Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 932: The convenience of the soldiers

   The army of zombies wearing exoskeleton armor can do many things.

  If it is in a large security circle, they will form a patrol team, patrolling in this security circle day and night to ensure that no zombie can pass through the heavy defense circle and enter the area of ​​human activities.

  Safety circle is divided into outer circle and inner circle.

   There are certain risks in the outer circle, and survivors are not recommended to enter. The inner circle is the area where survivors live and can move around freely.

  Cleaning up the zombies, in order to let the army have super-high combat effectiveness, Lu Chuan did not join the zombie army to help, but needed soldiers to strangle one by one.

  Only when the soldiers are in danger, the flying zombies watching in the sky will intervene.

  The sky unit composed of corpse dragons and bloodthirsty claws, like corpse dragons, is equipped with a large number of exoskeleton armor zombies, which can allow zombies to intervene in battle on a large scale.

   and bloodthirsty claws are equipped with shadow blades.

The combination of bloodthirsty claws and shadow blades is perfect. They can form tens of thousands of groups and appear in the sky. As long as there is a call for help, the bloodthirsty claws will appear immediately, and then the shadow blades are riding. Will start strangling zombies.

   A seven-level shadow blade, you only need one to turn the tide of battle.

  With their escort, the soldiers don't need to worry too much about safety issues. As long as you pay more attention, a team of 15-man soldiers can easily kill a village.

   More corpse dragons, they will appear in the sky with huge pods.

   These corpse dragons carrying pods are responsible for several tasks.

  一: Supply task. There are supplies in their pods, everything from food to ammunition, etc., as long as you need them, you can call, and then the commander zombies will command them to land and provide supplies to the troops.

   Two: Medical mission. Once soldiers are injured or killed, they will transport these wounded or dead soldiers back to the settlement, whether they are treated or buried.

   Three: Transportation task. When soldiers need to return to the settlement, they can also return to the settlement through the corpse dragon with the pod, instead of using legs or cars to return across two or three hundred kilometers.

   No matter what they were, they were all welcomed by the soldiers.

  With this kind of convenience, the soldiers don't have to worry about other things at all, just fight with peace of mind.

   If you don’t have any supplies, you can call for help. You can also call for help when you are in danger. Even if it is dead, don't worry, it will be transported back to the rear for burial and put in the soil for safety.

   The soldiers who devoted themselves to the battle had an amazing growth.

   In a very short time, they have grown into elite soldiers, even if they face hundreds of zombies, they can fight calmly and retreat while fighting.

   Hundreds of thousands of soldiers, Lu Chuan used a cruel heart, and trained them to become elite steel divisions in actual combat.

   The end of the world is not a benevolent place. If it is not good enough, it is destined to be eliminated.

   This apocalyptic system is not only implemented in the settlements of Shanshi County, but also implemented in the settlements of New Province, Central China, and North China to expand the security circle in which they are located.

   Luchuan’s huge army of zombies has been divided into four parts to serve the survivors.

There are not many zombies in Zhongzhou City, but Lu Chuan doesn’t have to worry. From the Tyrant T-003, to the Shadow Blade, King Kong Zombie, and the eighth-level zombies that have been manufactured recently, they all stay in Zhongzhou City, providing With the most powerful guarantee of strength.

   A scorpion can easily kill tens of thousands of level six zombies. This kind of power gap, with 10,000 scorpions in Zhongzhou City, does not have to worry about problems.

   "In every settlement, at least a hundred scorpions must be sent to it to ensure certain safety."

   There are naturally casualties. According to the report, soldiers still die from time to time, and sometimes the group is destroyed. As long as you encounter high-level zombies that are difficult to deal with, it is basically difficult to have a chance to escape. Even if the Shadow Blade rescues, in the end, even the Shadow Blade may not be able to retreat.


   Northern settlement.

   As a newly established settlement, Yi Zhanfei personally attended the scene.

   has been in the first battle for a long time, personally tore and kill, so that Yi Zhanfei's growth is very fast, and now he is a seventh-level new human, his talent is indeed very high, and his growth is enough to convince the public.

   There is a place where it is easy to fight and fly. Although the northern settlement was established not long ago, there is no chaos, and people with different intentions dare not move, because the northern settlement has a kind of arms that makes them feel suffocated.

   After ordinary zombies wear exoskeleton armor, it is not difficult to hide their identities.

   Corpse dragons and bloodthirsty claws, tyrants, but there is no way to hide them.

   Yi Zhanfei never thought of concealing it. From the very beginning, he had fought these settlements with a huge army of zombies, and took them one by one.

   The fear of the zombie army makes the resistance very small, and no one can have the courage to confront this kind of armed zombies.

   After integrating the northern settlements, the first step is to establish a security circle.

   In the midsummer of the northern settlement, there is no snow, which is convenient for the soldiers to move.

   Two hundred kilometers away from the northern settlement, the soldiers have pushed the security circle to this place.

At this time, after a team of fifteen people cleaned up a small village, everyone was so tired that they didn’t want to move. They were just ordinary people. After fifteen people fought for a day, relying on a high ground, they barely managed This village with seven or eight hundred zombies was cleared.

