Hogwarts' Little Superman - Chapter 015 [Ms. Hermione]

Everyone standing in the dormitory was convinced, certain, and guaranteed that Kerry would never have committed the theft, but this was only indirect evidence, not direct evidence.

Although the lost jewelry had been found, if someone really wanted to frame Kerry, then this matter seemed to be more serious than direct theft.

The thief might just be greedy, but the person who framed him could be described as"dangerous".

Such a person is extremely dangerous to both the teachers and students of Hogwarts.

Professor McGonagall looked at the pile of gold coins on the ground and said,"Listen to my arrangements. First of all, the little snakes of Slytherin, please keep all your lost things to avoid being stolen again."

"Mr. Kerry, although I believe that you did not do this, but until the real murderer is found, I ask you to stay in Hogwarts and not leave the school! Can you do it?"Professor McGonagall turned her head and asked Kerry.

"No problem! I will stay in Hogwarts even if you expel me until the damn murderer is found!" Kerry said firmly.

"Very good!"Professor McGonagall gave a thumbs up

"Severus, I think we need to talk to the headmaster about this. Do you think it is necessary?" Professor McGonagall asked

"I will write a letter and send it to the headmaster." Snape said.

Professor McGonagall replied:"Of course that's great!"

Professor McGonagall arranged everything. Before leaving, she asked in confusion:"Why do you carry so many gold coins?"

"Just like I said, these coins are just pocket money for me... they are not much.……"Kerry explained.

Professor McGonagall and everyone else were speechless again, and the matter was put on hold for the time being.

When everyone left the dormitory, Hermione suddenly almost collapsed on the vacant bed:"I was so scared just now! I thought you were really going to be expelled!"

"In Hogwarts, only Headmaster Dumbledore has the right to expel students, but in fact, in the past few decades, he has never expelled any students. No matter how outrageous they have done……"Kerry thought of the future Ginny - holding Voldemort's training manual"Voldemort's Diary", killing people in Hogwarts, and finally she even graduated successfully and married Harry.

"Why don't we go have lunch with Harry and the others?" Kerry suggested.

"Of course, no problem!"Hermione and Kerry went to find Harry together - because the weather in September was still quite hot, when Hermione pushed the door into Harry's dormitory, she saw two boys changing clothes with their upper bodies naked.

""Oh, God!" said Hermione."I'm going blind!"

""You two's muscles are obviously not as developed as mine!" Kerry joked.

After playing around, the five of them packed their clothes and went to the restaurant to eat together. There were five people, Harry, Ron, Neville, and Hermione.

After the five of them sat down, Harry looked at the huge schoolbag on Hermione's back and asked puzzledly:"Ms. Granger, are these the books you borrowed?"

"Of course! I borrowed books for each of our courses - like this one, a complete collection of magic spells written by the master of Charms, and this one, which is the name of that nasty Snape's Potions book - it's special because it was written by Snape himself, the sole author."

"And these, Herbology, Astronomy... I have all the school courses, do you want to have a look?" Hermione asked.

Harry and Ron were almost shaking their heads... It would be better to let two poor students steal Slytherin's dormitory than to let them learn advanced spells courses...

Chris was chewing a big steak, it was amazing, this thing that looked like steak was actually chicken flavor, crunchy……

""Harry, aren't there five people in your dormitory? Where are the other two?" Hermione asked

"Don't mention it! Dean is a study enthusiast and workaholic. He received a small task to take care of the greenhouse in the Herbology class. Now he should be taking care of the flowers and plants at Professor Sprout's place!" Ron said

"After Seamus learned about Quidditch, he became an avid fan... You know, the kind that wants to sleep with the Golden Snitch for 24 hours! He went to watch the Quidditch players in the courtyard practice early in the morning."Harry continued

"I remember you were also selected into the Quidditch team, right?" Kerry asked in confusion,"Didn't you have any training?"

"I'm just a substitute, and the training for freshmen substitutes is only held on Sundays."Harry said.

Because Harry didn't have the same experience as in the original book, Harry's talent as a seeker has not been discovered. Although he was pulled into the team, he was not taken seriously.

"Have you finished writing Snape's paper?"When lunch was almost over, Ron suddenly asked Hermione

"Of course! I finished it last night!" Hermione said confidently:"I don't think Kerry has finished it!"

"Well, there is still a week left, so I can just use my hands to do this kind of thing, right?" Kerry said easily.

"Snape is a disgusting guy! Neville was injured yesterday, but Snape treated him like that. Snape is like a poor slug!"Ron said

"Don't say that, it's because I'm too stupid……"Neville's weak voice came over:"I am too stupid to remember those complicated steps, so the injury is my own fault."

"Don't say that!" Hermione said:"People always have things they are not good at! It is impossible for humans to be omniscient and omnipotent. That is something only God can do."

��Min continued,"If it’s because of laziness, then that’s a sinful result, but if it’s because of a talent you’re not good at, there’s no need to feel inferior or depressed about it!"

"Everyone is like a natural stone, which must be full of shortcomings and defects. Only after hard work and polishing can it become a gem! Neville, you have to believe that you are not that kind of stupid person, you are just a buried genius!"

After listening to Hermione's words, Neville was much happier. Kerry raised his hand and applauded at this moment. Following Kerry's applause, Harry and Ron also applauded. Neville followed suit and applauded Hermione's speech.

Several people followed Hermione's speech. Kerry also expressed his expectations for Hermione for the first time:"The magical world is really too small. I think you should run for British Prime Minister! You may be the second female Prime Minister of the United Kingdom! Even-you should find a way to unify Europe and become the first female president of the European Union!"

"If you have no expectations for the Muggle Prime Minister, I think you should be elected to the Order of Merlin, the highest honor, and eventually become the brightest star in the entire wizarding world!"

Hermione's eyes lit up:"Really?"

"Of course!" Kerry said firmly:"The Minister of Magic is just a puppet. You can certainly become a guy who is far better than these so-called Ministers of Magic! If you can really unify the European magical world, perhaps hundreds of years later, wizards will forget Dumbledore, but they will still remember you!

At that time, the ghost professor of the history of magic will say: 'Oh! Look carefully, the lady on the cover of the textbook is Ms. Hermione - she was once my student! ' Hehe, it's exciting just to think about it!"

"I hope so!" Hermione's eyes sparkled even brighter.

【The first step of the Lolita training plan has been launched! 】Kerry said silently in his heart.

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