Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 787: San Francisco

There are as many as 170 places where survivors in North America live.

Some are hundreds of people, and some are thousands of people.

There are not many settlements above the ten thousand level, but there are more than a dozen. After every calculation, there are about 15 million survivors in North America.

This number is already impressive. After all, North America includes countries such as Canada, the U.S. and Mexico.

Not only that, their radio communications also contacted some settlements in South America.

Lu Chuan had to lament the abilities of North Americans, who achieved communication through many methods. The exchanges between each other have improved the technology of the settlements.

With the help of the military power left over from the previous government, the armed forces in the settlements are very large, and the situation in North America is just one shot.

This situation is far better than that of China.

Take a look at this settlement in Los Angeles. There are so many heavy weapons. In these last days, it becomes very advantageous.

The military power left by the US military is indeed huge. Don't look at their army's low reputation, which has always been covered by the navy, but in fact, their army's equipment is also the world's first.

There are many good things in each settlement, from tanks to missiles and even nuclear bombs...

I have to say that the situation in North America is very complicated, like a gunpowder keg, it only takes a little, and it will hit.


The global eagle hovered a few kilometers away from the old mountain golden settlement.

Old Mountain Gold is the fourth largest city in California, but its population adds up to one million. Among them, the number of Chinese is about 200,000, which is a city with a very high proportion of Chinese.

How to say it, in North American cities, the number of Chinese is second only to New York.

The old mountain golden settlement is also chosen to be in a small town tens of kilometers away from San Francisco. It is extremely open and sparsely populated. You can survive here without worrying about being attacked by zombies.

Judging from the information Lu Chuan possesses, the settlements in North America will be relocated every two years.

The reason for this is to avoid the tide of zombies.

Zombies will continue to gather based on the breath of life for a long time, and eventually find human settlements to attack.

In order to avoid this kind of law, only need to carry out regular relocation, can avoid fighting with zombies.

Therefore, the settlement that Lu Chuan holds in his hands is changing.

Of course, in the short term, don't worry.

The emergence of the global eagle made the town calm down after only showing a trace of panic.

"It seems that the Los Angeles settlement has notified them."

Staying on the Global Hawk, Lu Chuan smiled.

This is the only way to explain why the Global Hawks will adapt so quickly when they appear here.

"That's good, it saves me a lot of effort." Lu Chuan doesn't matter, he didn't come to kill people, he just came to find information, and they knew what they were coming from and did their homework early, better than when they arrived. They couldn't remember for a while.

I must have searched for information about an underground laboratory myself, the San Francisco settlement already knew it.

The Global Hawk hovered for a while and was not attacked by missiles.

Lu Chuan thought together, K001 executed, and then the fighter slowly landed three kilometers away from San Francisco.

The defensive heart is indispensable. The Global Hawk's defense system has always been on. Its interception system is sufficient for it to deal with possible crises.

This time, Lu Chuan was no longer alone.

Bring Li Tiancheng and the others here, one is for convenience, and the other is for them to see the world.

The group of people left the Global Hawk, and the Global Hawk also took off for the first time, monitoring everything below this small town high in the sky.

"Finally set foot on this piece of land."

"You don't know, my dream in the past was to come to North America to take a look, not to woo foreigners, but to be curious."

"It's the first time I set foot on this land."

Inside the communicator, they heard the sound of discussing each other.

In Los Angeles before, they really can't say that they set foot on this piece of land, because they just left after walking around in the tall buildings.

Before the end of the world, it was really not easy for China to come to North America.

Among the team members, don't think that they are already standing in the front of a million people, but before the end of the world, many of them are just ordinary employees, without this kind of opportunity to go abroad.

Stepping on this piece of land now certainly makes them feel excited.

There is no way, the world is like this.

The status of the U.S. emperor's global hegemony has become a mysterious place on the earth.

Lu Chuan smiled, and didn't stop their enthusiasm.

Three kilometers, a moment is up.

In front of the small town, a heavily armed force was already waiting, but they did not show hostility, they just entered the guard.

From the correspondence, they already knew what happened in Los Angeles.

So when faced with Lu Chuan and the others, even though they didn't care about it, they didn't dare to try it easily. After all, the Los Angeles settlement has repeatedly confessed that it cannot conflict with it, because a person named Lu Chuan on the other side is completely like a superman.

In North America, the image of Superman is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. This kind of existence that cannot be killed by modern technology can easily destroy an army's metamorphosis. It is really not something they can handle.

Anyway, the other party didn't want to destroy them, just wanted a message, there was no need to conflict.

In addition, he knows best about what he has done for the Chinese, how dare to provoke Lu Chuan?

What they think now is that after dealing with Lu Chuan, let him go wherever he should go. If they let the other party know about the Chinese, he may demolish the San Francisco settlement.

Needless to say, the number of Chinese who survived was in the thousands.

But these thousands...

For the first time, when he knew that this described fighter had appeared, the ruler of San Francisco, a rich man in his 50s, led his team to welcome it.

The distance between the two sides was fifty meters, and Li Tiancheng and the others were also on guard.

North America has not mastered the technology of exoskeleton armor. After all, it comes from cities. In the end times, even if they cooperate sincerely, it will be difficult to break through some key technologies.

When seeing this fifty-person exoskeleton armor equipment, the people in San Francisco were obviously surprised, because this information was not reported by the Los Angeles settlement.

Lu Chuan took a few steps forward and said in a low voice, "I think you already know the purpose of my coming."

"My Envoy, Los Angeles has notified us here." Upton replied respectfully.

"What's the answer?" Lu Chuan raised his brows and asked.

Upton smiled bitterly, and said, "My Envoy, San Francisco used to be a very prosperous city. The laboratories you mentioned will definitely not be set up in these places because it is too easy to expose."

"North America is very large and sparsely populated, so... we have no way of determining where it will be. But to be sure, there is no laboratory you wish to exist in San Francisco."

Lu Chuan frowned, and after thinking about it carefully, it seemed that it was the same reason.

In a prosperous place, everything will be monitored, and there will be a cumbersome flow of and biological laboratories, obviously, there are many things that are not visible, and it is impossible to set up in a prosperous place.

It seems that he is preconceived, which is really a lack of experience.

"I hope you are telling the truth."

Lu Chuan glanced at each other lightly, turned around and left.

The whole of North America is really too big. Searching for Luchuan will consume a lot of time. It is the same as finding a needle in a haystack. God knows when you can find it?

Since it is not here, Lu Chuan should not waste time here.

As for them, if they dare to deceive themselves, looking back, Lu Chuan will not introduce them to the slaughter, and they will not stay.

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