Superboy at Hogwarts - Chapter 141 [Kree's Promise】

"Who are you?" Ginny asked. She was extremely sensitive to harassment from girls.

"Her name is Luna Lovegood! A first-year wizard at Radenclaw Academy. She's an excellent student and very beautiful."After saying this, Kerry turned her head towards Luna.

Luna didn't show any obvious reaction and shrugged her shoulders to show her approval. Kerry had taught them some time ago, so it wasn't strange for her to know her name.

After hearing this information, Ginny instantly showed some anger on her face:"I thought only those coquettish bitches in the senior grades would seduce Kerry, but I didn't expect someone in my grade would do this."

"Ginny!" Kerry quickly stopped her,"You shouldn't say that, Luna is a very good child!"

Luna didn't show any particular anger when she heard these words, she just turned her head solemnly to Ginny, and then said slowly:"But I clearly remember that Hermione is Kerry's girlfriend. Why are you in this position?"

The atmosphere was a little awkward at this moment, as if an invisible lightning appeared between the two of them.

After saying this, Ginny seemed to be angry and embarrassed. She said to Luna with her angry little face:"Of course I am not Kerry's girlfriend, but I am Hermione's friend. She is sick, of course I have to protect everything for her!"

Luna made a strange movement, shaking her head and tail like a fish. Kerry understood that he was satirizing Ginny, comparing Ginny to an eel. This is a term used to mock women in some places, and it is definitely not a good thing. This sentence means that women are too good at climbing into bed, just like a disgusting eel.

""Luna!" Kerry shouted,"You can't say that, Ginny is only 11 years old this year! You two can obviously be good friends, why do you do this?"

Although Kerry was a little angry, she was not surprised, because from the original book, it can be seen that Luna is a thorny person. She has unique ideas and independent actions. The thing she hates the most is to criticize it, but she is very open to people and things she likes.

In the movie version, Luna can be said to be the person who is most like a couple with the male protagonist Harry Potter. But in order to follow the original book, Harry still married Ginny Weasley. At the beginning of this semester, Kerry came up with this idea and wanted to tie Luna and Ginny together to become Hermione. 's little follower.

He felt that today was a suitable opportunity.

But you took action immediately when you thought of this, and grabbed the collars of the two people who were staring at each other and lifted them up.

From a distance, Kerry, who was 1.85 meters tall, looked like he was carrying two large thermoses. The two 11-year-old little girls were less than 1.5 meters tall and very thin, which formed a sharp contrast with the tall Kerry.

Kerry dragged the two people and pulled them to the school hospital as if he was carrying two chickens.

Hermione's parents were sorting Hermione's clothes. She was moved from the side against the wall to the bedside by the window.

【 What did you pull? Hermione's voice sounded in Kerry's mind.

【Can't you see clearly even though it's only five meters away from you?】Kerry asked in surprise

【I am in a spirit state now, and I am trapped in my body, how can I see clearly? It is as if I have severe myopia now. Hermione complained

【I'll find a way later!】

"Uncle Granger, Aunt Granger, did you have a good rest last night? Can I take you to visit the whole school today?" Kerry said to himself, not caring that he was holding two living people in his hands.

Ginny and Luna both tried to struggle away, but both failed.

"Of course, but I wonder if we should put these two young ladies down first?" Mrs. Granger answered.

Kerry threw the two people to the ground, and Luna even rolled on the ground, but Ginny stood up.

Then Granger used the Transfiguration Spell to turn a chair into a wheelchair and put Hermione on the wheelchair.

Kerry took Hermione's parents to visit the entire Hogwarts Castle. Ginny and Luna accompanied them on the side. Luna wanted to avoid it directly because she was not familiar with these people, but she was suppressed by Kerry's eyes.

Not long after, Luna also chatted happily with Mrs. Granger, and Dr. Granger and Kerry walked slowly behind. Ginny walked in front and introduced Mrs. Granger to the structure of the castle, as well as each part and the function of each part. Mrs. Granger pushed Hermione and listened to Ginny's explanation with interest.

When they came to an empty corridor, Dr. Granger said to Kerry:"You are very popular with women, right?"

Kerry explained:"Maybe a little, but it's nothing."

"Hermione is only 14 years old. I hope you don't hurt her. Do you understand me?"Dr. Granger's words at this time have a kind of begging taste.

"I certainly won't hurt Hermione, on the contrary I will protect her well!" Kerry explained:"Although many girls have written love letters to me, you know, love requires mutual attraction between both parties, at least a common language, and I have a high IQ, this alone can screen out 95% of the little witches in Hogwarts."

"The first two must be in the 5%."Dr. Granger looked at Kerry meaningfully.

Kerry shook his head and wanted to say something in rebuttal, but he didn't know where to start.

"Is your father good to your mother? I heard that your father's relatives gave birth to another little sister?"Dr. Granger saw that Kerry didn't want to answer, so he changed the subject.

"My parents have a good relationship and my sister is healthy!���I understand what Dr. Granger is worried about:"I know you are worried about me and Hermione, so why don't you let me use money as a guarantee, okay?"

"I'm not short of money." Dr. Granger shook his head.

"I know that the dental hospital you are currently in has not recruited new doctors for some time because it has reached a bottleneck period."Kerry said:"I want to buy this hospital, or simply build a new hospital for you and your wife! How about it?"

"I don't need it. I just hope that one day, my daughter won't leave here crying."Dr. Granger said

""That day will never come, I promise you!" Corey vowed.

Dr. Granger shook his head and did not comment.

That afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. Granger left Hogwarts before dark. Corey sent them to the carriage and they would take the train back to London.

After watching their carriage leave the school, Ginny and Luna glanced at each other and snorted at the same time.

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