Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 887: Bombing

In order to prevent the defender from having any killer moves, Tu Chengzhi dispersed the zombie army in his hand, and at the same time increased the clearance of the surroundings, and tried to make the opponent blind.


   If one's every move is under the surveillance of the other party, he will be passive when fighting.


   Tu Chengzhi, who was beaten up by the defender and suffocated his stomach, now only thinks about how to get back the court.


   But to have the current achievements, Tu Chengzhi is not incompetent, his eyes narrowed: "The other party has a lot of shadow blades. This is a big problem."


   The money a person can earn is actually limited.


   Putting into the building requires violent soldiers.


   After such a calculation, Tu Chengzhi came to the conclusion that the defender had smashed the funds on Shadow Blade, and compared to other zombies, the number produced was pitifully small.


   relying on the wall and the shadow blade is indeed a very smart approach.


  Like a shadow blade, it is definitely a very useful zombie unit. It is powerful, can be invisible, fast, and extremely sensitive.


   It is indeed a good method to manufacture shadow blades in large quantities.


  The corpse dragons in the sky are under the protection, and they begin to fall, unloading a large number of weapons. As a siege, the firepower is naturally sufficient.


  The assembly of weapons takes time.


   And within this time frame, countless bloodthirsty claws began to move, spreading to the surroundings, looking for the settlement of the opponent's subordinates.


   The frantic Tu Chengzhi only thought about how to deal a fatal blow to the defender.


   I must kill these survivors, he will be very painful, right?


   Whether it leads the snake out of the hole, or the sound of it, as long as it can achieve the goal, everything is worth it.


  Tu Chengzhi checked the time on his watch, and his heart became even more angry.


   In less than ten minutes, his loss reached a million, among which there are many corpse dragons and level five and six zombies.


   The entire siege is on a 24-hour system. In ten minutes, he lost a third or more of his zombie force. This one is indeed big enough.


   Tu Chengzhi, who was still complacent before, couldn't help feeling a little more uneasy in his heart.


   But the siege war will not stop for any reason or reason. No matter how uneasy, no matter how great the loss, we must do everything possible to win.


   Once there is a mistake, it may take years to lick this wound, which is too costly.


   has huge bloodthirsty claws, it is really not difficult to scout out the settlement.


   Shanshi County, was soon discovered.




   Tu Chengzhi's face turned blue, and there was no one in Shanshi County. Obviously, the survivors here had already moved early.


   This is not surprising, after all, it is impossible for the opponent to reveal his weakness.


   Where the survivors went, Tu Chengzhi wanted to know, but there was no way to find them.


   Heaven knows where the opponent moved to, and I have some time to spend here, so it's better to think about how to break the opponent's wall.


   The 24-hour system seems to have a lot of time, but in this kind of tearing, time is still too tight.


   No survivors were found, Tu Chengzhi did not waste his thoughts here, but instead set his sights on Zhongzhou City, and his counterattack could be executed.


   The other party's Shadow Blade seemed to have disappeared, and Tu Chengzhi knew that the other party must be nearby.


   The defender can send Shadow Blade, but can’t he?


   Under Tu Chengzhi's instructions, hundreds of thousands of shadow blades moved, approaching Zhongzhou City from all directions.


   Shadow Blade enters, and it will only enter this city after the shelling.


   "You can start."


  Tu Chengzhi gave instructions without hesitation.


   There were fragments of missiles in the sky, and they rose into the air and smashed towards the city of Zhongzhou. And the rocket launch vehicles have also entered a state of salvo.


   Countless rockets were launched, dragging heavy smoke towards Nakasu City.


   Rockets were fired one after another, and the surrounding area of ​​the rocket launcher was almost covered by thick smoke and dust.




   In the holographic projection, you can clearly see these missiles coming over, as well as a huge number of rockets.


   Lu Chuan stared. Although he had expected it for a long time, Lu Chuan still felt his heart palpitations when this moment arrived. The opponent's counterattack began.


  Through holographic projection, it can be seen that most of these missiles and rockets hit the fence.


   Walls up to a hundred meters high, in these missiles, large holes were continuously blasted out, and then the main attack direction of the wall, in the continuous bombardment of these missiles, there was a cracking sound, and then it banged and collapsed.


