Hogwarts' Little Superman - Chapter 143 [Spider]

Kerry had a terrible Christmas holiday. Ginny came to Kerry every day, saying that they were going to study together, but who knew what Ginny was thinking?

Ginny was also an extremely smart woman. She never mentioned the Christmas gifts she gave, nor the gifts she prepared for Hermione - as if this matter had never happened.

Kerry was depressed for two days, and temporarily let it go. Anyway, it was still early. Ginny was only eleven years old. What did a girl of this age know?

Sometimes a little girl made a vow, but after ten years, she couldn't even remember the name of the person - of course, this was also true for little boys. Ten years was enough to change a person into another person!

Just like that, 1993 arrived!

The whole Hogwarts was full of joy again. People gathered next to the Black Lake for an open-air bonfire party. Some students even skated on the frozen surface of the Black Lake and set off fireworks.

In the past few days, many little wizards lined up to beg Kerry to make dumplings again. Kerry thought about it and decided to give his classmates a surprise.

Hermione was pulled out of the hospital wing by Kerry, of course, in the image of a stone man sitting in a wheelchair.

Ginny, Harry, and Ron were all pulled in to help.

What happened that night was called"Hogwarts Kitchen Miracle Night!"

Because Kerry suddenly had an idea and decided to make a magical dumpling for the students - Rising Dragon Dumplings!

This name sounds a bit familiar and second-year - yes, it's the stuff in the famous Japanese manga"Cooking Master Ichiban"!

Rising Dragon Dumplings can raise their heads and blow out hot air. In the last world, no matter how you do it, this cannot be reproduced, otherwise Newton's coffin lid will not be able to hold it down...

But in this world!!! Newton! What! Is that?!

Fly! Rising Dragon Dumplings!

Kerry made a full 2,000 Rising Dragon Dumplings, reproducing the great feat of the Chinese Little Master Chef in the Dumpling Competition.

Each little wizard was given at least eight Rising Dragon Dumplings. The five-clawed golden dragon dumplings of China were suspended in the auditorium, not only looking good, but also more delicious! After all, they were dumplings stuffed with seafood…

From that day on, in addition to his previous nicknames, Kerry had one more:"God of Chefs"!

That night, the little wizards lifted Kerry up high again, and everyone shouted together:"Feynman is our king!"


When the school was about to start, Kerry called Luna to the corridor on the eighth floor.

Luna seemed a little nervous - a super handsome guy who was 1.85 meters tall asked her to meet him in an empty corridor in the middle of the night - it was not right!

Although she was a little nervous, Luna did not think that Kerry would murder her. After all,���So handsome, and the dumplings are delicious...

When Luna saw Kerry and Ginny, her long-lasting nervousness suddenly turned into disappointment - Ginny was there, it seemed that there must be something serious going on. But it was only a moment of disappointment, after all, Luna was such a carefree female warrior.

""Hello! Luna!" Kerry greeted softly, and Ginny nodded at the side.

"Why did you call me out in the middle of the night? It's almost curfew time now." Luna asked

"This is not the place to talk, please follow me first!" Kerry pulled open the tapestry on the eighth floor, and the Room of Requirement appeared behind the door.

""Please come in!" Kerry invited.

Luna did not hesitate, she walked in directly, feeling a little strange:"Where is this? Is there such a big house in this corridor?"

In front of Luna was the 9527 training room. She could not help but be shocked by the magnificent house. The space here was so large that it exceeded the floor area of Hogwarts.

"Welcome to join us!" Kerry invited.

Then Kerry told Luna some common sense and some things about the Krypton organization, and warmly invited Luna to join the Krypton organization.

Kerry spoke quickly, but it took nearly twenty minutes for Luna to understand the organization - although there are only four people in the organization now, Kerry, Hermione, Ginny, and Luna.

Of course, if you have to count, the centaurs can also be counted as"people", which means more than a hundred people.

"【Krypton】?"As Luna repeated the word, she looked at the huge bookshelves and professional training grounds around her, and was suddenly shocked.

Before long, during the questioning and answering between Luna and Kerry, Ginny decisively decided to become a Kryptonian.】

"Welcome aboard!" Kerry shook hands with Luna.

Luna also walked around happily. Although Ginny had some opinions about Luna, she also gave face and stood up to shake hands with Luna.

After Ginny and Luna visited the 9527 training ground, Luna said:"I kind of understand why you like Kerry so much!"

Ginny was very surprised by this sentence. She didn't understand and asked in a daze:"What did you say?" It seemed as if she had heard it wrong.

"Nothing!"Luna thought to herself that to have such a place in Hogwarts, Kerry must have a big secret. It seems that he is not only good at studying and handsome, but also has something deeper. She also instantly understood why Ginny took the initiative to approach Kerry after he already had a girlfriend.

"Sooner or later you'll give it away for free!" Luna whispered, but Ginny didn't really hear it.

From that night on, the regulars at the 9527 training ground became four people, Kerry, Hermione, Ginny and Luna.

A few days passed like this, and on the night before school started, Kerry and the other two returned to the dormitory from the Room of Requirement as usual.

The three of them were walking and chatting, and when they passed a window, Kerry suddenly stopped.

"What is this?"Kerry said to himself.

In the corner of the window, in a small broken hole, there was a line of small���The spiders lined up in a neat team and walked out. After careful observation, Kerry determined that this was the spider monster in the original book, the offspring of Aragog - the eight-eyed giant spider!

The name Aragog comes from the name of a brocade girl in Greek mythology, Arache. She was jealous of Athena because of her skill in brocade weaving and was turned into a spider by Athena.

This kind of spider looks similar to ordinary spiders when it is young, but they have eight white eyes - but these eyes are blind.

Kerry was puzzled. It stands to reason that the basilisk has been killed, so Aragog should take good care of his descendants. In the original book, he excluded his descendants from staying in the castle in order to find the"real murderer" who murdered the students.

After all, the basilisk hurt him enough back then, and he was almost"dealt with" by the Ministry of Magic, but now the basilisk has been killed by Kerry. Why did these spiders leave the Forbidden Forest and come here? You know, once these spiders are discovered by the professors, Aragog's family may be waiting for a catastrophe.

Kerry thought, and he looked towards the Forbidden Forest.

Watching the spider go away, Kerry made a sharp judgment - something must have happened!

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