Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 821: public

  Lu Chuan knows all the actions in Somalia.

Under the command of    Shui Lingxuan, as the boss, Lu Chuan can know as soon as he wants to know.

  Udad, they are natives and they are in conflict with the US military. This is natural.

   What about knowing that Baichuan Guihai Company is behind it? As long as there is no direct evidence, Lu Chuan can shirk responsibility. Anyway, between countries, there will always be hypocrisy, no one is true, and now I just learn from them.

   "Since they want to solve the mystery of the launch center, it is better for us to show them generously."

   Lu Chuan was sitting in the office at this time, drinking coffee leisurely.

   An Tong massaged Lu Chuan's shoulders while Zhong Hua sat in front of Lu Chuan.

   Zhong Hua nodded: "Understood, Boss, I will make arrangements."

   "At the same time we announce that we have the space matrix, and then announce the time of our test launch. Regardless of the reaction of the US military, I believe they also want to see the power of the space matrix."

   Lu Chuan took a sip of coffee and said flatly.

   These are already planned. Lu Chuan has a space matrix, which is intended to deter, not attack.

   Since it is a deterrence, it must be made aware of its power before it can hang high in space and play the role Lu Chuan hopes to play.

   Only those who would actually use it will conceal it and launch a strike at the right time.

   Zhong Hua said: "What if the U.S. military still shows no signs of stopping?"

"Then let them fall into the quagmire of the war in Somalia until they surrender. Large-scale wars are launched against small countries and the US military dares to launch, but it is impossible for large countries. Wars between large countries, as long as they occur, will bring about the consequences. They can't afford it either."

   Lu Chuan smiled.

   Don’t believe it, the US military is jumping up and down all over the world, but they only dare to threaten big countries, but they are far from real time.

   After all, once the two major powers enter a full-scale war, it may not necessarily trigger World War III.

  In this era when nuclear weapons are flying all over the sky, it is no longer like the Second World War. When politicians start, they can hide behind. The death of war is only a matter of civilians and soldiers. In the era of nuclear weapons, in the rear, there will be death.

   The threat of death, politicians also need to carefully consider the risks involved.

   If the US military wants to deal with the Baichuan Guihai Company, it can only use sanctions. Another point is to start from Somalia.

   But these two, for Lu Chuan, the deterrent power is still too small.


   August 12th.

   This day is very ordinary, but at 8 o'clock in the morning, Baichuan Guihai Company's official website suddenly released a video.

   "Feel the largest launch center in the world."

   title, absolutely domineering.

   The official website of Baichuan Guihai Company, I don’t know how many people are always paying attention. Moreover, it is connected to the forum, and any disturbance will be known to the forum.

   is currently the largest forum in China. It has hundreds of millions of active users, a jaw-dropping number.

   was discovered the first time the video was released, and then clicked on.

   Then, within a few minutes, this video went viral and appeared on the headlines of major media.

   The status of Baichuan Guihai Company is destined to receive unlimited attention for any of its actions. Its popularity is far from comparable to other companies.

   And this video also provides a version of light and shadow technology.

   This also means that people who have a light projector can play directly on the light projector, and then let themselves have a kind of immersive experience, or in other words, at the rocket launch center.

   Not only that, Baichuan Guihai Company also provides a virtual space version.

The    virtual space version is the best. You can directly enter this space and experience this rocket launch center.

   With the development of technology, many things can be experienced without leaving home.

   The pure video nowadays has nothing to watch, and its hits are not high.


   The video playback volume is huge. It counts the data from the light projector and the void space version to form such a playback volume.

   In just half an hour, this video has reached an astonishing 300 million.

   This number is still growing, and the popularity of Baichuan Guihai Company can be seen in general.

   Anyone who has watched the video, whether on the optical projector or in the virtual space, is amazed at the huge and technological strength of this rocket launch center of Baichuan Guihai Company.

   laymen watch the excitement, while insiders watch the doorway.

   The first scene of the video is the world map, and then locates in Somalia, using a kind of swooping visual impact, frantically narrowing the angle, and finally breaking through the layers of clouds and reaching the top of the launch center.

   Reflected into Ken are the towering launch pads.

   In detail, there are as many as thirty launchers. They appear in three rows, each with ten launch pads, all connected by straight concrete roads.

   Then the video, in a documentary way, was carried by the launching racks.

   Needless to say, thirty launchers alone are the only one in the world.

   In fact, there are thirty launchers. It is not a technical problem, but an unnecessary problem. There are not so many launch missions in the world. Thirty launchers are actually extremely wasteful.

   Of course, you can also understand it as using so many launchers to force.

   No matter what, with thirty launchers, everyone took a breath of cold air. There is a feeling that Baichuanguihai Company is rich and powerful.

  What is a local tyrant?

  Look at the Baichuan Guihai Company. This is a local tyrant. They only have one or two launchers, but the Baichuan Guihai Company directly has 30 launchers.

   Is the rocket launch center so easy to build?