   No matter how strong the wall is, it can't hold it under this kind of firepower.


   A wall made of reinforced concrete, no matter how much material is used, it is difficult to carry hundreds of missiles.


   And the huge number of rockets is not vegetarian. With their assistance, the iron wall can't hold it. Under the attack of the other party not wanting capital, he collapsed in Lu Chuan's expectation.


   There are not many zombies on this fence, but the loss is definitely not small.


  The weapon system on the fence and the power of the characters invested in the construction of this place are all huge numbers.




   All this was in Lu Chuan's expectation.


   As the defensive side, this kind of loss is certain, and the key is to lose big or small.


   The current loss is just an appetizer, just the first wave of temptation.


   It took three minutes. After the opponent's rocket artillery unit leaked all the rockets, it was immediately transferred, and there was no chance for Lu Chuan to counterattack.


   Walls collapsed everywhere, and more cracks appeared.


   A wall with millions of people and millions of zombies with the same force for several months, in front of this kind of thermal weapon, it only takes a few minutes to completely disappear.


After the collapse of the    wall, the opponent's firepower began to extend to the interior of Nakasu City, which was basically an indiscriminate attack.


   High-power missiles, they are not as good as nuclear bombs, but with high explosives, just a few can turn an area into endless ruins.


   As a siege, the opponent will naturally increase his firepower infinitely.


   Through the holographic projection, Lu Chuan could see countless missiles and rockets coming in and ploughing the city.


   Numerous zombies in the city, there were a lot of casualties.


   Fortunately, King Kong zombies are constrained by the biochemical factory, and what happens outside will not appear. Otherwise, with this kind of blow, the King Kong zombies would have gone mad.


   Buildings collapsed everywhere, and there were raging fires everywhere in the city.


   I don’t know how many buildings have been razed, and the big cities are everywhere in ruins.


   The cruelty of war is vividly demonstrated in Nakasu City.


   "Fortunately, the valuable items have been disposed of. The dilapidated city does need to be rebuilt. It doesn't matter if they break it, they don't have to tear it down."


   Lu Chuan didn't have heartache either. The buildings in Nakasu City only hide the existence of biochemical factories, which are not very useful.


   The firepower of the siege is strong, but many buildings are not destroyed as they want.


   Some tall buildings, they are not so easily destroyed.


   The siege was ploughing this Zhongzhou City over and over again, and the firepower he possessed after standing firm really made Lu Chuan dumbfounded. Unfortunately, he will not change anything.


   First long-range strikes, after eliminating the defensive force, then throw in heavy troops and start siege.


   This kind of routine is almost impossible to change.


   What Tu Chengzhi has to do now is this kind of routine.


   Lu Chuan kept watching, but his heart did not fluctuate.


   In my mind, the number of zombies lost kept beating, ranging from hundreds to thousands to tens of thousands. Under the opponent's firepower, the zombies lurking in the city were indeed affected.


   "Shadow Blade, can be dispatched again."


   Lu Chuan has been enduring the opponent's indiscriminate bombing, in order to make Shadow Blade dispatch again.


   Three hundred thousand shadow blades, with them, Lu Chuan is confident that the opponent will come back and forth, and even the corners of Zhongzhou City will be swept away.


   Don't underestimate the seven-level shadow They are definitely not vegetarian.


   Holding this trump card in his hand, Lu Chuan naturally wanted to make good use of it, and could not give the opponent too much time to breathe. Taking advantage of the opponent's current attack and loosening his vigilance, it was time for Shadow Blade to harvest the wheat.


   Obtained Lu Chuan's instructions, the Shadow Blade that had been lurking in the air was dispatched again.


   The siege is to disperse the zombie army, but this kind of dispersal is limited, many of them are tens of thousands together. Shadow Blade doesn't care about this, as long as it encounters a zombie with a red light on it, it will shoot.


   The shadow blade is like an assassin, wherever it passes, the bone blade is swung, and the corpse falls over it, without even a second.


   In the mountains and forests, in the mountains, along the road, or in some buildings, the zombies of the siege were all attacked to varying degrees.


   a few, dozens, or even hundreds of zombies died.


   But it is a terrifying number to gather all this from 300,000 Shadow Blades.

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