Superman at Hogwarts - Chapter 142 [Depressed and Depressed]

After sending the Grangers away, Hermione was obviously very disappointed. She liked being with her parents.

Hermione talked to Kerry through telepathy until the middle of the night. In the second half of the night, Hermione seemed to be tired and fell asleep.

Kerry couldn't sleep in bed.

He was in a bad mood because he suddenly found that Ginny seemed to like him, and this tendency was so obvious that both the Grangers saw it.

However, they were elegant as adults and did not get angry with an 11-year-old girl.

Although Kerry had estimated his charm, he never thought it would happen so quickly...

Could it be that he was really so handsome? Thinking of this, Kerry narcissistically picked up the mirror and took a look.

The dormitory was dark, but this did not affect Superman's eyes.

He looked at his face and put it down helplessly.

The next day, the sun rose as usual.

Kerry opened the various gifts on his bedside... Yesterday, because of Hermione's parents, he did not have time to do these things.

To be honest, the Christmas gifts Kerry received were quite spectacular, occupying half of the space in such a large dormitory.

There were at least three or four hundred gifts, 99% of which came from girls. Only Harry and a few other boys gave Kerry Christmas gifts. As for the other boys, they wanted to skin Kerry alive. Who made him the mobile hormone of the entire Hogwarts?

Harry and Ron gave Kerry stationery, while Neville gave some seeds, all of which were medicinal seeds. It is worth mentioning that Cedric also gave a small gift, which was a mineral specimen from his hometown, a very beautiful kind of pyrite.

The process of opening gifts was full of excitement. For example, a Slytherin witch actually gave Kerry a pair of used underwear. Are Slytherin people so wild? Another witch gave a close-fitting stone toy... ahem... the shape of which was similar to the jade cucumber of Qianlong. Of course, there was also a note with a name on it along with the cucumber.

Kerry threw the embarrassing underwear and the embarrassing toy into the trash can and continued to open them. Many kinds of strange things appeared on the floor. There were also some other things like clothes. Although Kerry wanted to try them on, he didn't do it in the end and had to put them away for the time being. Kerry could only put small accessories and some table decorations together with the clothes for the time being.

In addition, there were some non-tangible gifts. For example, one gift actually contained a tape. It was a Muggle wizard from Ravenclaw who recorded it at home and sent it by owl!

Half an hour later, two gifts for Hermione and Ginny appeared among the pile of gifts.

This surprised Kerry, because Hermione had been with him all these days, and Kerry didn't know when the gifts were prepared.

When he opened the box, there was a text message:

【Dear Kerry, my beloved:

Merry Christmas!

I wanted to prepare the gift myself, but because of the curse of the basilisk, I could only entrust Ginny to prepare it for me.

This is a piece of jade from China in the East. You will definitely like it, right?

Love your little stone man, Hermione! 】

Inside the box is a peace locket, a real oriental gift. Because Kerry was a descendant of Yanhuang in his previous life, he has inadvertently shown his love and understanding of Chinese culture and things on various occasions in this life.

Hermione is a very careful person, and she noticed Kerry's love.

Kerry held the cool peace locket, and endless warmth arose in his heart.

Through telepathy, he said to Hermione: [Dear classmate Hermione, I received your Christmas gift!】

【Do you like it? Hermione responded

【Very very very very... like it! 】Kerry used more than 8 verys!

Hermione asked: [What about your gift? Where is it? 】

Kerry smiled in his heart and said: [I put my Christmas gift under your pillow, wait and see for yourself, Miss Stoneman! 】

Kerry personally hand-painted an oil painting as a Christmas gift. It was a portrait of an adult Hermione wearing a red cheongsam, but that cheongsam was actually closer to Xiuhe clothing, that is, a Chinese bridal dress.

Of course, Kerry had his own little thoughts... Hehe...

Adult Hermione wearing a red bridal cheongsam (AI drawing, the author has full copyright)

Kerry chatted while opening Ginny's gift - his eyes were stunned...

It was a collar pin, a very small golden rose, only as big as a shirt button. A collar pin is an ornament pinned on the collar of a shirt. It is relatively rare, and brooches are usually more common. In English culture, when a person gives you a brooch, it means that her heart belongs to you. A collar pin is similar to a brooch, which means that her breath belongs to you, which is also a way to express love.

Kerry was immediately depressed. Ginny's behavior made Kerry feel nervous - because Ginny was so beautiful, and men were easily lost in beautiful faces.

The gifts that followed were mediocre. Unexpectedly, Snape also sent a small bottle of potion to Kerry as a Christmas gift, but the bottle had no label. Kerry did not open it, and would take a look at it when he had time.

Normally, he should be very excited after opening the Christmas gifts, but Kerry was extremely depressed. How to say it, it's like you want to pick a peach from the tree, but you pull it lightly and a bunch of ripe and juicy peaches fall to the ground. You already have a juicy big white peach in your hand, but do you pick up the peach or not?

Pick it up - then you are a beast!

Don't pick it up - then you are worse than a beast!

Shakespeare said, to be a beast or to be worse than a beast, this is the question!


In addition to Kerry, another person was also depressed, and that was Goyle.

On the day of the Christmas Eve dinner, Goyle was the first to enter the Slytherin virtual world, and received Slytherin's training, living in the virtual world for four years. To be honest, this result is a very good result.

""Stupid idiot pig!" Voldemort cursed in the diary:"It's ok that you didn't notice Harry, but you didn't even meet the three most basic requirements! In four years, a pig can graduate from Hogwarts! And you died!" Goyle was in prison at the beginning, and all the equipment was stolen - Goyle was able to survive this kind of life for four years, which means that Goyle is not as stupid as he appears.

Goyle was very depressed. To be honest, he felt that he did a great job in the virtual world. At least he found a wizard and learned magic for four years. These four years of training made his magic level rise sharply. It can be said that Goyle felt that he could now compare with the older children in the fifth and sixth grades.

But all this was far from Tom Riddle's requirements! In Voldemort's mouth, he became a complete waste. Goyle's depression was like the water in the Black Lake, splashing...

Depression is different from depression, but surprisingly consistent...

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