Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 788: Chinese

Upton looked at the global eagle that disappeared into the sky, and finally heaved a sigh of relief.

"God, he finally left."

For some reason, when Upton faced Lu Chuan, his back was already wet with cold sweat. People who have never faced Lu Chuan can never imagine his tyrannical aura.

In fact, what Upton didn't know was that Lu Chuan controlled hundreds of thousands of zombies and more than a million people. How could this kind of aura that naturally formed could be compared to others?

In the last days, Lu Chuan's power far exceeded the ancient emperor.

In the settlement, I also don't know how many people breathed a sigh of relief. The message they received was that this yellow Chinese was like a devil, who didn't blink at all when killing people.

Because the other party wants irrelevant news, there is no need to head-on with him.

Is this person named Lu Chuan so powerful? They can't verify it, but it's definitely not the reason for them to try.


In a wood outside the San Francisco settlement.

A man covered with leaves, on a tree, holding a telescope, staring at this global eagle.

Jiang Kaicheng breathed heavily, his eyes flushed.

In fact, when the Global Hawk appeared, Jiang Kaicheng had already discovered it, but he did not approach it rashly, let alone make any move, but observed it.

Especially when Lu Chuan appeared, Jiang Kaicheng's eyes flashed with excitement and crazy.


Yes, he read it right, he is indeed a yellow race.

Among the yellow race, there are many countries, but he will not admit that he is a Chinese. The temperament of the Chinese can be distinguished with just a glance.

Jiang Kaicheng was excited because he was more like seeing the dawn.

This fighter was so advanced that he had never seen it before.

Of course, putting aside these things, what really made his whole person tremble with excitement was the respect and fear of the people in the San Francisco colony towards the Chinese.

Respect and fear are not pretends, but fears.


This person, he was turned into ashes, he would recognize it.

A brutal executioner, a man who stepped on a Chinese corpse into a dominant position.

Jiang Kaicheng will risk appearing here, everything is some news received from the radio.

The news is not very complete, but it seems to say that a Chinese named Lu Chuan seems to make every settlement fear like a big enemy.

It was for this news that he decided to take a gamble.

Now, when I saw Lu Chuan, it was confirmed that the information he had heard before was true.

Without hesitation, seeing the Chinese Lu Chuan turning around to board the plane and leaving, he took out the communicator and called: "Qianzi, find a way to attract the attention of this fighter, use Chinese characters, use Chinese characters."

He jumped off the tree for the first time, and then chased in the direction where the fighter had left.

It's just that the speed of the fighter plane was too fast, and in the blink of an eye, it turned into a black spot.

And the hadrons who received the news, several of them were in a clearing a few kilometers away from San Francisco, quickly pulling a piece of cloth away.

On the cloth roll, two Chinese characters for help are written.

The Chinese characters are written in red, and appear a scarlet red in the sun.

The red eyes are very conspicuous.

Qiangzi and several people, when they looked up, they could see that the smaller fighter was quickly passing by.


Without hesitation, Qiang Zi and the others ran wildly with this long roll of cloth, as if chasing this fighter plane. At the same time, they roared loudly and shouted.

"Hey, here, look here."

"Help, please help."

"Don't go, don't go!"


The speed of the fighter was too fast, and in the blink of an eye, it turned into a small black spot and then disappeared.

The hadrons who ran wildly with all their strength, one by one were like discouraged balls.

"It's over, it's over..."

"Does God want to kill us?"

"After waiting for so long, it is finally time to wait, but they are gone, gone!"

Several people have an urge to cry, because now they are really in trouble. They are the survivors who escaped from the San Francisco massacre and have been struggling to survive.

In the past few years, they have been living in pessimism.

Only their heads have been encouraging them, letting them gritted their teeth to hold on to this kind of despair, growing in despair.

They firmly believe that the motherland will definitely appear here, it is only a matter of time.

It is this kind of firm belief that has become a belief that supports them.

Now I saw the Chinese and saw hope, but in a blink of an eye, they plunged into the abyss. This one might be a Chinese fighter, so it left.

In North America, the remaining Chinese are not as good as dead, and worse than dogs.

It can be said that everyone is struggling.


San Francisco colony.

There was a fierce light in Upton's eyes, and he showed a cruel look, and said: "Assemble the troops, today, no matter what, I will kill them all."

Just now, he received the news that the remnants of Chinese who had been hiding deep in them finally appeared.

Needless to say, they definitely wanted to attract the attention of this fighter, Lu Chuan.

This kind of phenomenon is absolutely not allowed by him.

If they were allowed to tell Lu Chuan something, if this Lu Chuan was another kind of person with national sentiments, they would definitely not have good fruit.

Upton has always known that there are still Chinese people around San Francisco. The number is unknown. It may be dozens of people, or it may be more than a hundred people, but they hide too deeply, and there are zombies, which is not good for large-scale. Search so that they can stay alive.

But now, they can never be left behind.

These remnants, let them toss on, will definitely cause disaster in the future.

Under Upton's call, a force of hundreds of new humans was organized.

"Virgil, bring their heads back." Upton said to the leader of the team: "Don't leave a living, kill them all."

Virgil nodded and said, "Yes, the President of Parliament."

A group of people, riding in trucks and cars, rushed out of the settlement. From the intelligence sources, the place where the Chinese appeared, several kilometers away from the settlement, they would never escape from such a close place.

As long as you catch these people, you can know where they are hiding.

This formed convoy roared out.

And Qiangzi and the others also knew that they had been discovered for the first time. Originally coming here was an adventure, and it was normal to be discovered.

The first time, they began to evacuate.

They are very familiar with this area, and before arriving here early, they planned an evacuation route.

Activities around the San Francisco settlement make them very cautious.

During the evacuation, Jiang Kaicheng followed Qiangzi and them.

"Hurry up, or we won't be able to escape." Jiang Kaicheng yelled. He was holding a gun. Except for some woods, there were no mountains and it would be difficult to escape.

Fortunately, they can also use the woods.

As long as he escaped for a few kilometers, he would reach a valley where he was sure to throw these people away.

Survival here depends on boldness and meticulous planning.

Of course, Qiangzi and the others knew that when they came, they were only carrying guns.

A group of people ran wildly in this wild grass.

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