Hogwarts' Little Superman - Chapter 014 [I'm a rich man! You poor bastards!]

Professor McGonagall and Snape entered the office last and stood at the door. Professor McGonagall asked Kerry,"From Malfoy's description, he lost the badges on Thursday night. What were you doing on Thursday night?""

"Sleep!" Kerry simply replied.

"Can anyone prove it?" Professor McGonagall asked

"As you can see, I'm the only one in my dormitory and no one can prove it for me!" Kerry said flatly.

Snape added:"If you can't prove it, you will be 100% expelled from Hogwarts!"

Hermione, who was watching nearby, was very anxious:"Kerry must have been framed! I believe in Kerry's character, he can't do such a thing! And on Thursday night, he and I studied together in the common room until very late! After that, it was curfew time, and we quickly went back to the dormitory to sleep."

Kerry twisted his mouth. After all, Hermione was only eleven years old now, her character was immature, and she spoke without thinking...

Malfoy took the opportunity to say:"That's easy to explain, you must have stolen the things with him, you are also a thief!"

"Draco, don't make random accusations!" Professor McGonagall said, Malfoy stuck out his tongue and stopped talking.

Kerry thought carefully. On Thursday night, he returned to the dormitory after finishing his copying homework for Herbology. He went to bed very early that night - and didn't see anything unusual.

Since it was his own dormitory, Kerry didn't take any special anti-theft measures. Kerry thought quietly, looking at the dozen or so small gadgets on the table, which were basically gold and silver, with gems or similar things on them - the value of five thousand gold galleons was indeed a bit exaggerated, but more than a thousand gold galleons was not exaggerated, and Malfoy didn't lie about this.

It was these pure-blood wizard families that could afford it...

Kerry carefully recalled the scenes in the original Harry Potter book. According to the time, this period should be the conflict between Malfoy and Harry Potter. There was a big drama of a midnight duel. It was this drama that made the trio interested in hellhounds and then explored the matter of the Philosopher's Stone.

Kerry gradually had an idea in his mind. The person who framed him had several descriptions of him:

First, he didn't know Kerry. If he If you are familiar with Kerry, you will know that Kerry would never steal these things; second, the person who framed him was not Malfoy.

It's not that he couldn't do it, or that Malfoy was kind-hearted, but because Malfoy was only eleven years old after all, still a child, if he did it, he would always show his chicken feet.

Kerry has superhuman vision and attention, he can almost tell that most people are lying - psychology judges by observing other people's subtle movements - Kerry doesn't need it, he can even directly hear their heartbeats and breathing, that's why he judged that it was not Malfoy who did it.

Third, this person should know that he and Malfoy have a conflict, so he deliberately guides himself to think that it was Malfoy who framed him.

So what is the purpose? Kerry still can't figure it out, what is their purpose?

But one thing that can be determined is that this must be aimed at himself... because there is no such plot in the original book.

Kerry turned from thinking:"Well, let's go back to the dormitory just now... I think I still have a way to prove myself."

Professor McGonagall and Snape looked at each other, nodded, and walked back to the dormitory from the office.

Kerry closed the door and continued,"What I am going to show you next may be a little shocking. I hope you don't tell your classmates what you will see, okay?"

Professor McGonagall said,"Of course, but I can't use the Fidelius Charm on any little wizard. I can only use verbal warnings."

"Believe me, Professor McGonagall, you might be the first one to cast the Fidelius Charm.……"Kerry squatted down and pulled out a black iron box from under the bed.

"Malfoy and his two followers looked at each other and hissed.

"Wait a minute, it's hard to open, I need to use some force."Kerry said

"Let me do it! Mr. Feynman, Ahora, open it!" Percy watched Kerry holding the edge of the box very hard, thinking that the lock of the box was not working, and used an unlocking spell.

However, the box did not give Percy face - there was no reaction!

"Ahem... You may have misunderstood one thing. The reason why this box is so difficult to open is not because its lock is broken, but because it is a box without an opening. Every time I open it, I need to make a hole in the side."

Kerry pressed the edges of the suitcase dozens of times, just like using a can opener to open a can...

The suitcase designed by Kerry was welded with 10 mm thick stainless steel plates, and then the upper and lower covers were directly connected by extrusion bonding... If you want to ask what kind of process this is, you have to think about Kerry's ray eyes and his hands with a strength of 17 tons... Let

's put it this way, electric welding is not this strong!

