Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 776: Stunning


The six fighters were wiped out in ashes in an instant. The facts were too cruel, and the entire command team fell into a dead silence, and it was hard to describe their current mood.

All the time, wherever the fighters go, there is no disadvantage.

However, in Hargeisa, Somalia, the myth was broken. The formation of six teams and two top F22s, which had no rivals in the sky for more than 20 years, were destroyed.

This result could not have been imagined by anyone before the formation set off.


"God, this is impossible."

"How is it possible, this is F22."

In fact, F22 has always been a myth because its shooting down rate is really too low. Except for a few countries with this kind of strength, other countries can only stare at F22.

But now, two F22s and four F16s were blown up by the volley in just ten seconds, and the pilots did not even have a chance to escape. It shows that the missiles that shot down the fighters are definitely not ordinary goods.

It can be understood as their carelessness, but it is definitely not the real reason.

Everyone in the entire command headquarters could not believe that in this place in Somalia, they would encounter such a defeat.

The loss of six fighters at a time has hardly happened in the past two to thirty years of the US military.

"Report to the Ministry of Defense."

For a long time, a major general in charge here had to say bitterly.

He has an inescapable responsibility for this kind of thing.



Countless people were cheering, and they didn't care about whose fighter was shot down. In short, it was not from Somalia.

Some good things are driving the car directly to the place where the plane crashed.

In the barracks, the soldiers who were very nervous before, looked at the fireballs that appeared one after another in the sky, all of them held up their guns, cheered, and some excitedly hugged each other. For them, this was The most happy moment in their lives.

Without being in Somalia, you will never understand how the people living in this world have always been war-torn country feel like.

Warlords have continued, and foreign forces have continued to interfere. For decades, there has not been a single moment of peace.

Not to mention in the sky, foreign fighter planes are like entering no man's land, and they have not paid attention to their airspace at all. Like a back garden, they come and leave as they want.

But now, the six top fighters in the world have their wings folded. When they want to enter the airspace of Somalia in the future, they need to weigh them carefully. Will they be shot down?

Udad had always been holding his heart, and when he saw the six fighters being shot down, he shouted.

All the officers were so excited that they couldn't help themselves.

Xia Min didn’t feel anything. The boss’s anti-aircraft missile is abnormal. It knows some data. It has been ahead of the current earth by at least 20 years. Not to mention F22, it is F35, Su 35 is the same. The same end.

"Leader Udad, let your soldiers get into combat readiness, and be careful of the Ethiopian raid." Xia Min was beside him, calmly making suggestions.

Udad nodded and waved vigorously: "Send my order and enter into combat readiness. As long as this **** dares to step into Somalia, he will open fire on me."

With more than a hundred anti-aircraft missiles of this kind, how many fighters does Ethiopia have enough to defeat by itself?

Ground troops?

Thinking of hundreds of rockets, Udad was not afraid to fight a vigorous battle.


At the same time, far away on the coast of the Gulf of Aden.

Lu Chuan stood in the command post of the launch center, staring at the screens above.

Thirty rockets are already towering and are undergoing final inspection.

This work takes about two hours.

Lu Chuan looked at his watch and found that two hours later, it was the afternoon, which was also the most suitable time for launch. Today, there is no careful selection, mainly because the launch technology is awesome. It does not need to be very cumbersome like other launch centers, and many factors need to be considered.

With this alone, Lu Chuan believes that the Somalia launch center does not know how many launch center orders it has won.

In order to ensure absolute safety, huge anti-aircraft missiles were deployed in the launch site. There are even high-altitude interceptor missiles that Lu Chuan spent a lot of money in exchange.

The high-altitude interceptor missile is specially prepared for the launch of the rocket. It will be launched at the same time as the rocket and will be escorted around the rocket. Once an attacking missile appears, it will intercept it as soon as possible.

It can also be used for the anti-interception of intercontinental missiles. This technology is currently not available on the earth. Intercontinental missiles can only evade interceptor missiles through their own lane changes and terminal speed.

Two hours will soon be over.

"Boss, there is no problem." Shui Lingxuan reported to Lu Chuan. Of course, like this kind of big event that the boss values, it will of course be there in person to monitor the launch center in all directions.

Yes, the identity of Commander Shui Lingxuan's zombie gives it an ability.

Don't look at it in the launch center, but the zombies in the entire arsenal are under its command. It is like a giant server, accurately issuing different commands to tens of thousands of targets.

Lu Chuan was a little excited. He nodded and said, "According to the plan."

"Yes, boss." Shui Lingxuan nodded and did not speak any more, but through his brain waves, it was already instructing the zombies under him to execute the boss's plan.

