Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 822: Big news

   US Army Somali Operational Command.

   This command station on the aircraft carrier is currently undergoing a video military conference.

  And on the screen, it was the current president who appeared.

  From this, we can see how much the current president attaches great importance to this action in Somalia. The two aircraft carrier formations were dispatched, and the momentum was not much weaker than that of Syria.

   "General, the behavior of Baichuan Guihai Company is intolerable."

   "Destroy this launch center."

   The president has a slightly sordid look. He said: "Don't worry about the pressure of China, as long as this launch center is destroyed, the world can know who is in charge."

   Lieutenant General Chester stood up and said, "Yes, President."

   "This Baichuanguihai company has seriously harmed the interests of the United States of America. We are now discussing to define it as a terrorist organization."

   The president said that only this proposal will definitely be stranded by Huaxia Technology. After all, Baichuan Guihai Company belongs to Huaxia.

   Lieutenant General Chester nodded and did not speak. After all, these things outside the war are the affairs of politicians, not his soldiers.

   "Let's do it, at any cost." The president finished speaking and closed the video conference.

In the    command center, there were more than 20 officers who participated in the meeting. They were all generals in the formation this time.

   Lieutenant General Chester rubbed his brows. The loss of the Army made him a little tired, but now it is not a matter of entanglement, but of destroying this launch center.

   This Baichuanguihai company is indeed too tossing. If a good high-tech company doesn't play, how can it pass the game?

   It's all right now. Once it is confirmed to be destroyed, it is too easy for the US military.

   "Go ahead and execute the president's order." Lieutenant General Chester said.

   The generals below stood up and saluted, and then left one after another. Some of them were the captains of the warship and needed to return to the warship.

   At the same time, the US intelligence personnel in the Middle East did not know how many people received the order and began to travel to Somalia. Their only task was to find evidence that the Baichuan Guihai Company participated in the operation against the US military.

   As long as there is evidence that the Baichuan Guihai Company participated in these actions, the US government will have a way to make China yield and dispose of the Baichuan Guihai Company, including handing over Lu Chuan to dissolve the company.

   Needless to say, the United States does not allow this to happen.

   Like the current sanctions against Iran, they reflect the strength of the United States in the world and it is so overbearing.

   Two huge aircraft carrier formations stopped at the entrance of the Gulf of Aden.

   As the order was issued, destroyers and ship-to-surface missile silos were opened.

   The submarine in the sea also opened the launch port at the same time, began to inject water into the launch well, and entered the launch state.

   But what they don't know is that in the ocean, there are more than 5,000 water ghosts scattered around, like a group of hungry ghosts in the water. After confirming your goals, they pounced on them.

   The bottom of two huge aircraft carriers, the bottom of a destroyer, and the bottom of a frigate...all the figures of water ghosts appeared, they were adsorbed on the bottom of the ship and entered a state of lurking.

   is not only a ship, but also the six submarines under the water, which are also watched by the water ghosts and attached to them.

   These changes are unknown to the U.S. Navy. In their radar, the water ghosts are the same as the schools of fish on the bottom of the sea, and they are not within their consideration.

   No one would have thought that the bottom of the sea would have such a state.

   Five thousand water ghosts, they are now only waiting for an order to send the two aircraft carrier formations of the US Navy into the cold sea.


   Somalia Baichuanguihai Company Rocket Launch Center.

   Shui Lingxuan was in the underground command center. It closed its eyes and felt the message sent by the water ghost. On the surface of the water, some water ghosts are active, and they can see the dynamics of these warships.

   The silo on the warship opened, and I thought about it with my toes, and knew their goal.

   Suddenly, Shui Lingxuan opened his eyes.

   did not speak, but Shui Lingxuan had already issued instructions.

   Numerous zombies disguised as soldiers, they executed the instructions for the first time and entered their combat positions.

   The missile defense positions concealed in camouflage around the launch center, interceptor missile launchers stretched out, revealing their hideous features.

   "The interceptor missile exchanged by the boss should be enough to surprise the world."

   Shui Lingxuan's mouth is smiling. It is a good zombie, but it unlocks the expression function and has the same expression as a human.

   In fact, before Shui Lingxuan became a zombie, was it not a human being?

   There is a prerequisite for the zombie form of a commander, that is, first-class academic masters, they are the strongest brainpower in various industries, and have terrifying analysis and calculation capabilities.

  In other words, their IQs crushed ordinary people.

   Shui Lingxuan himself became the first place in one of the most powerful brain competitions he participated in during his lifetime, and defended the three-time champion.

   can be selected by the boss and brought to modern times to preside over the affairs of Somalia, naturally there is no need to doubt its ability.

  Look at Somalia now, this area is managed by it as a monolith.

  Udad and the others have become one of the best warlords in Somalia, and their strength is even stronger than that of the transitional government.

