Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 933: New ace

   Ordinary soldiers, their missions are villages and towns.

   Like a county or above, it will be handed over to the New Human Forces, because in these places, high-level zombies are born, and ordinary soldiers cannot deal with them.

In    station, Yi Zhanfei is using the light projector, looking at the map.

   The satellites in the sky are all taken over by the settlement, and they continue to play their role, so that the communication is no longer out of contact due to distance. New 81 Chinese network update the fastest computer terminal: https://

   Of course, there is still no way to fully recover the network. This allows Yi Zhanfei to use the satellite network, which has great limitations.

   "Here, and here, it must be won within this month."

   "There are still two months left, and there will be heavy snowfall in Beijing, and all actions need to be terminated."

   On the map projected by the light projector, Yi Zhanfei tapped and made a mark.

  The big city is conquered by the new human forces, and then countless villages and towns will be wiped out by tens of thousands of hunting teams.

   Yi Zhanfei personally went to the northern settlement in order to speed up the progress here.

  According to the headquarters' plan, Huaxia must completely win next year.

   Outside the station, tens of thousands of new human soldiers have been stationed here, ready at all times.

   "Commander, the boss sent a support force."

   In Yi Zhanfei's meditation, his adjutant came in to report immediately.

In Yi Zhanfei’s hands, there are tens of thousands of corpse dragons, more than 100,000 bloodthirsty claws, and hundreds of thousands of exoskeleton war armor zombies, coupled with tens of thousands of new humans, the power is already extremely powerful. The boss has to send a support force?

   When it comes to the boss, Yi Zhanfei didn't dare to be careless and turned off the light projector immediately.

   "Go, let's go and see."

In the system of    settlements, the boss is truly the only one. Even if Yi Zhan Feigui is the commander, he is more like a wage earner. As long as Lu Chuan wants to win him, it is only a sentence.

  Absolute power is actually in the hands of the boss, not his Yi Zhanfei.

   The respect for the boss is not only because of the power in the hands of the boss, but also because of what the boss has done for the end times. It can be said that without a boss, the world is still chaotic.

   Outside the temporary headquarters, only a single air flight unit appeared, and they fell to the ground.

   "What zombie is this?"

   "I haven't seen it."

   "Did you feel that, facing them, I have a sense of fear and shudder."

   "Should be very strong, right?"

   All the officers who appeared along with Yi Zhanfei were all staring at the scorpion in front of them and discussing in a low voice. It was true that the people they were there hadn’t seen them before, so curiosity was inevitable.

   Yi Zhanfei also frowned. He had never seen such flying zombies.

   is smaller than the size of the corpse dragon, and larger than the size of the bloodthirsty claws. Its hideous appearance makes people feel like a demon emerging from **** at first glance.

   How to say, facing them, even Yi Zhanfei has a feeling of palpitations.

   There were only one hundred scorpions sent here.

   The number is very small, but Lu Chuan knows that these hundred scorpions are enough to sweep the hundreds of thousands of zombies in the hands of Yi Zhanfei.

   That's right, they are so domineering, because they are level eight zombies.

   The level of crushing brought about is hard to say that the number can be balanced, just like the soldiers holding rifles in World War II, facing the tank... so helpless, waiting for death in despair.

  The arrival of the scorpion has changed. They are armed with a set of armor specially designed for them.

  Because they can't restrict their activities, the armor is spliced ​​on their bodies, mainly in the position of the abdomen and thighs. The design is very clever, highlighting its ferocity, and allowing them to be recognized.

   These armors are not for protection, but for identification.

The difference between   's zombies and other zombies is that they are armed so that people can easily distinguish their differences and know the danger.

  橐蜚 is a high-end combat power, does not need to wear exoskeleton armor.

   "The boss sent a hundred zombies of this kind called 詐蜚, how much effect can they play?" Yi Zhanfei was a little skeptical.

   When facing a city, the movement is millions of zombies, the number of one hundred, it is really...the effect is too small to be ignored.


   Yi Zhanfei doesn't matter, because according to the plan, there were no such a hundred worms, and it was the same with or without them.

   received these hundred scorpions, compiled them into the zombie army, and placed them under the command of the commander zombie.


   Snow City.

   As one of the largest cities in the north, with a population of almost 10 million, it has always been a big goal in the eyes of Yi Zhanfei. If you gnaw it off, the speed at which the northern security circle expands will be improved.

   The settlement in Syracuse was taken down a long time ago, and what Yi Zhanfei needs to do now is to clean up the huge zombies in Syracuse.

   The mighty new human forces drove outside of Syracuse, looking at this city in the distance.

   In the sky, tens of thousands of corpse dragons and more than a hundred thousand bloodthirsty claws formed a dark cloud, which seemed to cover the city.

   The name of Snow City, you know what it looks like in winter.

   There are only two seasons of the year that are not covered by ice and snow. At this point in time, not far from the arrival of the cold, it should be the last chance this year.

   When it is covered by heavy snow and it is inconvenient to move, I will have to wait until next year.

   "All of them cheer up."

   "Pay attention to your surroundings. The battle in the city is no better than the wild. In any building, zombies may rush out."

