.

This is the function of Lu Chuanwei's control. The bloodthirsty claws seem to have wisdom. Under Lu Chuan's control, they swiftly pounced on each one to give this silly corpse dragon a claw, and then they scattered again. open.

Being attacked, the corpse dragon roared, flapping its fleshy wings and leaping towards one of them.

The corpse dragon has a huge body, but its flying speed is a few blocks away from the bloodthirsty claws. There is no way for the bloodthirsty claws to compare with it in speed. The only thing Bloodthirsty Talon can do is to use dexterity to dodge.

Under Lu Chuan's control, the bloodthirsty claw that was being chased went up and down in the sky. The corpse dragon was close, but there was no way to catch this bloodthirsty claw for the first time.

Using the buildings on the street, the Bloodthirsty Claw swooped down and passed through it.

Poor corpse dragon, its straight-line thinking made it unaware of turning, or rushing down, and one end plunged into this street. And its wings, the size of a passenger plane, are simply pitted here.

The huge impact force when diving down caused the corpse dragon's fleshy wings to hit the building fiercely, and the cement **** splashed, and it smashed out the big cracked hole. This kind of collision, anyone who sees it will feel pain for it, listening to the sound, and even the sound of broken bones.

Rolling in the building below, the corpse dragon rose up into the sky again.

The severe injury that I had just received must be severely injured when I changed it to a real animal. However, this corpse dragon did not take it seriously. The huge fleshy wings were broken in several places, and some of them were still lying on their knees, but it did not take it seriously. Without painful nerves, it did not even take it seriously. Knowing that I was hit hard.

The only thing that affects it is that it becomes unbalanced when flying, and the fleshy wings are damaged, and it is still flying up and down, unable to maintain sufficient balance, and flying very reluctantly.

Ten kilometers, under the flight, is nothing at all.

Upon arriving at the county seat, Lu Chuan glanced at the boiling zombies below. Under the interference of the sound, they piled up a mountain of corpses at the location of the sound bomb, and they continued to stack up, surpassing the nearby buildings.

Just a glance, Lu Chuan's eyes were again placed on the crumbling corpse dragon.

Just a small trick made it lose half of its combat power. In fact, as long as there are conditions, it is not a problem for humans to play with zombies on the palm.


For Bloodthirsty Talons with command memories, Lu Chuan only needs to give this order and circle the corpse dragon with his mind, and Bloodthirsty Talons will know how to do it.

Hundreds of bloodthirsty claws left this group and flew towards the corpse dragon that became unbalanced and crumbling in the sky.

Just a corpse dragon, plus the inconvenience of flying, the result is doomed.

This corpse dragon hadn't noticed the bloodthirsty claws that appeared, but it was still chasing the bloodthirsty claws in front.

Countless bloodthirsty claws drowned it, and in less than two minutes, a clear reminder sounded from Lu Chuan's ears.

"Ding, get corpse dragon fragment 1."

"Ding, unlock the corpse dragon."

Two reminders came one after another. Hearing every pore in Lu Chuan's ears, he felt extremely comfortable. The corpse dragon that had tossed him for a long time finally unlocked at this moment.

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