   This launch center has now attracted the attention of the world, and it is also destined to receive more people's attention in the future.

   "Tell the reporters who have just arrived that the U.S. military will immediately attack here to get them out of the launch center."

   With a faint smile, Shui Lingxuan knew that these reporters would never give up easily. They would be next to the launch center to witness the interception missile system with terrorist interception capabilities.

The zombie soldiers under    immediately began execution.


   "Dear viewers, we have just arrived at the Somalia Rocket Launch Center. This is indeed the largest rocket launch center in the world. Let's take a look at the thirty launchers here."

   A British journalist got out of the car and started reporting on here.

   As the most sensational news, the reports from the launch center are naturally the first priority to appear on the headlines of the website. The live broadcast method makes people feel here.

   British journalists are indeed crazy. After they received the news, they knew the news value of this place as soon as possible. Then they took a plane and arrived in Ethiopia, crossing the border all the way, and arrived here.

   It is not just British reporters. I am afraid that there will be more than 30 reporters coming from different countries.

   Their actions are the same. There is a network here, and the speed is so fast that they are dumbfounded, and naturally it is broadcast directly.

   reporters, all acting as anchors excitedly.

   The media platform at the rear also immediately played their direct broadcast to the head. Now is the best time to get a hot spot. They will naturally not miss this opportunity.


They were allowed to shoot here within a few minutes, and a group of guards here rushed over and said loudly in English: "Leave here now. We just received news that the US Navy will attack here. For your safety, please leave and launch. center."

   is now live broadcast. The words of these soldiers were immediately transmitted to the ears of millions of viewers in more than a dozen countries.

   One by one reporters, as if they were on stimulants, for them, this trip came too timely, they just arrived, and there was such a scene to watch.

   "I suggest you go outside the launch center to shoot, so that you can get news topics without affecting your personal safety."

   The soldiers' suggestions made reporters' eyes brightened.

   All reporters drove their cars quickly to the outside of the launch center.

   On the live broadcast platform, countless people are already excited, because they will witness the most real military strikes. Such opportunities are not many.

  U.S. military strikes have always been dominated by fierce firepower. Once launched, they will not hesitate to pay, and missiles will be thrown over like no money.

   Cooperating, there will be fighters dispatched.

   As long as the U.S. military is determined to destroy this place, it will definitely be like a storm.

   The people sitting in front of the computer with their mobile phones in their hands were reluctant to leave.

   After more people learned the news, they all logged into this live connection. More media are reprinting these live broadcasts.

   Like a snowball, a million people know it first, and then a million people.

   In just a few minutes, there were more than 10 million people's attention, and this number is still rising.

   Compared to the crowds of foreigners, the people of China are beginning to worry. They are shouting and cursing the US military one by one.

   "Baichuan Guihai Company won't be so unlucky, right?"

   "I think this time is over, the U.S. military has no scruples about China's attitude."

   "This time Baichuan Guihai Company is afraid that it will lose everything."

   "The licking dog of the emperor, come out for two steps."

   In the broadcast room, countless comments almost made the screen freeze. Through the broadcast, they can see this huge launch center. How much financial and material resources are needed to build it?

   After thinking about a round of missile strikes, this place became ruins, which is really a pity.

   Baichuan Guihai Company is too high-profile this time. Isn't it good to work quietly? In other words, no matter if this launch center is built in China, no matter how strong the US military is, it can never destroy a launch center in the interior of China.

   Like this kind of news, it is naturally impossible to conceal the national intelligence network.

   For the first time, a deputy minister of the Ministry of National Defense personally made a call to Lu Chuan's cell phone: "Mr. Are you sure there is no problem?"

   "Minister, don't worry, there are more than 3,000 interceptor missiles around the launch center. Even if all the missiles from the two aircraft carrier formations smashed in, it would be just drizzle." Lu Chuan answered grimly.

   The deputy minister was immediately in a daze...

   Three thousand interceptor missiles, this is too rich, right? And it's the kind of holy man.

   But thinking of Lu Chuan’s wealth, it seems that these three thousand interceptor missiles are drizzle, right?

"Your technology for intercepting missiles..." The deputy minister is still skeptical. The scientific and technological strength of your Baichuanguihai company is Niucha, but in this respect, even the country's fur is inferior. This technology is more than 3,000 missiles. Many are for bluffing.

   Deputy Minister solemnly said: "But Mr. Lu, we will let the Ministry of Foreign Affairs lodge the most severe protest on this matter."

   The current Ministry of National Defense can be said to wear a pair of pants with Mr. Lu from the Baichuan Guihai Company. The Global Hawk of Mr. Mr. Lu is still in the military base, and a group of experts just want to take it down.

   Lu Chuan smiled and said, "The minister doesn't need it anymore, I'll wait for your call."

   After being hung up by Lu Chuan, the vice minister still didn’t know what Lu Chuan meant. Why should I wait for your call?


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