Lu Chuan sat on a large chair, looked at the virtual screens here, and then waited.

The execution power of the zombies, as well as the unified command through Shui Lingxuan, is highly efficient, and there are almost no mistakes. In this case, everything becomes simple and fast.

Ten minutes later, a countdown appeared on the huge screen.

The launch center will launch thirty launch vehicles at once, reaching the same height and in the same area as never before.

In other words, ten minutes later, this place will become world-renowned.

Shui Lingxuan was standing next to Lu Chuan. It was calm. During this process, it said: "Boss, Udade has beaten down six U.S. fighters."

"Huh!" Lu Chuan only responded softly, but didn't care.

The reason why countries like the US and the polar bears can be so arrogant is that it doesn’t matter if they do anything wrong, because no one will punish them. As Puti said, whoever dares to touch Russia’s land, nuclear weapons can hit them at any time To the other's head.

Yes, nuclear weapons are their trump card, unscrupulous capital.

Lu Chuan wouldn't care, because he would also control more terrifying power than their cards. He has no land, just a person, acting more unscrupulously than them.

If they provoke themselves, they can attack them, but they want to attack themselves, but it is almost impossible because they have no place to live, and they live in other countries, and they don't want to trigger the third world war, so they can only endure it.

This world has always been a game for the strong, and the weak are just a bargaining chip in the hands of the strong.

Shui Lingxuan nodded and said nothing.

"Countdown to 30 seconds."

The mechanical sound rang, and on the virtual screen, a dynamic picture of 30 seconds counted down.

By now, the entire launch center has become still, and everything seems dead. The staff disguised as zombies have long since hid in the protective body. They are super intelligent and do not need too much interference.

"Countdown to 3, 2, 1, 0."


With the launch of mechanical sounds, thirty rockets were ignited at the same time in the virtual screens. In the huge flame, they slowly rose into the air.

The entire launch site was filled with billowing smoke, and almost nothing was seen.

The muzzle velocity of a huge launch vehicle is not fast, but it seems to make people feel extremely shocked. This kind of shock comes from the soul, especially the image of 30 rockets rising into the sky, I am afraid that no one in the world can appreciate it.

Looking at this scene, Lu Chuan also opened his mouth slightly.

After just one minute, the rocket almost disappeared on the virtual screen, instead of the screen generated by radar data. And at this moment, ninety high-altitude interceptor missiles were launched at the same time, and they soared into the air, dragging the billowing smoke and flames, and chasing them toward the thirty rockets.

Lu Chuan smiled. After working hard for so long, he finally launched the matrix.

The next step is to reach the target height and activate the automatic assembly program inside to assemble these thirty components into a real space matrix.

The space matrix, whose function is actually based on the scepter of God, has a terrifying strike power, and its own defense is also very strong. It has an intercepting missile system, a laser defense system, and even a primary shield system. It is a weapon and a satellite.

With control of the space matrix, Lu Chuan can be said to have his own satellite in the sky. Its capabilities are more powerful than satellites, and nothing more than a simple satellite can compare.


"God, what is going on?"

The U.S. Imperial Satellite Intelligence Center detected this anomaly through satellites for the first time. The satellites captured the launch of 30 rockets, and a minute later, another 90 missiles appeared.

There is no way to accurately distinguish the rocket's data. The captured data is more like thirty intercontinental missiles.

In Somalia, there are thirty intercontinental missiles launched. God, is this the rhythm to destroy the world?

"God, something big is about to happen."

"Report to the Ministry of Defense, report to the President."

In an instant, the entire satellite intelligence center became a mess, one by one, all calls were made to a higher level. If it is really an intercontinental missile, who launched it and what is its target location?

In the early stage of the intercontinental missile, it is impossible to know the target of the attack. Only after entering the middle stage can the approximate position be determined, and after entering the final stage, the precise strike location can be known.

The stern siren makes everyone feel that the world is coming.

Not only the American emperor, at this moment, the polar bears, China, Europe and the United States and other countries all caught the anomaly here in Somalia, which caused them all to panic.

All of the red most urgent calls went straight to the hands of the highest leader.

Immediately under the order of rapid response, these countries all initiated nuclear weapons preparatory measures and prepared for counterattacks.

Once the target is determined, important personnel will be transferred and so on.

The 30 captured signals are automatically classified as intercontinental missiles. After all, only intercontinental missiles can launch so many possibilities at once.

And rockets... Is it possible for thirty rockets to be launched together in the world?

When the outside world is still calm, ordinary people will never know how terrible the undercurrent is. Once anything goes wrong, it is a nuclear war, and the destruction of the world is imminent.

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