Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 777: Space-based weapons

With the mobilization of satellites, the message that finally gave the world a sigh of relief is that this is not an intercontinental missile, but 30 launch vehicles that have risen into the air.

"Somalia, rocket launch?"

Putting these two words together, no matter who they are, they think this is simply an international joke.

How can a rocket launch in a country where Somalia does not even have light industry?


Modern satellites can already capture and track this kind of high-altitude flying target. So soon, the picture of 30 rockets soaring in the sky at the same time appeared in front of politicians of various countries.

Due to the super high flying speed, the picture is very unclear, but it is enough.

"Find out what is going on for me."

"Why did Somalia suddenly have thirty rockets launched."

"What do the people in the intelligence department eat? I didn't even notice such a big thing happening in Somalia?"

The dignitaries all feel that they are going crazy. Launching a rocket is not a missile. It doesn't mean that you can launch it if you want to launch it. But now what they see is 30 rockets launched together. This requires 30 launching racks and a huge launch center.

Somalia has had this kind of change, and they know nothing about it.

The intelligence department made an unforgivable mistake.

After the rockets, there are still ninety missiles flying into the air, which is what makes their complexion greatly changed. Ninety missiles that do not seem small, this military strength is not what Somalia has.

All countries are guessing, and the target is locked on a few superpowers, and only they have this condition.


who can that be?

In this kind of speculation, what they have to wait next is to see what the launch vehicle wants to do. Thirty rockets are launched at the same time. This kind of handwriting cannot be used to launch rockets for fun, but has a huge purpose.

"Send a reconnaissance plane and immediately figure it out."

It was almost a roaring order, and soon the Middle East region responded. At a certain airport, several unmanned reconnaissance aircraft and several high-altitude reconnaissance aircraft took off one after another, implementing this order directly from the Ministry of National Defense.

And a large number of think tanks in various countries are doing analysis.

The outside world is calm, but among the dignitaries, it is not peaceful.


The rockets that have been launched will not stop because of a reaction from the outside world.

"Boss, we are about to arrive at the designated orbital position." Shui Lingxuan reported that there was no problem with each rocket and everything went smoothly.

Lu Chuan nodded and said, "Keep your eyes on it and try to be sure of everything."

After just a few minutes, through the screen, you can see that the carrying part of the rocket began to separate from the rocket, opened on the orbit, and delivered the parts. In the components, the automated program is activated, and the installed micro thrusters work, constantly adjusting the position of the components.

Thirty rockets completed their missions one by one in space, then activated the recovery program and returned to Earth.

However, the parts they sent have entered the automatic assembly process. Everything that was designed long ago was stabilized in the rolling, and then began to splice.

After the parts are spliced, they will move again, splicing the next part.

The whole process lasted two full hours.

"Beep, splicing is complete, enter the inspection..."

On the virtual screen, words appeared, and then it became the appearance of a space matrix.

"The auxiliary power system is normal."

"The weapon system is normal."

"The interception system is normal."

"The electronic system is normal."

During each test, Lu Chuan's heart was also raised. Once a problem occurs, it is not so easy to solve. It is necessary to relaunch the rocket and send the engineer to the space matrix for repair.

Fortunately, everything went well.

"After testing, the space matrix is ​​operating normally."

"Dear commander, the communication system is successfully connected."

In the space matrix, the voice of the intelligent system came. When it was manufactured, Lu Chuan had bound it to himself, and the Space Matrix was only able to command it. It was a cold machine, but the existence of intelligent programs was more like a bodyguard.

The advanced electronic protection system ensures that the current technology of the earth cannot be invaded, so it becomes impossible to control it.

It's impossible for Lu Chuan to invade casually like this, and then control this big killer.


At this moment, three hours had passed, and Lu Chuan breathed a sigh of relief. The global deterrence plan has finally come to an end. The first step of self-protection is complete.

From then on, whoever dares to threaten himself needs to weigh it carefully.

The location of the launch center has become a training ground for countless reconnaissance aircraft in these few hours, but it is destined to disappoint them, because there are ar lights and shadows here, and what they see and photograph is just the original appearance.

Of course, Lu Chuan knew that this kind of ar light and shadow could not always conceal the other party. After all, ar light and shadow were not omnipotent. Some flaws could still be seen from a very close position.