   The answer is, of course, no. There are not many places in the world that fit in, and it takes into account too many factors.

   Obviously, even outsiders know that Somalia is definitely not compatible.

   Not to mention the industrial problems in Somalia, even if there is not even a decent road connected to the sea, can it be said that after receiving the launch mission, how can it be transported to the launch center?

   Putting aside these problems, the climate here in Somalia is obviously not suitable.

   Rocket launch is a serious matter, but Baichuan Guihai Company seems to treat this launch center as a trifle?

   Naturally, laymen don’t know how awesome this launch center is, but insiders, or the upper-level politicians of various countries, know how awesome this launch center is. Before, thirty rockets were successfully launched at once.

   This kind of ability, no launch center in the world has it.

   Watching the video, there will not be too much feeling.

   But people who have a light projector can download this application to make the video content generate light and shadow special effects, and then slowly enjoy it.

   Under the effect of light and shadow, like a god, you can observe this emission center in detail.

   Of course, compared to the virtual space, the experience of light and shadow effects is a bit weaker.

   In the virtual space, you just need to go in and it will be as if you have arrived at this launch center, and you can see everything here.

   I don’t know how many people rushed into the virtual space.

   In addition to ordinary people, there are intelligence and scientific researchers from all over the world who have come in with research purposes. The task they received is to evaluate this launch center.


   This kind of evaluation, in the opinion of many scientific research and experts, does not need to be evaluated at all. People can launch 30 rockets at a time. This is strength.

   In fact, the difficulty of establishing the launch center is not as good as the technical content of a rocket.

   To put it bluntly, the launch center is like a parking lot or a port, which belongs to infrastructure. But the rocket is different. Its high technology content is what they need to evaluate and understand.

   But in the virtual space, there is no rocket at all, so it is natural to study incomparably.

Speaking of it, even rockets do not need to be evaluated, because people can send a huge suspected space-based weapon into space with 30 rockets. This strength is obviously amazing. , Beyond the strength of countries in the world today.

   In this matter, Baichuan Guihai Company just released this video, and it remained silent. Everything is just outside speculation.

   And this video, from the side, Baichuan Guihai Company acknowledged that this "space-based weapon" in space belongs to Baichuan Guihai Company.

   Does it mean that the series of incidents in Somalia are all related to the Baichuan Guihai Company?

  The sinking of warships, the rise of some Somali warlords like Udad, the downing of F22...including the incident of the US army being attacked, what role does Baichuanguihai Company play?

   Ordinary people may not know this, but there are many people who know it. After their revelations, some people on the Internet realized at this moment that the original Baichuan Guihai Company was such a cow.

   No wonder the United States wants to block and sanction Baichuan Guihai Company, no wonder Baichuan Guihai Company is not afraid at all.

   It turns out that this high-tech company is so awesome.

And on the Internet, this "space-based weapon" picture appeared for the first time, allowing ordinary people to understand that Baichuanguihai Company used to be the top space technology in addition to light and shadow technology, virtual technology, etc. of.

   The exposure of "space-based weapons" has had a huge impact.

   Numerous analysis emperors began to analyze the pictures, and came up with the analysis results one by one for fear of the world.

   Even on the Internet, another video came out of the scene of the Baichuan Guihai company launching thirty rockets in one go.

   Like ten thousand arrows, the shock of the picture in the video makes people feel the strength of Baichuan Guihai Company in rocket launch, the world's first launch center, and it is well-deserved.

   Now, everything is realizing the secret development of Baichuan Guihai Company, and it can reach this point. If it were not because Baichuan Guihai Company launched a rocket, who would know the actions of Baichuan Guihai Company in Somalia?

   "On the application of light and shadow technology in the military field."

   Just like adding fuel to the fire, this article pushed Baichuan Guihai Company to the top of the wave.

   The article describes the principle of light and shadow technology, as well as its special role in the military Finally, it pointed out the Somalia Launch Center of Baichuan Guihai Company as an example.

"The large area of ​​light and shadow coverage has made all the'eyes' useless, and this area has disappeared from the earth. With the light and shadow coverage, Baichuan Guihai Company successfully avoided all satellites and reconnaissance aircraft, and built Out of this world’s largest launch center."

   "It is foreseeable that its military application will change the form of war."

   For a while, ordinary people don't know how to be fierce.

  The countless people who eat melons have a feeling that they suddenly realized that they realized the terrible light and shadow technology, which is not just special effects.

   When they had a leisure time, they began to support the military, such as how to use light and shadow technology, where it can be used, and so on.

   "Awesome, with this technology, the Chinese army will at least increase its combat effectiveness by at least one level."

   "Haha, this time the US reconnaissance plane is going to be caught blind."

   "Hey, the replacement of the black bird, I am afraid it will be done in advance."

  On the Internet, I don’t know how many people are gloating over misfortunes. No wonder the U.S. military's actions around China have decreased over the past year. It turned out to be because of this technology.

   (planned to update the leader's update this month, please look forward to the explosion...)


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