Super Zombie Factory

: Has reached the boutique, thank you everyone, thank you!

First of all, thank you all for your subscription support, and finally reached the boutique.


   It took so long to publish the book before it reached the top quality. I am really ashamed. The main reason is that the update is not good enough. And the idea of ​​the book is not good enough for rain, which led to the realization of this book today, otherwise it would have been achieved long ago.


   Although I don’t want to say it, but the rain still wants to reiterate that it’s not that the rain is lazy, but the body does not allow it. My occupational disease is really serious. I have a pain in my waist after sitting for half an hour. Sometimes the neck is still pressed to the nerves, which can be painful for a few days.


   The doctor has told me again and again that if you don’t want to stay in bed for the rest of your life, you must pay attention to it. You must rest and exercise more. It can’t be the same as before.


   I am very scared. I have a family to bear. From graduation to now, I have been a full-time codeword. Without social skills, I don’t know what to do. I have always lived by writing books. If I don’t write a book, what can I do, what can I do?


   For this family, the code word needs to continue, but for the body and also for the family, I can only make changes.


   In 18 years, I applied for a gym annual card, but I found that I was not interested in the gym and couldn't stick to it.


   So in August of '18, I rented a few acres of land from people outside the city, surrounded it, planted trees and flowers, made a garden, and went to work every day as exercise. I only need a rent of 2,000 yuan a year. I can afford it. With it, I can work and be rewarded. It is far better than a gym of more than 2,000 a year.


   In addition, I started to reduce the time in front of the computer, except for codewords, almost never in front of the computer.


   Send the children to school every day, and then run, try to code a little bit from 9 to 11, pick up the children from school, rest at noon, and after sending the children in the afternoon, go to the garden to work and water. In the evening, teach children homework, go to the community at 8 o'clock to cheer up volleyball until 9:40.


   Every day, as long as it doesn't rain, these are almost my life cycles, and they haven't changed.


   Throughout June, I don’t know why, my waist and back have been sore. I used to insist on two shifts a day, but finally I can’t hold it down. It can only be one shift, and occasionally shamelessly interrupted. Very ashamed, but there is no way.


  Sometimes, I tell my lover that I really want to rest for half a month without thinking about code words, but life is something that doesn’t allow me to rest like this.


   yard, a chapter is also love, but also a kind of income.


   I found out today that it is a fine product. I am grateful and feel ashamed of everyone, so posting a single chapter is also a kind of helpless complaint.


   I started to work in this business in 2003, and this year, 16 years later, I have no money, and I am all in occupational disease. Without success, he is still struggling like a newcomer on the street.


continue or not?


   Of course it will continue. As long as it can be coded, it will continue after all. After all, the code word has become a part of the bone.


  Life is not easy, what can I do without a code?


   Thanks again everyone!


   May everyone be well.

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