But now, how does the other party know?


The launch vehicle has been stared to death, so all the actions in space cannot escape the eyes of all countries in the world.

The scenes of the automatic assembly of components one by one, it seemed that their cold sweat was flowing down, because of this kind of space technology, they found that it was even more advanced than them.

"God, this is a space station?"

Some staff members have already exclaimed, because after it has been continuously assembled, its features are indeed somewhat similar to those of the space station, and in terms of size, it is much larger than the space station.

At present, the Russian-American space station has been decommissioned, and the construction of the new space station has not yet been planned. Only China Taikong Space is under construction, but the progress is not fast.

However, now, a force that doesn't know how to emerge has launched thirty rockets at once, using an incredible technique to directly splice a space to stand out?

This financial resource, this technology, it feels terrifying to think about it.

For about two hours, a huge space station appeared in front of the world, and it existed silently above the earth. It was cold and without language, but it showed itself to the world.

In the face of this kind of change, all major countries in the world immediately analyzed the space station.

Through the pictures, it is not difficult to analyze some things that make them tremble.

"It has missile silos. Look here, and here, there are a total of eight missile silos. This type of silos is a quadruple launch silo. Visual inspection should be for intercepting missiles."

Just the first discovery, I don't know how many people's inhalation sounds have been caused.

The space station can be built by human beings is already remarkable. Its more functions are actually scientific research, preparing for human beings to enter the universe.

But the space station in front of me already has an intercepting missile system.

"In addition, through its assembly, it is not difficult to find that it also has a power system."

After the space station is completed, it is almost non-automatic, and will only fly along the path in the orbit. Even if there is power, it is just like an escape capsule.

"Look here, everyone, what does it look like?"

At one end of this space station, it is not big, but it looks like a launch platform. However, without more information, it is difficult to judge what it is like, but it looks like it is not as simple as imagined.

After a large number of weapons experts analyzed the introduction, they came to conclusions that changed people's faces.

"If the analysis is good, this is not a space station, but more like a space weapon platform. At this end, it is the launch platform in the weapon platform. Look at the composition here, we speculate that once it is activated, it will be superimposed and eventually form one. A combined barrel."

"Preliminary speculation is that it will not be artillery or missiles. It may be an energy weapon, such as a laser weapon, but it may also be a weapon system we don't know."

When these conclusions came up, the generals who heard it all couldn't sit still.

For a long time, space-based weapons are just a concept, and all countries are studying it, but its technology is too difficult, and no country currently has it.

The most famous space-based weapon since its introduction is the rod of God, which is expected to replace nuclear weapons. How to say it, is it nuclear weapons than nuclear weapons.

Everyone knows the terrible nature of space-based weapons, but no one in the world has researched it, it is just in concept.

But now, in just a few hours, without a trace of wind, this space-based weapon turned out. What they felt weak was that it was still unclear who belonged to this space-based weapon.


This place, I am afraid, will become the eyes of all countries in the world in the future, and will do everything possible to search Somalia until the truth is found.

"Can we attack it?" A general proposed this idea.

"I'm afraid it will be difficult." The expert below said bitterly. At present, there are only a few countries in the world that control the means of attacking satellites. However, the space-based weapon in front of us is different from satellites.

The force that can complete space-based weapons and the ability to intercept missiles is absolutely not bad. It is not impossible to attack space-based weapons, but no one is willing to bear the consequences of this attack.

"It is very possible that its main weapon is the weapon in the rod of God."

An expert came up with this idea in silence

After a while, everyone was shocked.

The tungsten rod in the rod of God is definitely a weapon for the green environment, but its power is no less than nuclear weapons. A tungsten rod, after accelerating, the terrifying energy generated by hitting the ground can easily turn an international city into a giant pit.

This deterrent, no one dares to attack it rashly.

Compared with nuclear weapons, if it were such an attack, space-based weapons would be far more unscrupulous, because there is no pollution, and it is simply destruction.

Everyone was silent, looking at the stationary space-based weapon in space, no one could confirm who it belonged to, a few superpowers, or an unknown force?

"At all costs, we must find out the answer."

The orders issued by the top level made the intelligence personnel of each country feel tremendous pressure.

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