   "Once an advanced zombie is discovered, the first thing is to confirm its type and level. If you can't deal with it, you must call for support."

   "You may face the tide of corpses. Follow the method in the training manual."

  Each officer, do not forget the new human soldiers under the opponent to give a simple reminder before the battle.

   Once the war starts, there is no longer a chance to remind.

   New human soldiers, they are all people who have experienced the end of the world. Everyone is a veteran and rich in experience. Naturally, he has a calm face and calmly checks his guns and swords.

  Similar to this kind of siege, they have experienced several times, and they can be considered as experienced. They don't need to remind them, they all know what to do, and they don't want to lose their lives in vain.

   Yi Zhanfei stood on an off-road vehicle, staring at Syracuse, and then leaped up suddenly, flipped a few somersaults in the sky, and ran with a sword that was more than one meter long in the landing.


   A simple slogan, but an order.

   Hundreds of thousands of new human soldiers, as if they were activated, all rushed to the Syracuse.

   did not attract the zombies out of the city, but used the city buildings to divide the zombies, and at the same time used the city buildings as a cover, so that fighting is the most beneficial to humans.

   If you turn to zombies to attract the city, the tide of corpses that they form will cause millions of zombies to rush over.

  The troops pressed like a tide of black, rushed towards Syracuse.

   The zombies in Snow City also reacted very quickly. The strong breath of life made them agitated, screaming "Woo", and they became a piece of ups and downs.

   The zombies in the whole city were awakened, and then they rushed to the street, rushing towards the new human soldiers.


   The combat effectiveness of the new human soldiers is not comparable to that of ordinary soldiers. No matter which aspect, they are enough to crush ordinary soldiers.

  Especially some new humans above level 5, they are like gods of war, and no zombie can rival.

  The gunshots are loud, almost every bullet will overturn a zombie, instantly leaving all the zombies on the streets.

   As soon as it gets closer, the new human soldiers with cold weapons are the most powerful.

  Without certain strength, Yi Zhanfei did not dare to challenge the city of millions of zombies with hundreds of thousands of new humans. Just because of these new humans, one dozen is no problem.


   only saw a huge King Kong zombie was awakened in a building, awakened from hiding, then smashed the building and appeared in front of everyone.

   Yi Zhanfei's eyes shrunk, this is not in the intelligence, he almost has a shadow of the King Kong zombies. Back in Zhongzhou City, he was almost killed by King Kong zombies.

   At the beginning, the King Kong zombies were invulnerable with swords. Yi Zhanfei was impressed. Now that he saw it suddenly, his heart was naturally shocked.

   "I don't know how much to pay here." Yi Zhanfei smiled bitterly, there is a King Kong zombie here, and it is not realistic to talk about taking Syracuse.

   It looked like a King Kong zombie that appeared in a tank. It impacted on the street, seeing the building as nothing. Its fighting method was collision. Starting

   A new human force at the beginning, directly bears the anger of King Kong zombies. It collided with the surrounding buildings and collapsed, burying some newcomers in it for life, and then used its huge fist to hammer the street face fiercely, breaking the street surface, and some new humans who could not dodge were hammered into With minced meat.

   Facing the bullets of sniper rifles and machine guns, King Kong zombies are completely new human soldiers sweeping this street.

   The huge casualties made Yi Zhanfei frown. Now it is meaningless to investigate who is scouting Syracuse. What he needs to consider is whether to avoid the edge of this King Kong zombie?

   seems to have thought of something, Yi Zhanfei's heart moved.

   "Miggle? You can try it." Yi Zhanfei is still very confident in the boss. It is impossible to send a hundred of them for no reason. This zombie is called a zombie. It must have its advantages.

   Without hesitation, Yi Zhanfei used the communicator to contact the commander zombie.

   The next moment, the flying scorpion in the sky swooped down, and then under the command of the commander's zombie, it rushed to the King Kong zombie.

At the same level, but the number of scorpions is one The scorpions that appeared around the King Kong zombies showed Yi Zhanfei and the others what speed is, and they are almost invisible. The attack was launched for a while.

   Their bone spurs pierced the hard epidermis of the King Kong zombies, piercing blood holes.

   A hundred scorpions, they are flying, like a performance.

   King Kong zombies resisted while roaring, but its movements were too slow compared to squeaking.

Pieces of flesh and blood were cut off by the scorpions, like a cat and a cat. In the stunned expressions of Yi Zhanfei and their stunned expressions, it only took a few minutes to shave this huge King Kong zombie away. skeleton.

   Lost the support of flesh and blood, the skeleton of the King Kong zombie smashed down.


   There is a feeling of shaking the mountain, such a huge King Kong zombie, who would have thought that it would be killed in this way in the end?

   The skin of the King Kong zombie that can't even be blasted by missiles, but under the spurs of the scorpion, it cut off its skin and flesh, dismembering the King Kong zombie.

The appearance of   橐蜚 surprised Yi Zhanfei for the first time. He couldn't think that this unremarkable demon-shaped zombie was so strong that they could ignore this powerful defense that made them helpless.

   In this way, the level of this scorpion is even above the King Kong zombie?

   Yi Zhanfei now finally understands that the 100 scorpions in his hand are actually so strong that they will be his biggest trump card.


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