A group of people looked at Kerry, who opened a pure iron box like breaking plasticine, and even Snape became interested——"This spell looks good. I have never heard of it. What kind of spell can make steel become the same as plasticine?"

"I think it should be a softening spell, which will be restored after it loses its effect." Professor McGonagall guessed, but she rejected it in a blink of an eye,"Strange, I didn't see Kerry using magic just now, could it be a wandless spell?"

"I'm going to open it!" Kerry said

""Tsk! I don't know what's in here that makes you think you can get away with it! Escape punishment!" Malfoy's voice.

Hermione also looked at Kerry worriedly. Kerry shrugged and comforted Hermione.

Then Kerry gently opened the lid of the box... a golden light suddenly appeared in the small dormitory!

Malfoy and his two followers, as well as several wizards from Slytherin, looked at the box in shock.

Malfoy was like this, not to mention Ron and Harry, two children from poor families... Ron's eyes were about to fall out.

Percy and other senior students were even more unbearable - unlike the little wizards, these seventh-year wizards were already adults, and they were deeply shocked.

Snape's eyes were also wide open, and Professor McGonagall opened her mouth.

Only Hermione was a little better. After she saw it, she recovered instantly and immediately understood Kerry's intention.

That's right, the box was full of gold Galleons!

At this moment, the noon sun was shining on the gold coins, and the room was shining with golden light like water waves, shining on everyone's face and on the blackened walls.

"Oh my God!" Harry was the first to cry out!

"Merlin's beard!""Merlin above!""#$%^&*("……All kinds of exclamations came out of everyone's mouth.

After waiting for more than ten seconds, Kerry clapped his hands and signaled everyone to be quiet:"As you can see! All of these are gold Galleons, minted by Gringotts Bank, genuine goods! There are a total of 25,000 gold Galleons in this box."

Before the group of people could react from the shock of the gold, Kerry continued:"I have three more boxes like this... here……"

As Kerry spoke, he bent down and pulled out the boxes from under the bed.

Three boxes exactly the same as before appeared in front of everyone.

The crowd fell into a second wave of shock... Everyone thought of a mathematical formula in their minds - what is 25,000 times 4?

100,000!!!!! What is in front of me is 100,000 gold Galleons.

A voice rang in the minds of the group of people: 100,000... 100,000... 100,000...

After a long silence of five minutes, Professor McGonagall, Snape, and Percy and several other prefects looked at each other. They instantly understood what Kerry meant by"proving his innocence" - a little wizard carrying 100,000 gold Galleons with him, what does that mean?

Snape's monthly salary is only 80 gold Galleons - this is the dean of the four major colleges of Hogwarts School, the professor of potions, and the senior potion master! Snape only makes less than 100 gold Galleons a month! The money in the box was enough to pay Snape's salary for a hundred years...

A young wizard with 100,000 Galleons in his luggage would not run to the dormitory of the next door college in the middle of the night to steal something worth 1,000 Galleons - although it was not completely impossible, the possibility was negligible.���……

"Why do you have so much money?" Professor McGonagall asked in confusion.

"The wind is blowing... cough cough cough……"Seeing Professor McGonagall's expression was not right, Kerry quickly explained:"Let me introduce myself to you solemnly - my name is Christian Feynman. My father is Henry Feynman and my mother is Jenny Feynman. In the Muggle world, there is a chain store called 'Henry's Electronics Store'. Yes, that's our family's business. There are hundreds of chain stores throughout Europe, and my mother is currently exploring markets in Asia and America."

"Our family's income last year, if converted into gold Galleons, would be about 12 million gold Galleons?" Kerry added.

Everyone was undergoing a reshaping of their worldview...

Even Snape was thinking - how much is 12 million gold Galleons... Can they fill Hogwarts with

"I understand what you mean." Professor McGonagall felt that she needed to re-examine this student.

"He must be lying!" Malfoy said his thoughts in disbelief.

Few people in the crowd responded. Everyone saw the golden currency with their own eyes, and they believed the facts before their eyes more.

"I checked it out, and I'm sure it's genuine gold Galleons!" Snape nodded.

As Snape spoke, the group of people looked at Kerry with even more enthusiasm. This was a real rich man!

Kerry looked at Malfoy with contempt, and Malfoy felt that Kerry's eyes conveyed a sentence mercilessly: [Didn't expect it! I'm a rich man! Poor bastards!]

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