   The high-intensity battle caused them to collapse to the ground.

   "Captain, the car is out of power, look..." A soldier hesitated.

The captain of    is a middle-aged man of 1.7 meters. He has experienced the ups and downs of the last days, which made him seem very calm. He looked at his watch and said, "Everyone is tired. Come here today."

   "Long live the captain." Hearing that there is no need to fight today, everyone else cheered.

Captain    said: "We withdrew to the safety circle to rest, and set up a station about a hundred kilometers away, so we went there."

   "But Captain, our car is out of power, so we can't walk, right?" The soldier in charge of logistics scratched his head. He said, "It's all my fault. I would have carried a battery in the car."

   The captain thought for a moment, and said, "This time we don't need a car."

   said, the captain looked up at the sky.

  The soldiers in the team were a little nervous, because they knew what the captain meant. For these alternative zombies, they are resistant and always feel uneasy.

  Along the way, they encountered so many difficulties, and they did not intend to deal with these alternative zombies.

   From the moment Yi Commander appeared, he appeared with this huge corpse of zombies, and used the strength of crushing to conquer their settlement, and then they had the first contact with the corpse of zombies.

   People in the last days live in the shadow of zombies, and it is impossible to get close to zombies.

  For example, in northern settlements, no one uses zombies to serve them, because they are afraid what if the zombies go crazy?

The captain knew what they meant. He gritted his teeth and said, "Are we still afraid of killing zombies? Besides, Commander Yi dares to use them. What are we afraid of? Isn't it just death, we are afraid?" Update the fastest computer terminal: https://

   "Yes, isn't it just death? We can live till now. I don't know how many people are luckier than we are. We have already made a profit."

   "Captain, do it."

   With the consent of the team members, the captain smoked a cigarette, nodded fiercely, and then took out the communicator. After tuned to a certain channel, he said: "The 1203 team calls the corpse dragon transfer."

   He has already memorized these instructions, but they have been useless.

   Actually, the captain didn't believe in this kind of call, he could call the corpse dragon.

   What are you kidding about, how can zombies understand the instructions? If so, they are not zombies, they are not monsters.


   The call came back, but there was a whining sound. The captain knew that this was actually a response.

   A group of people waited in place, raising their heads one by one, staring at the sky. They were all curious, what will appear next, is it really so amazing?

   did not keep them waiting, a corpse dragon appeared in the sky. It was a huge pod under the abdomen.

   Because of the satellite positioning, this corpse dragon landed directly according to the positioning. It first hovered in the sky, and then landed slowly in a vertical manner.


   A slight sound, this is the sound of the pod contacting the ground.

   The corpse dragon wearing armor did not fall to the ground, but let the pod fall to the ground, flapping its fleshy wings, hovering in the low air as a hovering flight.

   The captain looked at each other. This scene surprised them.

   "Captain..." A soldier swallowed and looked at the captain subconsciously.

   The captain gritted his teeth and said, "Go, let's go in."

   After that, the captain went out first, facing the strong wind brought by the corpse dragon's flapping fleshy wings, and got into the opened pod.

   The other soldiers all entered this pod with anxiety.

  The pod is specially designed for troop transport and has an adapted chair. After sitting down, the captain activated the ready button in the pod. With the beep, the corpse dragon that received the signal suddenly increased the frequency of flapping its fleshy wings, forming a strong ascent. The cabin vacated.

   This feeling caused all 15 soldiers to grab the armrest of the chair.

   After waiting for the sky, after this kind of initial stimulus, they also let go, looking out of the pod one by one, where there are windows where they can see the outside world.

   "It feels so good."

   "It doesn't seem to be dangerous."

   "It's a bit unstable compared to airplanes, but it can be tolerated."

   This team of soldiers are all excited, after all, this is completely different from what they thought.

The speed of the corpse dragon is not slow, less than a hundred kilometers of the station, just more than ten minutes, it has already arrived Here, you can see a large number of corpse dragons coming and going, from time to time there will be huge bloodthirsty Sharp Claw leaves the station.

   This station is actually a town, where the soldiers retreat to rest.

   Here, the corpse dragon will continue to send soldiers where they need to go, such as those who have enough rest to go out to soldiers, and some who have completed their soldiers returning to rest.

The role played by the    station is to rest, so that soldiers who are highly nervous can rest and relax.

   When the corpse dragon landed, the captain and the others walked out of the pod. This convenience instantly made them fall in love with the corpse dragon.

   looks a little more hideous, but it is not offensive, but provides them with unimaginable convenience and help.

   In this way, they have more confidence in the next battle, because they can safely use the battlefield call for help function, and no longer have to worry about losing their lives in the face of powerful zombies. First release https://https://

   If there is a big station, they are just a reduced version of the team. Thousands of teams, all of which use their stations as the rear, continuously expand the scope of the safety circle.

  After each round of expansion, the rest station will be re-selected and move as the safety circle expands.

   Like here, countless soldiers and new humans are here, making this a military base. As for the extremely tall exoskeleton armor, wherever they passed, the soldiers and new humans were awed by them, because they knew that this was a zombies that had been armed with ferocious fighting power.


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